/emo/ - Math Rock, Midwest Emo, and Emocore

"Never made one of these before" edition

What have you been listening to lately, /emo/?
I've been listening to some older albums that I had in my backlog. Jawbreaker'd pretty cool.

Other urls found in this thread:


Guess I'll start this off with a chart. I haven't listened to all the albums here, but it seems like a pretty good chart.
For people who want a good intro to emo, I would recommend starting with Mom Jeans and maybe some Yvette Young. Mom Jeans has pretty corny lyrics, but they're a lot easier to digest because their sound is pretty poppy. Also Yvette Young because I know people have trouble getting into new music unless there are waifus are involved, so there you go.

>not /emoe/
I've been listening to Stop It, William Bonney, and Brave Little Abacus.


I impulse bought a copy of Animals by This Town Needs Guns on discogs for $15 today. Never seen it that low before.

Speaking of them, why did their latest album suck so much? Disappointment Island was a perfect name for it.

Completely slipped my mind 2bh, I haven't seen an /emoe/ thread in ages so I figured it was a lost cause, but maybe we should try to revive it.

I've never been huge into This Town Needs Guns, I listened to Animals and it didn't really interest me that much. When it comes to instrumental math rock, I only really enjoy toe and Hella.
What didn't you like about their latest album? Like I said, I haven't listened to it, but I'm curious to know how they fucked it up.

is this emo?


Any more good emo from 2017? I liked this, Two Knights - Effing, Dead Car Ellie - S/T, and Foxtails - III.

one of my favorite records of 2015, fucking tight instrumentation.

To me it just seemed like they double down on what they thought was their "sound" instead of trying to experiment and do more, but they also failed to even reach the pinnacle of what sound they used to have. It just seemed like they tried to go back to what they were familiar with but didn't even succeed in developing that sound.

I'll have to check those out, the only emo album I heard from 2017 was Greatest Hits by Remo Drive, which I wasn't too impressed by (worth a listen if you haven't yet, though).

Sounds closer to post-punk, or art-punk if you can call that a genre. I like it though, I feel like I might've heard them before.

Does this count as emo?
Recs that are similar are welcome

Slowcore. Carissa's Wierd are great.

Teen Suicide changed their name and dropped a new album

If you're looking for slowcore, nothing I can rec harder than Seam.
I spent like $40 on the original pressing of this album, no regrets.

Damn that's pretty good

more stuff like pic related?

Oh yeah, forgot to mention there was a new Rainer Maria album last year. Pretty good, but they're not really emo any more.

That album had a pretty unique sound 2bh, so it's hard to rec anything that sounds super similar.
That said, maybe check out elvis depressedly:

Also, check out Crywank if you like acoustic stuff (even though it's not really emo, but neither is teen suicide 2bh).

Salvia Palth
Elvis Depressedly
Pill Friends
Coma Cinema
also check out some of Sam's other projects, like Julia Brown or Ricky Eat Acid
A lot of early teen suicide sounds like that, anything before i will be my own hell, really

Thanks a lot user, this is amazing.
The Problem With Me might be top 10 material for me.

Thanks. I'm still not sure what the difference is though

anybody else like Ordination of Aaron?

Ignore everyone else and listen to this


Ayy, I just found this randomly on YT and am currently listening. I like it, it's comfy. Emoe as fuck.

I'm glad you like it, user! You should check out Headsparks if you haven't yet.

Is anyone beginning to hate the self aware ironic emo aesthetic that's kinda popular right now? Idk what else to call it. Like I can't listen to Modern Baseball and bands like that because it just sounds like they're deliberately trying to be whiney midwest emo. It's going the way of pop punk.

you're gonna miss it all is a legitimately great record tho

I'm kind of tired of the whole "we play sad music but all our song titles are random xD" aesthetic. Even though a lot of good/great bands are like that.

but, I thought that was the whole point.

Awful fucking taste. You all should be ashamed.

Used to be super into emo and all it's different subgenres but the only ones I still listen to anymore are:
The Brave Little Abacus - Just Got Back From The Discomfort
The Brave Little Abacus - Okumay
Chinese Football - S/T
Circle Takes The Square - As The Roots Undo
Empire! Empire! I Was A Lonely Estate - What It Takes To Move Forward

American Football used to be my favorite band but they seem so boring to me now compared to Chinese Football & toe. Anyone got any good recs for other good emo/mathrock with that same vibe? Preferably chinese stuff

If u like that here's some of my other favorite slowcore:
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill (classic)
Bluetile Lounge - Lowercase
Songs: Ohia - Ghost Tropic
Duster - Stratosphere
Valium Aggelein - Hier Kommt Der Schwartze Mond
Love, Claire - Love, Claire CS

I'd also like rec's for more dreamy spaced out slowcore similar to Duster or Bluetile Lounge

Dandelion Hands are kinda in the same vein. Not the hugest fan, but you might be

Thank u for saying this. Always had this feeling but never really vocalized it. Modern Baseball, Mom Jeans, Front Bottoms, etc all feel like parodies of themselves and it rlly puts me off from them
