For some reasons on Sup Forums, when a foreign people invaded your country in the past...

For some reasons on Sup Forums, when a foreign people invaded your country in the past, they believe they completely replaced your people doing rapes, not even marriages or assimilation, no no rapes.
history discussion here are about dicks and sexual domination.

>history discussion here are about dicks and sexual domination
It's almost like Sup Forums is a platform for emasculated, virgin losers with large insecurities... I think you might be on to something here OP...


So invaders just live together peacefully with people they conquered?

proof that every single poster here is disgusting virgin who wish they can breed anyone without responsibility.
DUH, aside from what spaniards did in south america, this literally not happened everywhere else.
deperation makes you stupid

Sup Forums thinks that rape is the only possible way for a sexual intercourse..
And the vidya as taught them how easy to defeat your enemies and replace their whole civ to the last man is.

a bunch of few warriors can't change the genetic of an entire population.
they were rapes but they happened during sieges, also they often killed the womens and being raped don't make womens automatically pregnant.

Weren't most Soviet rape babbies in Germany at the end of WWII aborted?

none of the colonizers did that here, we're pure.

IDK about that but the Japanese usually killed most women they raped, so there probably weren't a lot of babies born as a result of WWII.

T. Rodrigo GarcĂ­a

Not of course counting all the babies left by sex tourists.

t. Roman & Germanic rapebaby

t. Hunnic rapebaby

>t. Roman rapebaby

Americans are absolutely obsessed with rape and having their woman taken away by some brown barbarian

The Spanish mostly interbred with Amerindian women through marriage, they did not have any great taboo on race mixing as the English did despite all of the nimrods who claim to be 1/64th Iroquois.

Cultural Assimilation
nobody was raped, a little bunch of them moved and settled, and an elite became the nobles and kings.
In fact it's the same for most countries.

It is true I am of turkish descent yet I pretend to be Greek for the lulz.

t. Ingwigibunjigwagandobaba rapebaby

I am flattered that you hold Germanic people in such a high esteem, but do you seriously believe an uneducated barbaric tribe would occupy foreign people without a few rapes happening?

The Ottomans didn't physically replace the genetic stock of the Balkans, but they did significantly impact their culture. Traditional peasant outfits, food, and numerous other things in the Balkans have obvious Turkish influence.

we literally raped and pillage our way to be european though :^)

until we stopped you and put you back in your place ;^)

0.00000001% mestizaje doesn't mean squat, guys

>marriages or assimilation
then what the point of conquest in the first place?
that's the fate of you surrender monkeys lmao

Aside from the point anyway that Hungarians are just Slavs who were conquered by some Asiatic steppe horde in the Dark Ages and cucked into speaking their language, but everyone loves a good romantic myth.


Because it's true. Spain was before the arabic invasion a pure blond nation full of nordic people.

It's about 5:00 PM over in /ex/-yu/. Give it another hour and they'll all be home from work/school and get triggered by this post.

It's funny because Mongols literally killed everyones when they conquered lands.
