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Letterboxd thread, m8s?

QOTD: Letterboxd threads are dying, what are you going to do to save them?

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>tfw in love with lb userine

Rogue One is at 3.8 stars, this is IMDB tier.

my granny died. movies for this feel?

I would post in the already existent general instead of making a new one, maybe, idk

They're dying because discordniggers and ircgypsies do nothing but shitpost.

Harold and Maude maybe


I miss bel......

>what are you going to do to save them?
watch more movies

Mein negger, what will You watch today?

>Nausicaa of the valley of the wind
>The Sacrifice
>A Bride For Rip Van Winkle
>Oslo, 31st August
>The Killing
Haven't decided yet, but I'll watch two of those

fuck, oslo 31 august is fukin sickk

Oslo 31. August is comfy.
I'd leave Sacrifice later for when you've seen Tarkovsky's filmography, maybe some late era Bergman and read his book.

This threads have always been kinda slow though

It's the only Tarkvosky I haven't seen yet, and I've watched a lot of Bergman

I watched it among the first having never seen Bergman and it was impenetrable to me




Stop making these threads.

Stop posting in these threads.

Stop bumping these threads.


that feel when time off from work over Christmas means you can dedicate even more time to posting in these threads and annoying this guy

>James Healey doing the stupid Sup Forums "(((Jewish)))" meme on a public forum tied to his real name and career
What the fuck Jim? Do you want to make movies or not?

>James Healey
c'mon james
stop watching mde so much

Mark my words, in 60 years we'll be saying "Healey, Spielberg, Cameron" in that order.

I believe it's a future we'll live to see.

does letterboxd have an app now?

Only on cuckPhones

true patricians don't have phones


i never remember to use that website.

>Film is entertainment


>In the moving picture of Suicide Squad they are 5 main character in this movie they are Dead shot, Sergeant,Griggs Harley Missing Hand how ever these 5 main character have a goal or mission to stop the enigmatic for once and for all to defend this enigmatic

>In the most musical energetic movie picture of La La Land there was young boy and young girls who know as Mia and Sebastian, at first Mia did not Sebastian until they meet for the very first time and they have some thing in common they like to do which is music they have decide to quit the company and created there own band and also get everyone involved with this band and also they will being a show, therefore they need a lot of practice before putting on the show. And so these 2 couple continue with their adventure

>In the movie picture of Finding Dory, Dory is looking for her family with the help of her friends Marlin, Hank, Destiny and Nemo they have been looking all over the ocean for dory parents no matter what they continue finding dory parents and they ask everyone the ocean help dory find her parents, her parents are very important and she love her parents and she do find her parent she have to said goodbye to her friends and return home where she belong, i really like this movie because it has a got plot toward the begging and the end of this film

What are some other crazy reivewers

I would like to begin by addressing a very popular review of Arrival on Letterboxd, which says something to the effect of 'Directors should take their cue's from Villeneuve and go full Tarkovsky.'


me, machill54


oh god, please no

Thoughts on avant-garde reviews?



>it's a review where someone comments on "great directing," "great cinematography," "great writing," or "great acting" but doesn't explain why
>it's an anecdotal review that has barely anything to do with the film itself

Don't we have enough talentless directors already?

>it's an ironicly anti-semitic review from James Healey

How much money would you need to open a repertory cinema

>it's an anecdotal review that has barely anything to do with the film itself
All of SJB's reviews are this way.

Machill can we talk about film?

Ronald Reagan sucks dick.

What would you like to talk about

Have you seen anything you liked recently?

No, it's about your review of Kore-eda's After Life
would like to discuss some of your points

Ok what about them

i cant find your review pls post it

letterboxd.com/machill54/film/after-life/ Here it is

>it all felt a bit cold and clinical, which I think is partly due to the faux-documentary style of filming which leaves the viewer feeling pretty detached.

I thought his way of distancing us from the film itself, made it more a more immersive experience, but despite this way of filmmaking to me at least it still felt very real and personal and never cold but extremely human and emotional.

>(like why do people still need jobs when they are dead).
I don't know if u are talking about the people who make the films, but they are there until they choose a memory of their own, the they leave like the rest of them. I thought this was made very clear in the film so you may be referencing something else.

sorry machill i thought the review was more recent and not 2 fucking years ago so if u dont remember the film its fine still i dont like you for not liking it and for saying jonze would make a better job


i fucking hate when people explain it, I only read reviews of movies that I've watched or that people rate more than 4 stars, so you better not spoil that shit and convince me to watch the shit

>why was it great
>because it was
that's all there is to it tryhard

Yeah I was going to say I really don't remember much about the film beyond the fact that I watched it

I can see from the response others have had that it does resonate with lots of people, I think based on seeing that and the plot synopsis I was expecting something that would be an overwhelmingly emotional experience of a film but I didn't have that

Not sure what I was referring to about having jobs, wouldn't surprise me if it was that I was talking about even if it was explained, I'm extremely dumb

And yeah the Kaufman/jonze comment, I think it was just that plot idea seems like the kind of thing they would make, but it's obviously handled very differently here, and in a way that I didn't particularly enjoy

RIP tv film club


I'm always right and my reviews are eloquent


Im often wrong (due to being a god dammed dumb ass) and my reviews suck ass




You're move, pleb

Is this saying i am on pleb patrol because I'm patrician so they put me in charge of the patrol

is this saying I am patrician because you replied to me when it says not to reply to pleb posts

I don't know what to say about this one I'm afraid

sorry pal

it's ok i guess it can be divisive, probably because of one's own literacy and philosophy, but i thought it was pretty charming, top 10 shit fosho

why do u put urself down so much? i think u have pretty interesting taste and you see some rare obscure stuff thats pretty cool

Based Healey

>one's own literacy and philosophy
yep agreed, with the kind of film that it is this will he hugely influential on enjoyment. I'm glad you liked it so much, it's a neato idea

I put myself down because it is funny to doo so in my opinion

Do you really think you are dumb?

No I'm smart as hell.

yeah its a neato idea, well anyways thanks for answering machill at least u arent like other lbg superstars who don't answer questions
good riddance

oh i thought you felt bad about yourself and i want to befreind you

fuckugly faggent

Anyone seen this?

Michael Madsen's best role


You seem YOLO AF so I'm not gonna be mean

i am pretty yolo yeah not sure if im YOLO AF

Remember to rate shorts


don't do this Jewhoe

Really slowed down lately. Took a break from Kurosawa for a bit to focus on some of my backlog. Didn't actually get too much of my backlog watched

Rogue One was ass. Bleed for This was surprising, it's nice to see Miles Teller in a decent film post-Whiplash. Out of The Past had the blandest blurb I've ever seen a movie have, but it was a good film. First film I've liked Robert Mitchum in as well. I think I have one film left in the Noir boxset I got as a gift years ago


I think we should impose a new rule where everyone who paid to go see Starshit should be barred from ever posting

i'm going to see Starshit, but i'm not paying

This should also apply to original and prequel trilogies.

Seen it twice. Top-tier Hellman. Really, they're all good except for Silent Night, Deadly Night III.

The rocky terrain of the island reflects the state of the protagonist's soul.

No way would I watch that shit.

Hellman mentions some viewers having a problem with that scene in Brad Stevens' book. I'll see if I can find the relevant passage(s).

that's fukin neat

please do

no u

i just bought a ps4 what games should i get, i only have battlefield 1

Yakuza 6, Persona 5


So what's the consensus so far on 2016 MOTY?

Haven't seen Manchester By The Sea yet, but La La Land is going to be hard to beat.

The overall consensus by most people is no doubt around Toni Erdmann( which probably is overrated by now, but I'm very hype)

>rogue shit
>4 stars


Watch older movies

Definitely a lot of 'recent-ism' in these threads and consequently little to interest me.

>W-W-What is it, a boy or girl?
>Mmhm *nods head*
I love this movie

The Addams Family?

>Help ya down?!?