/balk/ - BalcCcan Thread


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smrt za grci

second for jewish supremacy


Message to our hellenic brothers


tatar spy fuck off from Macedonia

Is this 2pac's legacy?



Effendi would go on a hiphop rant if he still posted

>Grci su opasni potsecaju me na turce

What did he mean by this?

I've tried to persuade him to return but he won't :/

i wish i had a slutty nerdy gf who fucks niggers


He swings by the discord from time to time

what an ugly fucking nigger


ask xpozed for tips

This is how we must have felt, facing the muslimic armies of Serbia, Turkey and Greece during BW2


Stop posting with our flag cuck subhuman

>be Losegaria
>blame everyone else

nothing wrong with cuckoldry


thank you shqip you are my greatest ally

hey she doesn't HAVE to fuck niggers, i just want her to be a trashy slut when it comes to sex

a qt in the streets, a sloot in the sheets

brb goin to skopia

what are you a qt slutty gril? if so you're welcome bb

>be Bulgaria
>face all of your neighbors allied with the Turks to steal trying to enslave our brothers in Macedonia
>kill off twice as much as they us
>lose the war due to backstabbing
Somehow I am not supposed to be proud of honorable Bulgarien men standing up against evil

Kidding I want niggers to fuck my gf too

>allied with the Turks
>our brothers in Macedonia
>kill off twice as much as they us
>lose the war due to backstabbing

Literally everything is true, I assume you can read so you might want to check it yourself

I can read
and everyone says that

There's never been a formal alliance with Turkey

Macedonians are Macedonian ( :^) )

All of your offensives were failures and you got fucked to death when you were on the defensive

No instance of backstabbing whatsoever

Stop it with the damage control and accept historical facts

meanwhile en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman–Bulgarian_alliance

>never been a formal alliance
Who cares, you and the Turks invaded us to steal clay simultaneously, alone nobody could have pulled it off, they knew, it doesnt matter if documents have been signed or not.

Romanians backstabbed us, this is why we lost the war in the first place because we had no armies north as all were fighting the muslimic coalition of Turkey, Greece and Serbia.

I feel so superior to other Europeans when I read their generals

They all talk about game of thrones or some other numale shit while our general is always about genocides and drug traffiking

>alone nobody could have pulled it off
hahahaha lmao you had no troops on the Turkish border, the fighting was exclusively Bulgarian-Greek and Bulgarian-Serbian that YOU started
>Romanians backstabbed us
For them to backstab you they needed to be your friends
Even then, you were losing the war and we were a long distance inside Bulgaria by the time they joined
>were fighting the muslimic coalition of Turkey, Greece and Serbia
You can't have coalitions without documents :^)
Also you weren't fighting Turkey


AYO BIG!!!!!!!!


>Enters thread
Snifff sniiiiif
>Slavic odors forces itself trough my ski mask
Zotin jem what the hell is this

>zerg meemees

>without documents
Apparently the documents of Macedonia belonging to Bulgaria, signed by the Serbs you later on supported, didnt matter much to you, so for unethic nations not keeping agreement there was no sense for you signing an alliance document with the Turks anyhow. It was all done in mutual understanding. Because of Greece, hundreds of thousands of orthodox christians have been forced to convert in the Turkish occupied regions.

>YOU started
If we make a bank robbery and agree on 50/50 but I keep 80% afterwards, will you try to get whats been agreed upfront?

"STOP right there! Which one of you is Albanian?"

>be Bulgaria
>backstab all of your neighbors
>have twice as much casualties than everyone else
>lose the war


Bulgarians BW2

Turks, Serbs & Greece BW2youtube.com/watch?v=Ulg1ahV552g

>have twice as much casualties than everyone else

>meanwhile irl Bulgaria had less casualties than the rest of the balkans combined

>I ignore historical facts because I am ashamed to have fought next to turks
Greece everyone

>Apparently the documents of Macedonia belonging to Bulgaria, signed by the Serbs you later on supported, didnt matter much to you
You mean the agreement you agreed to and later went against? :^)

>When Bulgarian delegates in London bluntly warned the Serbs that they must not expect Bulgarian support on their Adriatic claims, the Serbs angrily replied that that was a clear withdrawal from the prewar agreement of mutual understanding according to the Kriva Palanka-Adriatic line of expansion, but the Bulgarians insisted that in their view, the Vardar Macedonian part of the agreement remained active and the Serbs were still obliged to surrender the area as agreed. The Serbs answered by accusing the Bulgarians of maximalism, pointing out that if they lost both northern Albania and Vardar Macedonia, their participation in the common war would have been virtually for nothing.

Apparently the documents of the Adriatic belonging to Serbia, signed by yourselves, didn't matter much to you, so for unethical reasons not keeping the agreement there was no sense for you to sign an alliance document with the Turks anyhow. It was all done in mutual understanding.
Because of Bulgaria, hundreds of Orthodox Christians died and were forced to convert in the Turkish occupied regions



Notorious Mpi Ai Tzi

Mpigki smolz

Nice autistic drawings man, but what matters is Yannis was next to Hasan killing Bulgarian Orthodox Civilians, whilst Ivan never fought next to Hasan.

>When Bulgarian delegates in London bluntly warned the Serbs that they must not expect Bulgarian support on their Adriatic claims, the Serbs angrily replied that that was a clear withdrawal from the prewar agreement of mutual understanding according to the Kriva Palanka-Adriatic line of expansion
Yes, after they didnt keep their part.


Hundreds of thousands of Orthodox lives were sold out by the Greeks to Turks just to get some clay themselves. Divine punishment is in progress since 7 years now.

>after they didnt keep their part
>Bulgarian reading comprehension
This was actually before the borders were decided autismo
>Nice autistic drawings man
Isn't denial sweet :^)

>but what matters is Yannis was next to Hasan killing Bulgarian Orthodox Civilians, whilst Ivan never fought next to Hasan
*but what matters is that Boril was next to Mehmet killing Serbian Orthodox civilians whilst Stavros never fought next to Mehmet

Hundreds of thousands of Orthodox lives were sold out by the Bulgars to Turks just to get some clay themselves. Divine punishment is in progress since 71 years now.

What do you seek enemy, Death?

Its funny cause im right whilst you are just repeating me and exchanging words. Kinda childish but whatever, have it your way.

I'm correcting you, friend :^)

What happens in this region, senpaitachi?

poverty and shit

>manufacture economical crisis
>no walfare for anyone
>60% unemployment
>mudshits that arrive here don't want to stay, we sent back a few and flood germany with the rest
>germany will be nonwhite in one generation
>(((divine punishment)))


>mudshits that arrive here don't want to stay, we sent back a few and flood germany with the rest
>germany will be nonwhite in one generation

>implying those two are somehow bad

this region is the worst in europe

bulgarian clay in every direction

tatar spy when are you going back to Burgas?

i am too white for Burgas

then you're not Balkan

I agree fellow nonbalkan

>romanian delusions

Did the typing stick malfunction there shipo?

fuck off ikibey

You seem to have mistaken me for someone else
I am, in fact, Transylvanian and therefore not Balkan

being a balkanshit is a mental illness
and i am serious
you are literally human trash

slavshit subhuman

My veins seethe with pure Germanic blood

wh*te subhuman

>He put us in the same map as turkey

>Turkshit delusions

Is your city a cathedrallet compared to the Big Burgas Cathedral?


Wew goyes

are you the russian from Transnistria?


Why do Greeks claim Turkish yoghurt, baklava, imam bayıldı etc?

Why do Turks claim Islam?

Why does Islam claim it knows anything about the world and isnt just a fairy tale like all other religion

you are inferior to turks
its a fact

Why do Bulgarians claim Turkish raki?

albanian subhuman with inferiority complex
he is jealous of Greeks

Because it's written in the quran

..which is also a lie?!

>albanian education

>greek IQ
prove me that god exists
and no I dont have to disapprove that he doesn't
you're the one making the claim you prove it

Cooking time

If Serbs would be smart theyd hire some criminal assasins. First to commit some massacre on kids on Tosk Albanians by a new terrorist group which should be labeled as Gheg extremists. Then doing the opposite with some Tosk defense army commiting genocide on Ghegs. And there you go, divide and the end of Albania within a few years. But Serbs dont have brains.

>EUshill iq

You are afraid because it would work. Your country is fragile and you know it.

How would that work. There is no hate between Tosks and ghegh irl. There is

There is some kind of divide and it could be escalated easily by applying above mentioned tactics.


The thing is it has happened before. Seeing how socialists are in power, your plan would fail, just like it happened before


who cares
im not one of them

Hmmmm byzantine soldier soup, NicCce

but you live in a shithole full of them

96 with all dem turks and gypos is pretty solid tbphwym

Ewww you're gonna eat that,XpoZed?

Local Durks are not supposed to be retarded or under-educated.