Help me stop being a pleb

help me stop being a pleb

Other urls found in this thread:

stop listening to Frank Ocean

still a pleb

now stop listening to radio head


listen to three new albums a week

youre never going to make it

Stop frog-posting, imbecile.

And listen to these.

here. listen to this

you mean a day

desu I can only manage about 1 a week

dirty pagan music

You're the real pleb here


i will never stop listening to talking heads

stop skipping albums with poor RYM scores

listen to them damn it

Listen to The Ape of Naples by Coil

this. RYM can have really shit taste sometimes.

Can you give some examples of where it had shit taste? I am intrigued.

listen to a lot of music

that pic is bullshit. THIS is tier 1 Sup Forumscore. everything else is down the pyramid. did you make that shit yourself ? if you have to ask why my pic is official you're a newfag

Only listen to classical, thank me later.

i just use it because it's easier to navigate than discogs

how does someone even into classical?


Honestly I find RYM's ratings to be totally correct most of the time. Like, when you go to the artist page, and highest rated album is usually the best album, and downward and etc. I find them to be spot on usually. It's such a large sample size of people that the truth comes out.

But you're right in that they can be wrong sometimes. Some scores are boosted for fashion reasons, some scores are tanked for fashion reasons. Some albums they just never give a shot. TLDR: Yes, listen to them all, but RYM is a great resource. But of course listen with your ears

Vivaldi Four Seasons, like everyone else.

it's Coil entry level you pleb

Do you mean it should be lower than that?


OP needs to start somewhere

>no spiderland
>no swans
>no glow pt 2
>TWO radioheads
Lordy lord

this does nothing bc yer forcing it and it only makes it worse, hence why more than half this board is full of this shit. simply wait until you're a grown person, and by then you'll realize how much time you wasted here and you'll fully hate yourself and never get a date and shitpost and grimespost

Linkin Park was never as bad as most people thought they were; it was a wrong-time scenario in which they had to come when Nu Metal was beginning to become hated. And plus, Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns are much better (though Hybrid Theory and Meteora are great albums too).

>>no spiderland
>no swans
>no glow pt 2
all sub Sup Forumscore
if you don't know why Radiohead gets 2 slots you're new. no, I dont agree with it. but I didn't come up with it. But Sup Forumscore is sacred and must be protected. newfags can't just come in and edit the chart in paint willy nilly. Sup Forumscore means something. if you weren't here all those years ago you just don't understand why it's THOSE albums, and that's fine it's not your fault

"is this guy autistic" you must be thinking, and maybe I am. but it is a necessary autism. Sup Forums culture must be protected. Maybe one day a record will blow up here like the others did, and then it will be added. but not before

I've never seen somebody be so autistic and so self aware at the same time

So explain to me, then. If you're an oldfag, then what made those albums so special in the first place? Who designed Sup Forumscore with those specific albums in mind? Why were those albums considered Sup Forumscore and why can't we elect newer, more critically acclaimed albums onto it? When did you first come to this board?

I would have to do a very long post which I would have to do if you have been here as long as me. those albums are there because they dominated the board when it was at its most vibrant. MPP and MBDTF are the only two released during Sup Forums's existence so they are special. you had to be here the year that they each came out to truly know how special it was. half the catalog, for months on end, was one of those albums. the other 5 are the most discussed. that is Sup Forumscore, not acclaimed, discussed. Sup Forums's culture has declined in its vibrancy these last few years so I don't think another album can ever reach these heights. and it's not as simple as just "promoting" an album from tier 2. you'll know when another album is tier 1 Sup Forumscore, you'll just know it.

everything else is tier 2, deal with this fact

Literally all you have to do is search up your favorite genre on RYM

haha nice
(don't actually listen to this shit, inxy is a shill for this talentless hacks music)

LMFAO thinking nirvana isnt pleb tier music.

holy fuck man. kurt cobain is a fucking meme.

too many damn p4k / fantano drones on RYM. it's annoying

good thing 95% of the music on rym is outside the sphere of fantano or pitchfork. expand your horizons bitch

nice assumption. got anymore?

it's not an assumption. I dont think you appreciate how much music exists that isn't discussed on the fork, by fantano, or on Sup Forums. that fact you're even making an issue of this means you need to listen to things that aren't on a Sup Forumscore chart

it is an assumption because you don't know anything about me or my listening habits outside of my expressed contempt obvious drones on RYM lmao

smelly poo poo head

no u

>In Utero
Give me a break. Kurt, please throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right out of this madness.

>totally correct
>most of the time
>but you're right in that they can be wrong sometimes
Maybe a bit indecisive user?

yea bro music is only dope if no-one knows about it!