The great transfer debate

which one is better?

The gypsies back to India one

sounds great, less beggars on my streets.

You're a gypsy

The one that gives millions to our loved league (NOS)

>yet another dumb fuck thinking gypsies here are some sort of emancipated vocal minority with internet access like blacks in america

Are you one of those gypsies that thinks that WE WUZ EGYPTIANS AND SHIET? You come from an untouchable caste in India, sorry to break it out to you

>less beggars on my streets.

>Are you one of those gypsies that thinks that WE WUZ EGYPTIANS AND SHIET?

you angry unemployed scatalans sure can read and understand the english language.

If Romania is gipsy why do the gypsies sing in Spanish? Checkmate

I thought all Romanians are gypsies. I've only met 2 Romanians in my life and they looked more Hispanic than white

>>yet another dumb fuck thinking gypsies here are some sort of emancipated vocal minority
pretty sure they're a majority in r*mania

sure if "majority" means 2%

who even is that guy on the left

am i supposed to trust gypsy statistics?

idk, maybe paulinho?

you're supposed to google that shit and find out for yourself, it's not like the information is secret you stupid scandinavian cuck.

have fun raising your wife's "germanic" kids while talking shit about one of the most white christian countries in the world.

>he doesn't know the brazilian Pogbinho

Paulinho for sure

Paulhino played in Litiuania, Poland and China.

what is this guy ?

Gypos BTFO

...and Barcelona.

he's a goat in NATIONAL TEAM

yeah i have a romanian friend and his skin is pretty dark
definitely not white

>he's a goat in NATIONAL TEAM
Was he playing for the 7-1 ?

based paulinho

No, but he was playing against Uruguay and Argentina and scored 4 goals and gave 1 assist. :)

>tfw you'll never see Poolinho scoring a hattrick at Centenario again

>First player to put 3 past Uruguay at Centenario

Pure meme magic

¡Paulinho la metió de pecho!