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and were live

this guy makes bangers

based black producer


I want to make eye-contact with Luda ~

kpopping myself

why are his hands like that

Post more Irene, please.


is that drake?




what did sana mean by this?

kys fucking retard

What did he mean by this?

I want to protect luda.

is there a hd rip yet


that was uncalled for

Irene's beauty is mesmerizing

ask the people who wrote the script

we need OT8 twice ASAP

she wanted to take dubu home to play


how is dubu so freaking cute

dubu is so corny

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.


my waifu would not let a gaypop cum in her


yeah why do you think the war and rookie was so good

Dubu is as funny as Kyla is skinny.

yeo is the patrician choice

OP, why do you have a picture of Stormzy?


kick Dahyun

Welcome back MRJ



I like stupid weebs too.


excellent, we have an accord.


Jisook isn't stupid

>be a good girl sweetie

lowkey omo af

She's so beautiful.

She should start streaming



My heart

how many of those did tommy buy for her?


Sulli >> Yves >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nayeon

For me, it't the gorgeous gunpla goddess.

>mini 4wd track in her room

That's pretty based.

stupid sexy grandma voice

how is that cringe?

>her room
looks more like a storage closet to me

who's tommy?

t. newfag

nice uggo list

w o w


>Supermoon 2018: Did NASA lie? Shock claim moon is FLAT

>hyunjin's punching bag
I don't think so

Thanks, it's in order of least uggo to most uggo of the 3 uggos.

this but the other way around

Giving Luda a good slap


>moon is FLAT
fake news

everybody here knows yves = rich man's sulli

On the wrist for being too thin.

i cant help but notice that you keep posting webms where you cant make out her face

every twice post triggers him best to just ignore

Sana just dominates the fuck outta Dubu

I wonder why...


>answer your question
>proceed to samefag anyway

wasn't it serri who bought a piece of the moon a couple years ago?

she's a sweet moo moo moo

>webm related
>builds gunpla
>doraemon impression
>cute as fuck

I think I love Jinsoul now you guys. And not the meme kind of love.


maybe it's about the dark side of moon

a white guy who is all the way obsessed with jisook. we, the kpgees, used to mock him even though we're kind of like a milder version of him

you say this about a new girl every day

can you seriously fuck off already or at least lurk for a few months before posting again

did he post here?

moon will be pregnant soon

it's actually dayoung

I know you all phonepost here while using reddit and discord

o b s e s s e d

thanks for proving my point triggeredbro

she just doesn't know how to defend herself

you mean her butthole?

that wasn't samefagging though

not me

are you gonna do something about it

At least be loyal to her for a week before saying you love her

word except resetera and kik

kek I remember when he sent some japanese dude to say like Tommy loves you or something and the Jisook was like ok.

when do the yuros go to sleep