/éire/ /eire/

Autism is inherently Irish edition.

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Who were his orbiters exactly? I see frequent references to them here but I have no idea who or what they are.

Were there ever any actual orbiters? I recall going out of my way to say nice things about him since it made one lad absolutely furious.

They used to exist but they were more of a reocurring joke than anything else

The gook is convinced that they still exist.

He's just mad because Froggy was the first to call Ciara a slag and was the most outspoken about his dislike of her being posted.

Regale us of tales of 2016 nu-/éire/, Lux.

The only important thing is what you believe for yourself

Is that why he calls him Jacques?

I'd rather not have another meta thread, ever.

He calls him Jacques because he thought he was actually French when he first came here. I think he just keeps it out of habit, or because he sees calling him Frogweeb/Froggy as a friendly name in the same way Froggy call him slagposter instead of Karen.

Don't know any except for the great RAAA rebellion, seen as I was still very new and didn't quite understand all the subtile gimmicks and post paterns here

Fascinating. /éire/ lore will never cease to intrigue me.

What are the plans for tonight lads?

What IF the real frogweeb actually died that day.

A fake assumed his position a few days after speculation explaining the behavioural and sleeping pattern differences.

>sershfrog disappeared around that time

The week that followed that post was fucking ridiculous.

Shall spectate this interesting discussion on éire lore

Great funposting craic though.

Sershfrog has reappeared a few times since.

It was sometimes hard to tell who was funposting and who genuinely thought he was dead though.

Past few weeks have been disgusting. They have been dreary, dreadful, miserable and pathetic. The morale of /éire/ is at an all time low. And you know what the source of it is, don't you? You know what's caused this spiritual decline. This dearth of interesting content and worthwhile posts. This utter degradation of quality and banal, obsequious wound licking. I'll tell you if you haven't figured it out yet. It's the fucking anime posters. Anime posters are primarily under aged, effeminate and passive aggressive. They are easy to identify (even when they do not post a salacious picture of an prepubescent cartoon girl) due to their regular complaining of life problems. The average anime poster has had little contact with the opposite sex, or has previously had a bad experience that turned them from human relationships in general. Most anime posters are undoubtedly under 5'8 and rail thin. Their lack of physical prowess in the real world is evident from the average anime post. If you cannot attain a woman in the real world, then the next logical step is to role play as a woman in the online realm. Further studies are needed to properly delve into the twisted intricacies of the anime posters mind, but one thing I personally can DEFINITELY and CERTAINLY ascertain is that their influence on this general is CORRUPTING and DEGENERATIVE.


I don't think any of /éire/'s anime posters roleplay as women. Also, the animeposters are among the oldest regulars in this general from what I can tell.

Don't think I've seen this pasta before.

Who are you planning on posting after Connor gets humiliated by Mayweather?

His identical twin brother, Donner McGregor.

Why is Ireland the best country in the world ?
Is it the people ? Is it the freedom? I would gladly die to protect this country from the eternal anglo

oh ye of little faith
> I would gladly die to protect this country from the eternal anglo
good man

Islands are inherently better than mainland.

Why do people sometimes say numbers in CS:GO? I've been noticing it for a while, it's somewhat unsettling.

Watch porn and play Super Mario 64.

Could be much dmg they done to an enemy before the enemy killed him. I think that's common in AWP duels.

01010100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 01110011 00101110

>stop posting in /éire/
>check in once a week or so
>everyone lamenting the thread quality

The only one lamenting is that one brit who's always whining.

correlation =/= causation, amigo.

Tonight's the first time it's happened in a while.
I've missed you though Nico.

Fucking massive moths around lately.

You just reminded me that some """people""" refer to girls as moths and also use the term sesh moth.

>some """people""" refer to girls as moths and also use the term sesh moth
Who? And Why?

Dublin slang I believe

If I shine my flashlamp outside for a while will I attract a Dublin gf? Or do I have to venture inside the pale first?

Sorry I prefer to lurk.

>living outside the pale

Sorry I value living in Ireland.



Awake. Is thread really dead since 2:35am? Hate all of you desu.

the parcel motel thing is fucking shit
>package has arrived in our depot
>doesn't get put into a locker until 11pm the next day

Beautiful morning out. I love being able to see the moon when it's bright out.

>see moth
>go to kill it
>it flies into a cobweb
>try to hit it
>it flies out
The spiders in my room are fucking shit at making webs.

Same. I also love to be able to see the full halo of the sun through thick cloud/fog.
It flew out of the web because you tried to hit it. Probably.

Going to work.

>It flew out of the web because you tried to hit it
No it flew out before I got close. Though in fairness it was more standing on the web than it was caught.

I think your spiders are NEETs

I am back

Even wildlife know it's the superior lifestyle.

Just rubbed off the aul' morning wood lads

I've been sitting at the doctor's office for 40 minutes now and there is only one woman here waiting with me, she doesn't take out her phone and doesn't read she was just starring at me for 40 minutes

Did she want me to talk to her or should I have glared back at her?

>prioritising killing moths in a room full of cobwebs and spiders

Didn't sleep all night lads.

Applied to 5 jobs. Tried to make a blog but lost interest immediately. Suns rising and I think I may just stay up all day.

How's your morning lads?


Looks like leo isn't popular with the LBGT+ community

I wonder who they'd prefer the gays to vote for?


Boxed the head off me father again lads. Don't think he's breathing.

How many times did ya bounce his head off the ground?

Just watched Amadeus, good movie
Might head out later


odds = jeans
even = brown pants

How hard is it to get a job in Ireland? I want to leave my girlfriend to move there.

>Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018 (UK)
I didn't know they were so far ahead in the planning stage of this innovative new policy.

>mfw thinking about all the money made from being a wagie

Stop trying to make wageslavery seem appealing.

What's wrong with Quebec?

Is it to come into effect in NI as well?
Could perhaps open some porno cafes along the border. Would surely help the economy up there.

>Stop trying to make wageslavery seem appealing
Alright. It's many merits don't need mentioning anyways, I suppose.

>It's many merits don't need mentioning anyways, I suppose.
Merit, not merits. The Money is the only merit of wageslavery.

Got a burnt roll from the foreign lady at the deli. Lovely.

>Money is the only merit of wageslavery
And money is all that matter in the capitalist world, unfortunately.

After scouring US, Canada, EU and Uk job boards for nearly 3 months I can't find shit. Looks like it's the wage slave life for me. Is ireland a decent place to be a wage slave?

What should i do today?
I dont want to isolate myself at home

How do you get a girlfriend lads and I mean a girl friend who is a good person how do you gauge if she is or not? I want to be with a genuinely nice girl.

Go for an ugly girl

>Innovative policy.
Would hate to live there, government breathing down your neck and monitoring every single thing you do.
It's nice money but sometimes it's so stressful. Wouldn't go back to being full-time neet though. 5 years of that and it's no quality of life.
You can't win desu. It's all misery.
Not true. You can get job satisfaction and feel good if you do something you enjoy but even still it gets miserable at times.

Go to Kilkenny tomorrow.

I have no idea how to go for a girl in general. I've no experience when it comes to speaking with girls besides fucking school and I barely did then, I've been very busy the past few years to try get stuff done that I've neglected trying to be with someone for the majority of that time

You don't need a girlfriend, user. You only think you do.

You don't get to decide that.

Girlfriend means having to text her regularly about mundane shit (in detail with emoji) and being forced to do shit on Saturdays. Not sure it's worth the effort

> I've no experience when it comes to speaking with girls
You talk with her about something she seems to enjoy/not enjoy,she talks about herself and her past experiences,you listen,she keeps talking until she hits a point when you can agree with her,have experienced a similar thing or have in some way the same oppinion as her
You have to let her talk about herself without making her feel as if she was carrying the conversation on her own
Women are humans too,so as long as she isn't on her period,you two will have roughly the same toughts
Don't forget that women are expensive

This. I'd rather not have to cater for the emotional needs of another person. I'd be overwhelmed and pissed off. Not that's I'd even respond to a woman advances anyway, I'd just shy away and be apprehensive.
As if a woman would make an advance towards me.

Well, why do you NEED a girlfriend? Just seems like a hassle to me.

Nice day for a walk

Any non-overpriced supermarket in dublin? Also today i saw a really beta looking pale skin boy with a beautiful brown(mixed?) Girl

I want to be with someone that I could love.


Id rather have a long friendly not-so-passionate relationship than a short-lived 2 weeks relationship like the ones i had before

Yeah the simple thought of that would make a anime poster laugh, I get it but you asked.

I'm behind you.

Found a castle

So many cute Dubliners
So few social skills

>So many cute Dubliners
>cute Dubliners

Come to Kilkenny.