How do you guys listen to Drone Metal?

How do you guys listen to Drone Metal?

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I tend to use my auditory senses when I listen to music altogether



Earth is so fucking good, god DAMN.
Posting best Earth album.

i fucking love Harvey on this. You can really tell it's from 90s era Sub Pop


In the bathtub. For drone metal I usually prefer cold water and I'll bring in a few raw carrots to snack on.


Was Hex a good album?

yeah im a real drone metal guy
Earth, Sunn O))), the list goes on

upside down while jacking off so the cum goes on my face

all i've listened to in drone is sunn O))) but i really liked the 5 albums of theirs i've listened to, where do i go from here?

good but slightly dull at times


Agreed, Harvey is easily my favorite track off this one.

Really depends, drone has tons of different variations. Traditional drone is much more minimal and sometimes more electronic based.

If you want similar stuff to Sunn O))) and Earth, stick to drone metal. Here's some recs:

Patrician detected

Their best desu

Drone can be really cathartic but I like drone metal that has a few dynamics but uses drones at the perfect moments for a cathartic experience.
Two of my favorite drone metal tracks:

I suggest listening to these at a high volume to maximize the experience.

As far as earth 2, I’m not really into it either, it’s more like “ambient” metal. It always just makes me wish I was listening to dopesmoker

I thought Pentastar was their best, but Hex is fucking fantastic. One of the comfiest albums ever.

thanks mang