What are drug cartels up to these days?

What are drug cartels up to these days?

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selling drugs

Cartel stuff

Mostly running Latin America

Drugs trafficking and selling mostly

Getting kill by themselves
Getting kill by the army
Sneaking around
Buying off police officers and border patrol agents

Americans subhumans giving them guns

xDDD the drug cartels are the good guys

It's the Mexican army/police that are the true terrorists

Preparing to run for the next presidential election. Having their subordinates get rid of their political competitors

It's a bit more complicated than that
You watch to many narco series

I dont care but take your garbage thread to this trashcan

Should take your garbage country to the dump tbph

You first leaf subhuman

Drug cartels don't influence presidential elections?

Relax Ahmed

Drug cartels don't have any power. Except the power to corrupt police and kill people. They're not a country. The only reason they're not completely gone is the same reason Jihadists still exist. It's hard to quell a insurgency, even if the U.S. offered full support of military it wouldn't be fixed.

Oh that is something way bigger, they may influence local elections at municipality levels, but mostly they don't care, they approach the elected official and threat them afterwards to earn favors
Also even if a mayor is honest, most likeley he will find out that his police force is all bought
So he can, get in line and turn a blind eye, get in the game, die, or go for it try to look for help form the army or federal police and then get most likely die
Its hard for those municipales in the middle of nowhere

Why doesn't your federal government just remove those positions from the system, temporarily? If a lot of them were corrupt wouldn't it just make more sense to give those powers to the president/your congress?

>live in Atlantic Canada
>don't have to worry about Ahmed or Paco cutting my head off

Rioting in jail and executing entire families, stealing vehicles at an alarming rate.

Based Atlantic Canada

Congress is equally useless, because they are usually natives from the place they are representing
Also, a shit ton of human rights groups are already tearing themselves up when ever our military gets a kill or a capture, now suspend our system of government for what essentially would be an absolute dictatorship will be imposible, it would get no support at all
But yeah, those little positions are the problem
When federal forces arrive to a place they are by protocol under control of the local government, that is retarded
The night the 43 students were kidnapped the mayor of that town purposely ordered the garrisoned troops to got and patrol where he knew they were see or hear nothing
And to those who suspected he ordered them to stand down an "let the police deal with them"

You are still a leaf subhuman

Feels good man

Yeah but at least I'm not brown :^)

t. chang.

Pumping the midwest full of meth.

Indeed, I did. Narcos was the best one tho

Had the best production values

nobody cares who they are until they start chopping heads.

Treasure trove of information, thanks anons.

I doubt that they only have influence in small towns.
