How can we help Bangladesh?

How can we help Bangladesh?

We don't.

Pay debnt.

Hi, european Bangladesh

we will help you as well

Aren't we?

You never help, you are of traitor and jew.

>came here to shitpost
>fellow subhuman cuntreemen ruined it already

And it wasn't even hard. They shot themselves on the foot whithout me even lifting a finger. The true Greek way.

>belgian fag is so buthurt that will never reply and probably will delete his thread like a baby

What happened to them this time?

let them immigrate to Belgium

send in the pakistani army.
Bangla genocide 2.0 when?

who cares

well, I just watched documentary about that cunt

they are poor and desperetaly need our help

If we help Greece, why not to help Bangladesh?

I want to cum on that face so much

Stop post ugly Katya

India will probably kick your ass again and take Kashmir.

They only had the balls to do that because our ''''''Most allied ally'''''' pussies out while the USSR stood firm with them.

Pretty sure that shithole is beyond help.

How can i fuck something like that?

You need to gib them 500 k green cards

It would help

We must secure the existence of Bangladesh people and a future for Bangladesh children

the correct adjective is Bangladeshi.

No it's Bengali


My roommate is a dumb af bengali girl and I have never met anyone as cheap with money. She steals my nickels and pennies when I leave change around the living room.

Also she's like the 1% of bengali people considering she's getting a masters degree in the US