Are you western Sup Forums ?

Are you western Sup Forums ?

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I commend his effort but these maps never please everyone. Huntington wrote his book as a theory for how conflict in the post-Cold War world would manifest itself. Not as a definitive statement for which country falls into which civilization.



Greek civilization is unique you slavic subhuman


Kek. Pathetic.

Orthodox culture=Greek culture

How can a Guy be retarded enough to think Sudan or any Muslim black country like niger or tchat isloser to indonesia than it to other black Christian country. Same with indonesia and phillipines.

>America is not in Latin American civilization in any map

massive crime rate, latino culture, dark skinned, low intelligence...

The only thing I liked about Huntington's Clash of Civilizations was the venetian demagogue quote, the rest was meh, still much better than Fukuyama's though.

slavs are closer to turkics than Greeks

Nice exhibition of ideas.


Stop talking about us.


New Zealand BTFO.
Japanese remain their own thing. Interesting.

How much of a raging weeaboo do you have to be to give Japan their own group

>slavs are closer to turkics than Greeks

lebanese and egyptians are more similar to Greeks than fucking russians

slavic food is bullshit

you're a retard, latin america has culturally nothing to do with europe, and irak has culturally nothing to do with japan or cambodia.

t. a greek

All Slavic countries were heavily influenced by Greek culture. Turkics have almost no influence, even Mongolians left nothing

>All Slavic countries were heavily influenced by Greek culture
Western ones weren't.

slavshit diaspora

dumplings were brought by the turkic subhumans from china
slavs have the same subhuman shit climate as turkic scum
that shapes their culture too

you just dont know about Greek influence
because you slav subhumans dont learn about them in school

Samuel Huntington is a laughable twat whose entire """analysis""" is ridiculous and proven wrong

the slavnigger has an inferiority complex and wants to be western

another thread shitted up by inbred laz monkey

will you ever kill yourself?

If I had to make one of these on the fly it'd look like this
1. Western-Protestant Civilization
2. Latin-European Civilization
3. Orthodox Civilization
4. Mestizo-Caribbean Civilization
5. Sinic-Buddhist Civilization
6. Hindu-Indian Civilization
7. Islamic Civilization, Sunni Islamic Hamito-Semitic
8. Islamic Civilization, Persian-Central Asian Version
9. Black Civilization
Obvious some cases would be mixes and I used country borders for simplicity. .

when someone injects subhuman polakshit blood into my body

give me your adress, I'd inject my fat slavic dick into your tight turk boipussi.

kek another map that just confirms greece is only slightly less shitty (but equally brown) turkey

Rastic, Great Moravian duke was one who called byzantine brothers to come

Greece Georgia and armenia should be light green

but Austria is catholic????

slavs are subhumans

inferiority complex you slavic subhuman
you are jealous of Greeks

I suppose Germanic-Protestant civilization would have summed up my feelings more. Too late to change it now.

American and English cultures are its own thing. They don't fit Germanic criteria by any means.

germans are cultureless subhumans

>latin america has culturally nothing to do with europe

>you're a retard, latin america has culturally nothing to do with europe

Well, except for the Spanish/Portuguese language, Catholicism, Spanish/Portuguese-influenced cultural practices, and all that Spanish/Portuguese blood.

>You said retard twoice.
Opinion dismiss.

Spain and Portugal aren't european, we are our own thing

what about the phillipines then?

>Samuel Memeington

pls stop

Mestizo-Caribbean Civilization

you are
you subhumans are not unique like Greeks Georgians or even armenians

I kinda follow Buddha, does it count?


slavs are continental subhumans

Greeks are Mediterraneans

The Spanish never managed to rape it as hard as they did Latin America. The Filipinos are still clearly asian, they speak English/Tagalog, and they have a huge Muslim minority in Mindanao.

latinos are subhumans and nobody in europe cares about them

That's nice. I'm talking about cultural similarities, not the likelihood of you fellating the next Colombian you see.

all americans are useless subhumans
from south argentina to canada
you are all useless subhumans

Damn straight nigga.

Fucking retarded classification. Russia and eastern Europe are as much western as the rest of Europe. We are just like your little dumb brother. Eventually we catch you up anyway. It's not like we are entirely different type of civilization.

You fags stretch farther east than China, Dmitry.

>Russia and eastern Europe are as much western as the rest of Europe.

No you're not

>It's not like we are entirely different type of civilization.
Except you are, you asiatic savage.

t. primitive mongoloid

But Poland is more Russian than western in every way other than religion.



we can say the same about africa with england/france yet they're still not western.

of course, because you're a retard.

The term ''western world'' was invented in the 15th century to describe and separate Europe from Asia. Asia is East of Europe, Europe is West of Asia. When traders are in China or Japan, they refer to their home countries as ''west'', and visa versa.

When America become a superpower, they described themselves and the New World as ''The west'' in order to separate themselves from the Old World or Europe. In the Monroe Doctrine, they say ''If any European power attacks any Western country, it will be considered an attack on America''.

During the Cold War, the world was divided between America and its allies/sattelites, and the USSR and its sattelites. America and its allies were called ''Capitalist bloc'', which people later started calling ''western bloc''. USSR and its satelites were called ''Communism bloc'', later called ''Eastern bloc''. Turkey and Japan were part of the Western bloc, half of Europe part of eastern bloc. During the cold war, the often used abbreviation for ''western bloc'' and ''eastern bloc'' was ''the west'' and ''the east''.

After the cold war ended, the talking heads in the media, and most people born and raised at the time kept using the terms ''west'' to desctibe the ''western bloc'' which did not exist anymore, and ''east'' to describe the eastern bloc which did not exist anymore. Today, 99% of the people on the internet have no idea what they mean when tey say ''the west''. Some people only mean ''white people''. Some people only mean ''America''. Some people only mean ''English speaking countries''. Some people only mean America and Europe. Some people only mean Christian nations. There are all kinds of usages, all incorrect.

What was once purely geographical term has now become a superity status. Everyone wants to be associated with America and their success, calling yourself ''westerner'' is one way of doing so. The term also serves the interests of the war neocons well in dividing the world between US ''allies'' and non-allies

you are not same as us, tatar

I don't even know what you're trying to say here, sharter.
That's a prime example of a Russian male(male)

Read literally every single word of this

Latin America is Amerindian

This map is beyond retarded.

I'm saying Poland is an eastern European Slavic shithole.

literally an universal slavshit

>Armenia and Georgia
>muslim world
Did you make this yourself?

deviantart trash

European Civilization obviously includes all of Europe but dividing further isn't unreasonable. You can a make a case in the historical sense Eastern and Western are separate subdivisions of European civilization.

Dividing that line isn't easy though. Take Southern Italy for example. Allthough at first glance it'd be easy to categorize it as Western but for alot of it's history it was orientated more towards the Balkans, Asia and Africa than the rest of Europe.

Nowadays when people say the West they probably mean "Core Europe plus USA, Canada New Zealand, and Australia." It might seem odd to exclude Rome, Ireland, Iberia Poland and large parts of Scandinavia from the West but when if you define the current usage of the West as beginning in the early modern period does it really?

meme map

Y-you too.

I like and agree with the concept though.

its trash

No, it is some trash I found in the internet.

What is the blob of western europe north-east of russia?

on all levels but physical

My point is that there is no ''current usage''. Nobody knows what they're talking about. Next time you hear someone say ''the west this or that'', ask them ''what exactly do you mean by the west?'', they will have to think a little bit before giving you an answer, depending on who you ask, the answer will probably be ''well yo know.. america and europe'', ''america, uk etc.'' ''america and its allies'', ''america and western europe (western bloc)''. They have no answer, they don't know, they simply repeat the words they hear from the media.

Yes, my point was that, there is a European culture when compared to East Asian, south Asian, west Asian, even North American, and South America, European culture can be distinguished, but within Europe, there are also sub-regions with more similar culture. South, southeast, northwest, north-central, northeast. Ethnically speaking, Europe is a mix.

The point is that, the word ''west'' is not related to culture or ethnicity, but geography. Even wester-bloc and eastern-bloc were not related to culture, but political and economic system.

It is also true that, English speaking countries do have mo in common with non-English speaking countries, but again, that's not ''the west'', that's just ''english speaking countries''.

Neocons can't say ''Russia is bad because it's not obeying our orders'', instead they say ''Russia is danger to the west''. That gives them so much more influence. It's all mixture of stupidity + conformity + vested interests.

I am a Greek

Japan evolved out of Tang China 2000 years ago while Korea and Vietnam evolved with China.

Japan kind developed our own culture in that 2000 years


>japanese not sinic
Fucking weeaboos and their delusions. How the hell they manage to be so few yet be everywhere spreading their cancer?

>he doesn't subscribe to three worlds theory


excellent post, Danish friend



a gypsy

>No Zealand

zeeland is right here

>latin america has culturally nothing to do with europe
ok hands down stupid post of the day

U MADლ(´ڡ`ლ)?

Good map, but Austria is with us, not Germany.

>no zealand

Tbh Latin America should be western but its own sub-type of Western.

>Japanese have their own division
white people btfo