Daily Japanese Thread - DJT # 1879

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.


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風香の可愛さ Edition

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This kanji is a disgrace. A complete affront to the style and aesthetic of every other kanji.


New Dekinai-chan art. Let's treasure!!

How can I fix some of my core 6k cards not having audio in anki?



I don't know the context but I hope this guy killed himself after writing this

Goob of year award to that guy.

Any tips on pronouncing らりるれろ?I've been practicing on and off today and almost have it down.

Focus on the placement and shape of the tongue. It's a bit further back than "n" as in "night", and only the very tip comes in contact with the roof of your mouth, so your tongue is sticking straight up.

I've definitely hit it a couple of times. Do you think of more of a 'da' or 'la' sound? I'll keep this in mind. Thanks!

1. Learn Spanish
2. Say "ratón, rico, rubio, reloj, and ropa"
Congratulations, you can now ら り る れ ろ

Closer to "da", I'd say, but further back still. It's got the same flick of the tongue as ら.

Reminder that your efforts to learn Japanese are a futile waste of time


When you read articles about Japanese things, sometimes they have lines over the letters, like: "Ōtsu".


Is "Ō", a long vowel, like "おおつ"?

you are correct ryan

That's a monstrosity.

This one makes me chuckle every time. It almost seems like an Sup Forums troll guide.

Did that guy with the Persona avatar give up yet? Haven't seem him lately. It would bring me pleasure if so.

Was that the autist that talked about dragon swords and shit?

There are so many hilarious articles in the Japanese learning blogosphere that I don't know whether to laugh or cry

It's like the sound that American uses in "butter" and "bedding". However, American defines this sound as explicitly not being lateral (L-like) because that would make it rhotic and it's very weird for languages to have more than one rhotic sound if they have a rhotic trill or approximant (exception: rhotic trill + rhotic flap is OK). Japanese allows, and prefers, for this sound to be lateral (L-like) because it's contrastive with D in Japanese and there's no other rhotic.

English, please.

American English uses almost exactly the same sound, as an alternative version of a lone t or d, in the middle of words, before unstressed vowels.

Like the Japanese R:

Not like the Japanese R:


The only difference is that the American version of this sound refuses to be pronounced "like an L", with only the tip/center of the tongue hitting the ridge behind the teeth. While the Japanese version of this sound prefers being pronounced "like an L".

One way to trick yourself into pronouncing the American version "like an L" is to slide it forwards or backwards when you tap it, to force the tap to turn into a flick. Say "butter", but when you hit the "tt", flick your tongue inwards into your mouth. Make sure to not "land" the tongue on where you flick it, it needs to still be a flick, not a stop. It's very hard to pronounce the flick "not like an L", even if you're American. That should show you how to pronounce the tapped version "like an L".

He went away for months before coming back all over again, so he's probably some sort of retard who shows up during school holidays or something.
I am sure he is incapable of ever taking the hint, don't give him that much credit.

are you trying to figure out how to pronounce ra re ru ri etc?


Are you saying when you say "butter" you don't flick your tongue sharply to the area behind your top front teeth for a half a millisecond and/or that sound is wrong for the Japanese R?

No, I know how to pronounce it. This user is attempting to persuade me into thinking I don't. And I'm very confused.

>Are you saying when you say "butter" you don't flick your tongue sharply to the area behind your top front teeth for a half a millisecond and/or that sound is wrong for the Japanese R?

Flicking it isn't General American, but if that's what you do, sure, that's the Japanese R.

What the fuck? Please show me a video/sound clip of someone not flicking the word "butter."

Please, user. I'd love to laugh hysterically today.

Tap, not a flick.

How on God's gigantic green dick is a flick and a tap two different things?

What does a tapped "butter" sound like? Or a "flicked" butter? Or w/e you're claiming the difference is.

Normal flap vs lateral flap: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flap_consonant#Lateral_flaps

>Normal flap vs lateral flap

i think he means the position of your tongue on the roof of your mouth when you pronounce it. rather than being a reverse strong C shape, a small portion of the tip of you tongue touching the roof is more of like a flattened S shape???

No, it has to do with striking directly vs striking tangentially.

Now it's not a difference between a tap and a flick, now it's a difference between one type of flap and another.

Flapping, flicking, tapping. What the fuck is our tongue doing?

So basically just pronounce it like the 'tt' in "butter?"

K. Got it.

The main thing is that it's impossible to have a lateral tap, because you don't get the air pressure needed to make the tap bounce if the tongue is positioned laterally.

Tapping and flicking are both flaps. People used to try to use tap vs. flap but ended up solidifying on flap being the general term.

Bruh, no one knows what the fuck you're talking about.

Does it sound like the fucking tt in "butter" or not? Stop being an autist.

I already told you guys, just learn to speak Spanish and then it's super easy

Yeah but it's slightly different because it's usually shaped like an L but the American sound is not.

>just learn to speak some pleb language only spoken by a 3rd rate Euroshit country and the entire continent it conquered 400 years ago which is equally as Amerishit and you'll be able to speak Japanese
>as opposed to just using the "tt" in "butter"

So it's indistinguishable to natives and therefore doesn't make even the slightest shred of a dick's skin worth of difference? Kk. Thanks autistic user, now I know.

Do you want to sound funny?

no clue at all what he exactly he means.. but butter or ""budder"" is a longer version aka your tongue is more stretched out... whereas the ra/re/ri, the tongue is shortened and closer to the back of your throat where the tip of your tongue is further back touching the roof of your mouth compared to "butter/budder"

English doesn't care where you put the tongue.

It's the same thing, faggot. Stop.

If I have to take a fucking course in how to pronounce a single letter... sure. I don't care at all. That's the least of my concerns.

Tens of thousands of kanji, grammar that is entirely foreign to English, a culture that is entirely foreign to English, and I'm going to worry about my fucking R being 0.5mm too far forward in my mouth when I "flap" my tongue at it.

Fuck off.

Doesn't have anything to do with position, you just apparently refuse to accept that it can be articulated in multiple ways and some of them are wrong.

You're like those ESLs that pronounce the American "R" by pointing their tongue in a weird place and end up with the wrong sound, or the ones that refuse to pronounce the vowels in "war" and "tone" differently.

or the ones that use the light l in all contexts

You're like one of those progressives that tell everyone they're racist but refuse to accurately define why.

Tell me how I'm pronouncing it wrong without the linguistic bullshit as if I'm a professor at a language college and I'll do your stupid thing.

Samefagging isn't cute, user.

not samefagging

Post a vocaroo and I'll tell you exactly what you're doing wrong.

Post a vocaroo showing me exactly how to do it. Burden of proof is on you, user-kun.

Or should I say "bu*flap*en of p*flap*oof" is on you.

I don't have a microphone.

You're the one that responded to him, burden's on you.

He never said you were specifically pronouncing it wrong, you just assumed that when you read what he posted.

its not the same. why learn the language when you dont want to try to pronounce the sounds as correctly as possible? but good luck bud when you try to pronounce ryo and ryu

Please stop. There's no way in fucking hell of telling what's wrong according to this guy.

Vocaroo, bitch. Or stfu.

Okay, you're just mad.

Okay I'm done responding since you're clearly a troll.

Everyone who offends you is a troll.

Of course someone as fucking retarded as you would be a trumper. Neck it.

What's it like living in a big city, sucking dicks for fun, and generally doing nothing for humanity while having all the cockiness as if you saved the world?

By the way, I thought I asked you to stop same-fagging LA-kun. If you're gonna bring up politics, at least provide proof for your trolling.

You still have zero evidence of the "flapped" R you've been pushing.

Is this R related to Russia? You just can't give it up can you? Jesus Christ, act like an American you fucking fat bitch.

>What's it like living in a big city
I live in the sticks.

>and generally doing nothing for humanity
I archive and disseminate learning materials. For free. You've probably used something I ripped.

>I thought I asked you to stop same-fagging
Learn how post timers work.

>You still have zero evidence of the "flapped" R you've been pushing.
The wikipedia page he posted covers tapping versus flicking in detail.

Whta does やめて mean in this song?

I’m like TT, Just like TT
振り回すのは やめて やめて
...please respond

>I live in the sticks.
Doubt it

>I archive and disseminate learning materials. For free. You've probably used something I ripped.
Again, doubt it. Unless you're Tae Kim.

>Learn how post timers work.
Stop it.

>The wikipedia page he posted covers tapping versus flicking in detail.

And I asked you to simplify. You couldn't, of course, because even you don't understand it.

You didn't ask me to simplify, that was user. You really are something.

Keep trolling user. I hope the mods on Sup Forums are as severe as the faggots on /jp/.

If the mods here were anything like the mods on /jp/ you'd have been banned the moment you posted trump.



Tap, lateral flap, flap, lateral flap, trill.

Are you a nipo-brazilian?

No one (save for linguists) uses the International Phonetic Alphabet, mate. You shouldn't expect people to understand you when you bring that terminology up, even language learners.

Phonetic terms are not the IPA.

He explained what the distinction was several times. He's not spewing jargon for no reason.

N-no, why?

Also I forgot to make the LA LI LU LE LO hybrids.

Is a Sup Forums Pass the sure-fire way to pretend you're not samefagging these days?

Wait, does it let you do that? I should totally use mine for that.

just wondering. I don't know many Brazilian weebs that would far enough as learning Japanese, but I've known a few half japs.

And which one are you?

closet weeb trying to learn japanese


Is this sentence the following:

どこで (copula + and)
なる て-form (meaning verb 1 is the reason for or the cause of verb 2)
そう = like that
なんだ = なのだ explanatory no

Very literal translation "Where and how did (this) become (in order to) be like this?"

Less literal "Where and how did this come about?"

OR is it like this

"Where and how (did this) become, and what is that?"

で = copula + "and"
なって = なる te-form + meaning of "and"
そうなんだ = そう何だ


Or something else?

Stop, cut it out, etc.

>Where and how did this come about?
Yep, you've got the gist of it.

どこでどうなって and similar phrases aren't usually taken literally - it's more of a way of saying "why in the world ~" or "how in the world~".

So in this instance, he's basically saying, "How in the world did you come to know it as that?"


Can someone help me translate this? I understand the individual words, but I'm not really understanding what they're asking when it's all together. Is it asking what my ideals were up until my most recent relationship or something?


Was the person you've been dating until now (recently)
your ideal person?

Ohhhh, I see. Thanks dude.

Why does 主体 in anki have "agent" as the meaning when everything else says the meaning is "main part" and "subject"?

are you yakuza

I can't retain any of the vocab in KKLC. I just deleted my vocab deck for it because I just went under 40% retention at only 10 words/day and it's wasting too much of my time. Meanwhile I have 90-95% retention with kanji production and recognition.

I'm just going to skip the vocab and do more kanji/day or spend the extra time on my core deck which is much easier to retain with the way it's organized and recorded sample sentences.

my guess is in the newspaper it was mined from it probably made the most sentence in that sentence, but it has too much of a person only nuance in english for it to be a neutral fit

I have reached n4 (more in between 4 and 3) within 1 year. is it reasonable to assume I'm gonna reach n2 within another year?

Looks like you've found what works for you.

Probably not at the same pace. The difference between each level isn't equal and the higher you go up the larger the gap between them. Though the pass mark isn't all that high so you may be able to just scrap by with 50% in each category.