
cob edition


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cobs are subhumans

need to watch all of season 6 of GOT before 2am

smells here 2bh

that's a bap

>tfw no communist mong gf to call me disgusting

>3 news

I did it a few weeks ago

look at me, planning ahead and all

its bun hun

my bank is trying to push the gay agenda................

she's right

>4 new freds
Summer brit is back!

just dabbed beyween typing each word of this post lads

rosy > aisha > sara > whoever those nu-commie slags are

>working more than 40 hours a week and be content with it
are yonks crazy


cant make my post

I've been larping as a tall guy for years. I'm actually 5'9




watched it about a month ago but need to watch it again

Suburbs really aren't that bad. Big cheap houses in nice quiet neighborhoods with pools and lakes and stuff. Nothing wrong with them really, just a little boring.

weekends should be 3 days 2bh. reckon we'd be more efficient due to increased wellbeing.

don't know why the dad doesn't just take a hammer to his kneecaps tbf

what happens if you turn on all the taps in your house



Italy confirmed for manlets

whatever happened to louis?


never watching this again

felixx :£


a hardworking qt gf who no family? where do i sign up?


oh my days bruv dot has ended him
man got gassed after P dropped a couple dubs and thought it was over but dot just showed man the levels


>6% interest on student loans

he made a documentary about scientology recently

>tfw too intelligent

the best goys


people I hope get heemed this season:
That is all

nothing wrong with being smart with your finances but it's pathetic to spend years, if not your whole life, living a mundane life of endless work with no enjoyment and recreation or hobbies to pursue

>Dot Rotten

good name

*screenshots own reply and shares it so people think I'm clever*


Umm but Farage loves Corbyn sweetie x


>born too late to enjoy a healthy economy and solid pension upon retirement
>born too early to enjoy the fruits of automation and post-scarcity
>born just in time to for brexit, job prospects being ravaged by automation and falling purchasing power



baffles me how you can be such a cuckold
where are these from? what is the 53 percent?

tired of being alone

this is the pinnacle of wit

Would love a deaf and blind girl to unintentionally unleash a heavy burp at my face

wish everyone was normal and just got on with life instead of complaining about race and gender and other dogshit 24/7

only if you agree to live off lentils and beans and also allow her to unleash her repressed desires from her submissive powerbitch lifestyle by putting her high heel into your urethra and stepping onto your bollocks


why are yanks almost always like this? so overbearing

must ask No 10 if Theresa May classifies Dr Who as a girl's job or a boy's job

Except obody complains about race. They're not allowed to.

think you'll find that's a bun

the northern skyline

There's a guy living opposite who constantly phlegms and coughs as loud as possible, perhaps on a balcony

I can't pinpoint it. No idea what it is. Got told its a south asian thing to gather all your shit and cough it out somewhere loudly

how did the dutch get so tall given they were once the shortest

I work hard, I pay my taxes
my father was an alcoholic

why Jodie Whittaker isn't driving a train

>bbc desperately trying to make out that dr who is some high-brow high-quality drama

When will these cunts finally be denied their guaranteed income revenue?


glass rectangles

love the bbc

so glad my city doesn't allow skyscrapers

Sexual selection, and no I'm not kidding.

ah yes a fucking ps4

ah yes scroll has broken again
thanks lenovo chinese trash

this is gold, literally can not stop laughing


manchester is my town - it is my city

someone in my appartment building is blasting the instrumental to Runnin by Pharcyde and suddenly I feel in a better mood

dunno my parents are shortarses

but that quickly? the rise in just over 100 years is crazy
why didn't other nationalities do it?

Just took a motorbike course with a white englishman from London and an Irishman from Dublin.

where are they doing this

don't care if it makes me a reverse sjw, indians and pakistanis do not belong in this town
stick out like a sore thumb

Just been on the news.

>men are disgusting
umm no
women are disgusting
periods are proper rank


based alt-right

That I'm not sure, I just remember having the same question and reading about it somewhere.

>i'm an indentured slave to the bank and i LIKE IT

nothing wrong with this

I work 20 hours per week
have my student loans but I'll never have to pay them off since I don't earn over 21000

the comfy life

I want to fuck that bender

Watching road rage videos for kicks

crazy people out there

good lad

beautiful vagina > beautiful penis > average vagina = average penis >>> ugly penis >>> ugly vagina

doing a poo

like an actual smelly bulbous blood-splattered horde of mutated logs that almost appear ready to form their own SS unit

yanks are honestly pathetic little subservient worms, no wonder they actively fight for making their lives as difficult as possible

>dad is yank
>is exactly like those sign-holding yanks
>will continue to live a mediocre existence as a desk jockey
can't go down that path

Developed a rock paper scissors game in Javascript this past hour lads

I have that specific glass

Why do women pretend to enjoy nerd stuff but want nothing to do with actual nerds?

what about a feminine penis?