We need to revive metal because its anti-soy boy

>we need to revive metal because its anti-soy boy

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This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now faggot?

Is this pasta?

>t. Soyboy

You gotta read SIEGE by James Mason to kill the soyboy within you.


>revive metal
when did it die?

If this board goes back to being metal I swear to christ I hope the gore spammer comes back

ah idono like 30 years ago? you soy boy faggot


Indie is dead, kiddo. Accept it.

Hell be fine asses to asses

You gotta put a bullet in your skull to kill the fascist in you.

Hey, you're that SIEGE poster.

Are you at all aware of Ethnic Cleansing? Stooley Carmichael is an avid follower of James Mason. He actually did the opening for "Hail AIDS".


Learn to bant better. You sound really butthurt just like how you treat your parents.

Here's one with Blood & Honour Deutschland #8

your nipples lactate

>revive a genre that is still going strong
Unless you mean make metal mainstream again your post does not make sense. Making metal mainstream again would only introduce more soy boys.

honestly what's so wrong about fascism? specially when the alternative involves living the rest of your life as a slave to the person in this .jpg? Your choice is between fascism and full sjw ZOG rule. choose wisely

>muh fascism

>still going strong

hahahahahahhaa dude lay off the soy sauce. nobody except for katana collecting fags listens to metal anymore. the genre is well and truly dead

Metal was always a soy boy genre

>literally hundreds, probably thousands, of metal albums came out just last year alone
>hurr durr metal es ded
Step up your trolling game.

Fighting Breed

Last, but most certainly not least, the history of HAIL AIDS, featuring James Mason.

found you bro


Metal's already being revived, and it's the soyboys leading the revival.

t. numale