Is his career over?

Is his career over?

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without a doubt

he's not a careerist


>Because that's how he gets his rocks off and he's orange
Really nigga?

Eminem was never good.

nope. He still has an incredibly large following.
>Eminem was never good.

This sucks. Fuck off reddit. Eminem is terrible you pleb newfag

i could literally write shitty lyrics just like eminem but i would have to put effort into writing something so badly

>fantastic four
>rocks off. orange. thing reference cleverly implemented to be a cheesy line for full effect

it was funny

Holy shit that's clever as hell. I never noticed that.

"he's only fantastic for seeing by people by their exterior traits and alleged discriminating against them based on their skin color

That's how he gets his sexual pleasure

By the way his skin color is orange which is funny to me."

>nope. He still has an incredibly large following.

Yea, Indians and Pakis probably

this is supposed to be evidence that he was good once?

No but Drumpf's is

sitting andy destroyed his career

his production has always been so trash

Worse, he's become an over-the-hill irrelevant rapper. Seems to happen to rappers more than any other musicians.

you can tell your career is over when you need to use your music as your political agenda (both left and right wing)

All hail new Eminem

He should go the Jay-Z and Dre route and invest money in new artits/companies to stay rich


its been over

It ended in 2010

Will this guy follow suit?

Yes. His aging fanbase is even more irrelevant than he is.

I'm going to listen to his records just to piss him off.

>Green Day
His career is already over


t. mentally handicapped

If Al Gore had won the election back then, Green Day wouldn't have been able to cash in on all that George Bush II era angst and make a bunch of shitty politically tinged albums for the "I'm-twelve-and-this-is-deep" crowd. He should be glad for another Republican president in his lifetime because it gives his entitled multi-millionaire ass another chance to get press by running his stupid mouth. He needs to overdose already, Green Day hasn't been good in over 20 years

it's a play on words/reference to the Thing from the fantastic four
>fantastic for/ fucking rocks/ orange

As a communist I'm loving every second of the trump administration. He did more to discredit US and Israeli hegemony and make North Korea respectable again than any other US president, all this while doing fuck all and not starting any new war contrary to obama.

Green Day is already kill, friend. Their last album failed to eclipse even a million sales. The band has become a joke because of how bad their music and image has become. No one wants to listen to the generic pseudo-political pop-punk (fake punk) cringefest that Green Day embodies.

Personally I love 90's Green Day and I think American Idiot is a masterpiece--it's easily on my personal list of top ten albums. But that was their last good album. It's all been down hill since then. It's become about the money and fame to them, and there's clearly no passion or authenticity in their music anymore. I think the worst thing about their image that makes it so people will laugh at you if you even say you just like their old music (happened to a friend, not me I-I swear ;_;) is the fact that they're middle-aged men pretending to be teenagers. And that's who they're trying to pander to: Dumb emo kids. Which is why they suck now. Maybe if they grew the hell up then they could write actual music again. It wouldn't be the same, but that's okay. At least it wouldn't be the copy-pasted drivel that their last album was. There's a reason why a band that is a household name had an album that did so poorly, relative to how well it should have done given how well they are known. I mean fuck, Dookie sold like 20 million? And American Idiot like 10 million? I don't even think they have had a studio album that sold that poorly since they became popular.

>"Don't listen to my fucking records."
kek, still going to bud. Make America Great Again!

>Make America Great Again
More like make Israel great again

Should have died from an OD a long time ago. He's reached the relevancy threshold.

I'd argue that American Idiot wasn't that political. The song "American Idiot" and that one part of Holiday was, but I think most of it was just telling a story based on Billy Joe's childhood.

But yeah he's a fag now.

Pretty much this. As someone who deeply despise the US imperialistic tendencies, I am really enjoying watching the orange turd destroy their reputation and influence in the world. He's achieving in less than a year what the USSR couldn't do in almost five decades.

I'd say not for now

Maybe for Sup Forums and for his old fanbase

But the thing that keeps him from sinking even more is that there's still a good number of autistic fans that will support him no matter how shit his music turns + the whole 'le drump is hitler meme' gives him the support of all the cucks of the media

Billie Joe is so deep and insightful