How do we kill white "people"?

how do we kill white "people"?

Just let bem be themselves.

interracial breeding grounds situated in the demilitarised zone of Korea, thereby creating a permenant race of hapas

You can't. Whites will always rein supreme.

because ideology in white nations is under the assumption of freedoms, not a totalitarian imposition of diversity

in other words the idea is to "choose" diversity rather than let it be forced upon due to things, since it'll happen regardless

suppose the whitey countries did not have democracy, then they will have to accept diversity as a matter of fact rather than some effect of policy, such as russia for example (not many totalitarian diverse white countries to speak of)

in other words diversity is not a policy choice as the idiotic alt right likes to think

You can stop LARPing Ivan.


You import people with shit educations to take the shit jobs, natives have no choice but to upskill and move up the ladder
Reduces cost of low and mid skill labour, which is obviously good for the economy
Ethnic/religious/cultural conflict distracts from class confict also so we can work harder, get less and bitching isn't allowed because racism

not wrong
"natives" never had a choice because it is always about economy

we invaded almost all other nations in the world
time for our comeuppance desu

what is this joke? in all the 'diversity' countries it's white people who control the political system. it wasn't imposed you dumbshits, you literally did it to yourself.

As long as you bring the white women, I'm happy :)

There is no such thing as a white nation you fucking inbred racist.

Um no sweetie.
The west should be white only.

Good thing Russians are doing a solid job killing themselves first

We have 6 litres already. It's outdated.

I'm not white so I contribute indirectly

thank God we thought we're slowly entering the pussybitch zone

Diversity is a liberal fantasy. It generally leads to conflict between groups. rapid diversification of a largely ethnically united country/culture is dangerous. Europe is finding that out for themselves.

diversity is imposed on white nations because colored folk are the white man's burden

Get the gun

>diversity is imposed on white nations
The entire history of Latin America is at odds with that statement.

