things aren't looking so good edition

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have a nice day!

thank you mr chiboo

Mods should stop being cunts. On an Sup Forums related note I have seen more and different tex-mex food chains.

Another day wasted at work.
I don't know how normalfags can be so content with this type of life.
I haven't worked for very long and all of the days are blending together again.
I can't imagine doing this for years

Heres the thing, most normalfags arent happy or content with their lives. Most people are not. But they find things that give them purpose or enjoyment to give them motivation to carry on. It can be anything really, a hobby, a family and/or friends, religion, entertainment, a particular sports team and it's fan base, chinese wallpainting forums, just the strugle of carrying on, anything. That is why some people seem to get overly enthusiastic over trivial matters, they feel that they need to have something to get enthusiastic about even when there is nothing that would really warrant that. Find something that you enjoy, that would be a huge step for the better.

have you been to any of them? what are they like?
I fear the day when I have to give up my NEET life and go work

I did eat at one not that long ago. They are just regular chain restourants. I had a burrito, it was pretty good. The decoration was mexican-esque (I guess that is a decent way to say it, maybe mexican-ish is decent too).

I am in love with a Russian camgirl and I want to marry her. How can I make this happen?

I've heard her playing DESPACITO on her stream so I feel like she may be receptive to a CHI.

Step 1:be rich
Depending on how rich you are you might not need other steps
Step 2:be attractive
Step 3:live in a first world country

you should get a job at one of those restaurants

The job I have right now is pretty comfy though. In a job like that I could not just turn down work because I don't feel like it since I would have fixed hours. Being able to not work and having no real commitment is important for me.
>having no real commitment is important for me
I am a real go getter.

you can't get the same deal at any other place? I thought you would

I can't. It would be really nice to have the option to work in many different fields through it though, but things are how they are. In financial and work related aspects my life is a-ok.

off topic but do finnish people celebrate cinco de mayo?

what do crickets taste like?

I think she thinks I'm rich because I always tip her like $50 every week. But really that's all my spending money.
I'm definitely not attractive though, no spic really is.
I don't think anyone really considers the USA first world anymore either...

So, I guess I'm fucked huh?

No. The big celebrations are vappu (drinking), juhannus (drinking and occasionally drowning in a lake), easter, independence day and christmas which is the biggest celebration (though as in the states it's more of a celebration of the free market and new products) and new year (drinking and fireworks).

do you have her social medias? whats her name?
you need to bring the CHI culture to finland

Pretty much. Those camgirls are looking for a sugardaddy, though what they really want is that sugar, the daddy can go fuck himself for all they care but they'll fuck him if it gets them that sugar.

Savor each and every day of your NEET life.
What seems like hell now will seem like a paradise down the road
>. But they find things that give them purpose or enjoyment
I think this is it.
I find enjoyment in almost nothing.

>tripping a cam girl 50 neetbux

this was a serious question :( I want to try them

CHI culture is an awful, niggish thing. We deserve to die and immigration must cease.

t. CHI

how the fuck should we know?

my mexican fried said you eat crickets and they are bretty good

She asked me to add her on Snapchat but I said I didn't have it. S-should I make one just for her? I never did it because I'm scared of being tracked by the social media jews.
Also, her name is Anna. I dunno why she told me, I've heard her tell other guys no when they asked for her name.

Frig. I would go back to school for a better degree so I can earn more, but I don't think she would wait for me. I don't know how I'm gonna get over this girl, I've got the oneitis really bad for her.

I really really like her.
She fills literally everyone of my fetishes (THICC, Russian, Dominant). Also she does shit like remember our conversations from like a month ago. I think the first time she brought something up I said before my heart dropped because I've literally never had a girl pay any attention to anything I've ever said or done.

indio eat cricket and grass and good mestizo man...

he lied I have never heard of anyone eating crickets

I don't think insects are that good as a food source, especially I imagine that the texture would be very off putting. Maybe it's more of a mental barrier but who knows.

I like putting jalapenos in my burgers.

yes make one you dumbass you basically paid for it she should also provide you with exclusive content

he's from mexico city, he said he's going to bring some in september.

dunno, I wouldn't eat bugs with long legs but I'm willing to try other bugs, I never have before.

Only indigenous Mexicans do this.
CHIs are strictly burger and taco eaters.

he's half mexican of italian descent and half chilean of I don't know what descent

I wouldn't trust him

why not?

I don't even remember what having a oneitis feels like, I guess I never really had one. Though I did have some crushes but nothing what I would call oneitis. Maybe it's because I did not interact with girls all that much growing up. Though when talking to a cheerful qt young female customer in the eyes as she thanks me I could see myself developing oneitis-tier feelings if I would interact with a girl for long enough. Maybe I would actually spill less spaghetti if I ever got the chance to socialize due to my job experience. Though that would be a whole different setting so I wouldn't put it past me to spill spaghetti all over the place.

Just kill off the ones who won't assimilate like the Italians did in the 1900s.

don't trust indio

eating insects isn't something we do on the reg

They're actually pretty jam packed with protein.
I remember the was a startup a few years back that wanted to solve world hunger with crickets because they breed super quickly with almost no effort.

She's not a friggin vidya, I don't care if I get exclusive stuff, I just think she's really nice and qt so I want to marry her or make her my gf. Anything besides that is unappealing.

he's not indio, he looks 100% european

dunno, I didn't think you did on the regular but that kind of fascinating.

Wait, that's not the question I should be asking.
I should be asking, "is $50 all I need to make some slav stacy think I'm rich?"
I think I should get a russian mail order bride. $50 isn't anything to me, and it's not like I have any hobbies or social activities to spend my money on

you retard you are paying for it WHT WOULDN'T YOU CARE also you could talk to her in provate

These threads suck
stop making them

it's still not common don't be surprised when he tries sacrificing you

that is one ugly marmot.

kek alright

I didn't think mexicans looked down on each other based on hurritage like americans though


Marmot lover

Believe me man, I know exactly what you mean.
She's my first real oneitis in like a decade.
I don't interact with any young people ever since I started wage cucking. I mean there's like 2 roasties in their mid 20s where I work ( out of 200+ employees) but one is married and the other is a single mother. Besides that I have no friends, and no way of talking to IRL girls.

Well the problem is I'm not sure if it's enough to get her to marry me. Mail order brides are mostly a scam btw. Girls literally get paid to talk and never meet.

We already message back and forth in private messages. Plus another thing is she doesn't know I'm a filthy CHI. I'm scared if she asks me to Snapchat myself, she'll be repulsed and block me.

from what I gather, they look down on each other based on where they live more than anything.

see mexicans are really greedy and jealous

>On an Sup Forums related note I have seen more and different tex-mex food chains
I would be surprised if it is run by mexicans, curious, do you guys even get them in the frozen wasteland of fingolia?

The biggest insult you can give a Mexican is to call him a native. Seriously go call your friend right now and say something like "que pasa indio?" and he will be furious.

how ugly are you from 1-10? are you fat?
they do i posted a CHIcana here before that was living in finland

Not sure about Finland but France has some pretty gr8 burrito / tex mex places

Pic related, my favorite

but isn't the majority of mexican population at east part indio?

so the north looks down on the south or vice versa? what about mexico city?


Im skinnyfat, 5'9" 145lbs
I have ugly teeth and strong indio features though, so I'm probably 4/10 at best

Yes but they still hate being reminded of it.
That's why in Mexico even guys use skin bleaching and they only elect white politicians and watch tvs with only white actors.

>what about mexico city?
everyone in mexico hate the people from mexico city. Dunno why, but they do.

just try it not like you have anything to lose
yes, the browns hate the white and the whites hate the browns

> Dunno why
Porque los chilangos son jotos que creen que no les apesta el culo.

So, how are CHI's even looked upon by Mexican-Mexicans?

Are they seen as family? Traitors? Their own mongrel breed?


hello greatest allies how much do the irish love mexicans? we are basically the same

>watching Top Chef Mexico
>Handsome mexican chef gets expelled
>Ugly, sweaty fat chicano with acanthosis nigricans stays


I guess you're right, I don't think I can ever make her mine if she doesn't see me everyday. I will make Snapchat.
I don't know how I this works though.
From what I understand you just get like 5 second videos that get deleted instantly when you watch them?
Man I hope I don't fuck this up somehow.

I guess it sounds like people of paris to the rest of the country.

You should stop putting a Russian camgirl on a pedestal, bud. Best case scenario she milks you for your money and briefly pays attention to you and worst case (most likely) scenario she doesnt find you attractive and views you as just another client / customer. Just think of all the other guys she strings along that are just. like. you. She would never be faithful man!

Go find a real girl user that doesnt strip for a living - you will be much happier!

we should go back to the caste system

Handsome people can't make food.

>"que pasa indio?"
Isn't that what started the MAB - Morales trilogy?

he look retarded
you can download apps to save shit if you really want to

Well there was Irish support for Mexico against France in the 2010 world cup. Irish in Ireland don't think about Mexicans much though since we're far away from each other

that's good enough for me

daniel espinoza? i hope he wins, that would prove chicano superiority

>tfw no chi gf with a protective older brother in a gang who is initially wary of me but comes to accept me and then I marry her, saving her from the ghetto

just go to LA and get one then you can make hybrid alcoholic demon babies

the only thing they share is Catholicism and getting drunk.

It's hard not to when she's literally perfect by everyone of my metrics. I'm unironically a cuck too so I don't care about her seeing other guys.

and violence

Irishmen are unironically our best allies.
They fought in The War of Burger Aggression with us.

Come home Gaelic man

this is only getting worse you need to man up also russia is filled with pretty girls


Yes Daniel Espinoza


literally kill yourself

Do we have CHIs in Malaysia now??