Hello brits, have you applied for your Porn ID yet?

Hello brits, have you applied for your Porn ID yet?



who gives a shit about the UK

>your search term 'loli' has been deemed illegal by the "protect the children" -act, Mr. user (SIN 1234-23Y)
>officials have been noted
>please wait, while the internet police responds accordingly
>thank you for your compliance

Who needs porn if you can use your imagination?

Don't think anyone outside Sup Forums gives a flying fuck about Russia mate

*fires your neuron*

thats because both russia and uk are shitholes


I thought they were taking 2 years to officially leave the EU? Porn IDs would be extremely illegal if they were still part of the union.

I guess nobody gives a fuck anymore?

No one cares about EU law and member states flaunt it all the time

> be British
> fall in love with best 2D girl
> get jailed

Please, call them by their new name - Airstrip One

>No one cares about EU law

Grossly untrue but I'll let you cope.

RT does apparently

lel russia is an absolute shithole compared to the UK. average citizen there is way richer than in russia, don't be ridiculous

how do you fuck up this bad

What the actual fuck Britain. Your internet is a censored shithole but I thought you were first world?

so what? moscow is better shithole than siberia, it doesn't change anything


brexshit made this

better get tor and i2p while you still can

No, no one actually cares. Most of West Europe just plain ignored EU rules on air pollutants for instance, most national courts either ignored or struck down the EU data retention directive. The EU has to prosecute violations as an actor in itself so in most cases that aren't highly politicised (like with the Eastern states) they just issue a warning and drop it or they reverse policy.

sorry mate but you are retarded if you ever thought we were a first world country

>not using vpn like a true chinese



>moscow is better shithole than siberia, it doesn't change anything
oh it definitely does, a lot actually. you can live like a human being in moscow and the city itself is quite developed (well, most parts of it) and with a rather good infrastructure, while siberia is just a huge amount of frozen land polluted with poor ugly grey shitholes with extremely bad infrastructure and alcoholics living in literal poverty.
moscow is like a different country

they will be criminalized in oceania

>Temporarily ignore 0.01% of the rules for a short time = No rule is ever obeyed

Oh god, you actually thought you had an augment, didn't you? It's called harmonization, look it up.

one shithole is not better than another

>be britbong
>having tea and crumpets with me mum
>thinking of Muriel from work
>would i like to have a little in out, in out with her
>"scuse me mum, I.... I need to have a go"
>head over to the computation machine
>slam it hard with me fist
>it turns on
>search for porn
>run outside and find the nearest red phone booth
>grab the tele and dial the pornography administrator
>"Ello? Her Majesty's Pornography Administration centre. Who's this callin?"
>"Ello. I need a wank something good"
>"Hol on there, son. You need to give me your name and residence first."
>"My name is Edmond Smith and I live at 3242 W. Pennywood Lane."
>"Alright then. And what time of porn will you be wanting to today, Mr. Smith?"
>"Cuckold, sir. Please hurry, my pecker is about ready to burst."
>"Alright then. One moment please... and you are all set sir. I have given your household 10 minutes of uninterrupted access to cuckold porn."
>"Thank you sir! And god bless the queen!"
>"God bless her right! Cheerio!"
>Race back home before the cuckold porn time runs out
>enter front door
>blood is everywhere
>go into kitchen
>mum is dead
>beheaded by muslims

I'll be in Dover with my little boat selling box with porn mags and DVDs for 5 pounds.

I approve.

>Your internet is a censored shithole
That would be Germany.
The only thing censored is our own tv on jewtube


Britain always had Europe's worst censors. They fucking banned The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Remember "Video Nasty"? This is "Internet Nasty"


How will bongs even recover


>be British
>open this thread
>get jailed


uh oh

is there no hentai plot that isn't retarded?

stop trying to get us arrested

Holy shit Austria, my sides


funny that it was exactly EU who didn't let UK become full dystopian nightmare. Remember that it was UK who invented street cameras, hate speech legislation, PC and health and safety regulations and now nothing will stop them from becoming totalitarian hellhole. Brexiteers just lacked brains to understand that all their problems are from within. Good thing that local population is effeminate and cowardly and it will take only a couple of generations of migrants to wipe away this human filth. Current population there is as 'British' as degenerates mass raped in 5th century by Germanics Roman.