I would die for Miku

I would die for Miku

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> Miku

too bad she isn't real.

For now.

For ever
I infected her with a rare virus

I don't think you should, she will be real soon.

>He would die for the worst waifu

3D viruses don't apply to 2D
I know

t. probably likes Rin
stfu dumb gook

>she will be real (3d) soon
>I know
>3D viruses don't apply to 2D

It really is simple 2D characters being made into 3D or are immune to viruses

Oh, yeah, that enplanes everyth...

This discussion is over

damn, I'm sleepy

Wow, she's scary
They could put her into some horror game and she would fit pretty good

No. Miku is perfect in every possible way

She has disappeared and everyone forgot about her.... See this vid

Non canon baka
I don't care if anyone else forgets about her if I remember her

Come to Japan
You can marry Miku

One day I will Sitomi kun

Yes, it is

Ahh yes more lies

I never lie


She's a psycho who will eat you

>waifuing a fucking vocaloid without personality

Miku (one of my waifu's) would never eat me
have you listened to any of her songs faggot?

Deluded fan
She doesn't care about you
Stop trying

>You will never be pushed against the wall by a stronger girl, that will dominate you, kiss you, grab your tits and whisper in your ear how she will ravage your bagina tonight
Life is pain.


I will discredit your posts from now on
2D is better

I don't even know you
I'm telling you, this bitch doesn't have a soul

Discredited post

> Miku in a drink.jpg (1.14 MБ, 1243x1700)
I hope she drowns in it

I don't care what you hope

She does
> miku 9.jpg (331.14 КБ, 1280x960)
I hope she's listening to some depressive music (because she has no friends)

she doesn't look very depressive there

Why would she? She only likes me.She has me

Look at her face
Fake smile
> Why would she?
I want her to wallow in self hatred even more than she already does
> She only likes me.She has me

You don't have anyone at all you fucking loser, I have Miku

Yes, I do
I have an actual gf

>actual gf
Don't like you anymore

I know that you have one too
You even added her as a friend on your steam, hah

You fucking faggot I literally don't have one, nor did I ever have one, nor will I ever need one you fucking faggot because I have 2D

*notices that the norman is nervously laughing because I know his secret*
Hm, yes, everything is clear now

I am laughing of how wrong you are retard


There's nothing to corner, because that's simply not true...

what's wrong with having a gf

No need to lie, I won't judge :)
There's nothing wrong with your outgoing lifestyle

Because 2D is better

Once again that is not true

> Homura 2 cool 4 you.jpg
>I...I...I am... a pu-pumpkin!!!! (Mami should have said that because of her boobs)
No, she's not cool

> Once again that is not true
Can you prove it?

>I...I...I am... a pu-pumpkin!!!!
Wow so you clearly do know Japanese.
>Can you prove it?
That's not possible to prove, but I don't know why would I lie

I don't
> but I don't know why would I lie
You must be a pathological liar. You don't even know why you do this

You do normalfag.
I am not lying

Yeah, yeah
If you're not lying, do you think you can agree with what my pic says??


Wow, so mean
I bet your gf likes it when you treat her like shit
No wonder since you like sluts
That's why you like them?
Because you're so sadistic????????????

Once again I do not have one.

Keep up the good work lithuanian bro.
Resisting Russian imperialism and worshipping your waifu.

You didn't answer my questions
(she looks stupid because of that pose)

Its really not that hard
I cannot answer it because its not true?
>(she looks stupid because of that pose)
better than you ever look like

I miss Miku being everywhere on the internet. And 2hu. And Adobe Flash. And a 5 star rating on Youtube.

We may have advanced since then, but I'll always look at those days with nostalgia. They were more fun.

> That's why you like them?
> Because you're so sadistic????????????
So, you're saying that you're not sadistic?
You must be obedient then
I see

>implying implications
Stop posting 3DPD in my threads



Is an imaginary whore that doesn't even exist really worth dying for?

dumb gook, yes she is

heh, what a 'nice guy'


That's a girl retard

I was talking about you, nice guy


>k, yes she
Only in your two-dimensional imaginary world.

I see.
Did your conscripction end yet?
Go commit a suicide

>he's a 'nice guy'

Anime ruined your life.

Anime ruined op's life

Don't care
Go make anime real Hikori kun

first meant for

What's wrong with you?
Yes, I knew it

I saved it off you

Eh, really?

Yes, really you dumb normalfag

Stop making things up

Tired of your bullshit desu

Same about you

I do not lie

Stop saying that I speak Japanese then

You yourself said that you've been learning it


today? on /balt/ don't you remember retard?

One girl being sexually bullied and tormented by a physically and socially more powerful girl is the way it's meant to be.

I was joking
I just copied some random posts from another site
Why do you keep believing everything I say?

I don't believe you a single second I still think that you're fluent in japanese

are you in love with each other?


No. I just have nothing better to do.
Because. You always lie?