Would you say that kid is black or white ?

Would you say that kid is black or white ?

To me he looks white because he has blonde hair and blue eyes


>blond hair
>blue eyes
>fair skin
Literally fits Sup Forums's definition of white.

Puny negro genes

It's an albino nigger. And its mother is a walking jaw.

>To me he looks white because he has blonde hair and blue eyes

Like finnish

Scientists have determined what the average Brit will look like in 2050 and it is beautiful.

finland definition of white

looks like a polak

literally bleached nigger

is this bad or good?

The third option.

You're talking shit about a child and then you say you people are the peak of civilization. Maybe you as a whole but you as individuals are sad fucks.

Fact: you can't browse imageboard for a long time and not consider white people as subhumans

Romans threw children they didnt want in literal toilets

Guess who the father is?

We should start doing this with nigglets and half breeds.

I thought they threw them into the rocks

Wasn't that the Spartans or something

literal internet autists aren't the height of civilization.

even then though i kinda crack up at the sight of that baby girl. she's likely to turn out quite ugly as an adult so i feel bad too.

You would probably make a sopa out of her.

>. she's likely to turn out quite ugly as an adult so i feel bad too.

yeah nah blue eyed mixed kids always turn into chad or stacey

Spartans did, possibly more civilizations aswell, im just pointing out that his argument is shit, as both Romans and Greeks aka the founders of modern world did it

I dunno but it gives me a hankering for sopa de macaco.

>yeah nah blue eyed mixed kids always turn into chad or stacey
I see mixed mongrels where I live every day and the light skinned ones are ugly freckled mutants.

It looks like the typical american mongrel

It looks like a weird alien before anything

she has to look at that thing every single day and be reminded of how badly she fucked up. Sad!


Brazilian White

Looks unironically Finnish

>Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

The bible was right


albino nigger

If she was in Brazil she'd be eaten as Sopa de Macaco. Thank goodness she's in Poland.


>The baby's lips are bigger than the mothers lips as an infant

And here we can see some examples of what this child will look like as an adult.

literally like this one

This fucking jaw oh my.
What Europeans have those? Dutch?


this thread again

He is a nigger and will get darker with age

she looks like >le 60% face

polish ""women""

I wonder how he/she will look like when it grows up

No. Poles.



Are these those gorgeous Scandinavian women I keep hearing about?

user posted how Americans will look in 2050 and it's beautiful.

Natgeo is full of shit. Whites are and remain the race least likely to racemix. Lower White birthrates + massive non-White immigration + large non-White birthrates are causing the demographic change. White race mixing is not.

>obvious negroid facial features

Not white by a long shot.

Looks like mongoloid

i wonder where did they get ideas for legos.

Are those albinos?
Bottom left doesn't look so bad.



absolutely hideous facial features

Your average pole in the UK and Germany.

obviously mixed
I think I recognize that woman's face from a meme pic, and yeah the girl's half black half polack

>Thank goodness she's in Poland.
bwaahaha not really. She lives in the UK, what made you think she lives in Poland?

that kid will probably become darker when it gets older. most people here in sweden are blonde as kids but then their hair turns brown

She's living in Poland as in suckling a Polish women's breast.

Nigger with albinism

she's british now.


looks dutch

>no videos barefoot
How am I suppose to jerk off to her?

dat kid doe

I knew just one polish woman in Bulgaria and she had a kid with a literal gypsy from a clan.

What the fuck is wrong with these bitches?
Just sex is not okay for them, they must breed to create a whole new sub-race. I think 21% of them have babies like this in the UK alone.

I want Poland to let the refugees in just to see the show in just one generation.

Simon Mol

Mongrel, so neither.

Polish af

White passing, but an ugly family overall, especially the mother.

Looks like an albino nigger.

Not to mention the population that will be the next majority is mostly Mestizo and not mulattos

This proves that color skin is not the problem

Fuck you FinPig

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

Do you see that fucking head on that nog? Its skull is fucked and it will grow up with a lower iq than its mother.

that's fucking stupid

Nah, people of all races can be quite ugly. Poor kid got the worst of both worlds imho

Still, appearance isn't everything, she might grow up to be a chill person, who knows

The "peak of civilization" of today are the degenerates of the past.


>Would you say that kid is black or white ?

I would say it's ugly

why are Poles such coalburners

she is unique as fuck atleast even if insanely ugly

also.. her mother is bottle blonde with brown eyes, yet she is full aryan, so atleast her mother gave her good part of her genes

Only time will tell if she actually got "good" genes. It's one thing being blonde and blue-eyed, but eventually blossoming into an ugly fuck overrides any individual traits you (or anyone) might consider superior.

well if you are ugly you are ugly then unlucky life, but its better to be ugly with blue eyes t bh

Eyes will NOT stay blue. In a few years they will turn brown guaranteed. Also, hair will turn darker.

what lego movie is this from



That's just like, your opinion man

Who knows if the people she meets thing blue eyes are good or not

Hitler dindu nuffin wrong?

Clearly this kid has phenotype of a black person. I think she is a mullato.

Kid's polish.

there is no phenotypical difference between a slav and a black man

it's all down to the skin color

Kek someone shoop adidas onto him

nah, negroes are really different irl
i see them sometimes, they don't look like slavs

maybe american "niggers" who are 50% danish