This guy attaches itself to your nuclear submarine

This guy attaches itself to your nuclear submarine.

What do?


nothing, theyre harmless


what is that? does it curl up into a ball like pic related?

A British person? I don't know for starters I'd tell them I'm not ferrying him to Valencia

Yes, it is its giant cousin

most insects are peaceful and harmless
humans have a paranoid psychopathic relationship with them

Those are pretty much the most reviled bugs here. Pissebedden.

Promptly install Gentoo onto the submarine nuclear systems

why? they are cute!

why are you such pussies?

Not exactly cute. see pic related
That's no insect. Closer to shrimp than say roach

>h-hazukashiiii, onii-chan!

qt shrimpo

What if i kick it? Will it be sad?

it will rip your foot off

That doesnt look very threatening.

it would be extremely sad

until it rips your foot off

for you

Then i dont want to kick it.