Magyarpill Quick Rundown

>descended from fucking Siberians über hunter-gatherers interbred with Neandertals and Erectus
>conquered entire Pannonian plain, brought paprika to Europe
>Alexander the Great was a Magyar (Aleksándár Árpád)
>held half of the Balkans under their control, fought with Romans
>Emperor Tráján Árpád was an ethnic Hungarian (Sibero-Aryan)
>destroyed the Avar menace and are still fighting their descendants even today (Croats)
>conquered entire Balkans eventually
>ruled the Habsburg empire (Magyar language was official language on the court in Pest)
>Brought peace and prosperity to their lands without much help from Austria
>have mean IQ of 200
>bravely fought off the Turk and Mongol hordes

Why the fuck are Magyars so based, Sup Forums? Holy shit i just found about this and I'm mesmerised.

jesz jesz veri gud tred

they are subhumans

is all

top kek

félvidék subhuman




>hungaryboos exist

>wake up
>be Magyar
>drive to work in shitbox
>work from eight to 11, then go on lunch break
>chomp down bowl radioactive goulash in ten minutes
>mugged by cigany on walk back to work
>working when a special announcement comes on the radio
>the Second Treaty of Trianon has just been signed
>you are now a citizen of Romania


Slovakia is superior to hungayry in every way


guis u r not ecting veri nic
pls no ect bed

fuck madjaria mate

nobody in region likes Hungary because they are same as Turks, only Poles like them, because they had minimal interaction and they cant understand each other.

And only reason why they are not as hated as Turks by rest of the world is because they are white and christian.

I'm magyar, can confirm


The Bogdanoffs bow to the Árpáds

they say ajvar (a magyar invention) was created to represent the slain avars that the magyars would consume after defeating them in battle

plz stop bullying us, guys
we dont harm anyone on this board so just leave us alone already

you exist

says the Germ

rookie mistake shart

man this is a quality meme comic

I am a Greek

more like a Freek

looks like a balkan gypsy

Greeks are Mediterraneans you shitskin

Magyars are better than Greeks.

no bullying here, i love all magyarok

who has the picture with the ball-chin guy?

Don't let those gypsies bring you down man. Just remember that they don't have a culture or any history

Ez egy közepes minőségű fonál. Tíz pontból hatot adok rá.

>This is a medium quality thread. I give ten out of ten points.
man google translate is getting pretty good these days

it's actually six out of ten

Search Molnár Krisztián. At least I think that's what you're talking about.

I work 6-8 hours a day three times a week and drive a porsche and a bmw.
Also haven't seen a cigány in like 3 weeks.

>>descended from fucking Siberians über hunter-gatherers
I thought they were from Delta Pavonis

Why would I when Goulash is a gift from God?