How does one go about obtaining a Russian bf?

How does one go about obtaining a Russian bf?

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By posting anime images on Sup Forums.

all russians have benis
just choose one

By being short

I'm 172cm or so

It was a joke, get it

get out of here stalker

Haven't played that game
I was too young when it was released

I will be honest, you don't. You will have someone who doesn't appreciate you, your time and whatever you give them in return.
Doesn't matter if it's a russian girl or boyfriend. Russians don't value their partner anything and only think about their own interest.

I haven't played it either

I have to try anyway

>I have to try anyway
Good luck and don't become hateful when shit hits the fan.

>this coming from a european

Not an argument.

I won't become hateful

I hope so, seen many people get hateful after being with russians or ukranians.

Reported to the authorities for gay propaganda.

>Russians don't value their partner anything and only think about their own interest.
Not an argument, deluded fag

>He doesn't have russian bf

I met my weeb russian boi at university

I love him very much, he cooks me blini

>can't into proper logic just throws around my own statement

Russian arguments...

I'm not spreading this to minors though

Same about you
I can make up some bullshit as well

How disgusting

Feel free making up shit, oh wait everything you guys say is shit.

We don't have many Russian exchange students here unfortunately. Mostly just Argentinians and Fuerdai

Plus, what would I do if he moved away?

Nobody cares about your stupid advises, lel Stay mad about us for no reason, eufag

>it was just shit that came out, like always

Pff, well have fun sperging out then.

Yeah, yeah
Please, fuck off from my thread

weeb homo threads are the ultimate cancer, dear fucking god

Er det tid til /HolgerDanske/?

Hide the thread and move on then lol

just kill yourself you worthless weeb faggot, you are fucking cringeworthy

No need to get mad about it lol


to bad mods are gargantuan faggots and don't delete this threads. actual international discussion gets deleted

Just obtain me please

>obtain me
So you're gonna hold a Malta summit in your bed? Where can I spectate it?

where'd u get that pic. it's so fucking adorable. Do you happen to know what anime she's from?

I'd imagine your assertions only hold water if you get together with someone who has been traumatized by a survival mentality either from late soviet or from the 90's or even the fascist-capitalism they run today.

If someone carries grievous wounds from living and growing up in an environment that either requires you to lie and connive or just be horrifically opportunistic and crude to survive yet still has "culture" (as Russians do, even though they often think we think of them as "barbarians" even though this is completely unrelated to why russophobia is a thing) then one would not notice these wounds until one came closer to the person.

Leave my country you dirty russian

Leave my thread, nigger

I think I told you to GTFO

Are you guys for real? Fucking faggots, I swear

Basically the issue is that Russians carry three different behavioral modes with them at all times, each of them with somewhat horrifying implications. First we have the Tsarist-era peasant, who is a collectivist that abhors individual ambition and greed and falls into despair if he is alienated from the group. This person has a mode of being where he is constantly thwarted by his own apathy due to his repressed ambition.

Then, we have the Soviet, who lies to authority figures and anyone outside the in-group as if someone had designed a robot specifically made for the purpose. This is the core of their duplicity, the behavior is the same as in colonized cultures such as Egypt where the natives develop a two-faced nature in order to cope with living in public society within their colonizers rules and mores and privately within their native culture. Behavior varies wildly from changes in context.

And then we have the 90's Russian who is basically a criminal except he is not criminal by nature but as in some parts of Italy, forced into a criminal mode of behavior by being born "into the wrong family". This also includes a layer of seemingly progressive and modern western values that can throw westerners off - "If the person knows the tune and can also play it, why doesn't he play it all the time, then? Is he sick in the head?".

The aggregate of all these cultural layers is a person who can be unfailingly polite, approach westerners on their own terms, yet still behave in a suddenly horrifically deceptive and brutal manner for no seeming reason and apparently completely at random.

And this is the core of russophobia.

>russians are collectivist meme again

If I tell a Swede that they are collectivist and conformist they tell me the same thing, yet then turn around and behave as a Prussian serf at the drop of a hat. And if I tell them of the experiences of my American friends they then stare at me as if I was describing the actions of madmen that undressed in public because "it was hot that day, what do I care what other people think?".

They do not understand that they are what they are because they are completely immersed in a culture where it is taken for granted.

Fuck off, cute Russian bois belong to the BIC (Big Italian Cock)

hmm i see

hot gif

>obtaining a Russian bf
you should lack self respect whatsoever and want everyone to see how pathetic you actually are if you want to date such a pathetic subhuman trash.
also gays belong in jails

Russians aren't subhuman, a lot of them are cute