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Top shelf material right there.
Bet Amy wrote all the joke's herself.


Ecuador is literally the only Safe country aside costa rica between America and Chile.

What's wrong with good old fashioned Colombia?

What an absolutely disgusting cunt.

Damn! Amy Schumer looks like THAT?!

damn, Amy Schumer looks like THAT?

eat shit

>look like melted candles

>literally reaching the point where the joke is she is just washing her dirty vagina

Jesus christ, what happened to our society?

>making fun of her own objective ugliness

that part was surprisingly good doe

Dat beach body thou
Damn, she's been working out of urge of self-improvement, which got her nowhere :^)

>all those smoking hot latino 10's males going up to

Overreactive fairy boys like you happened.

>music stops to emphasize the joke


Holy shit, how the fuck can a woman be so fucking UNFUNNY HOLY SHIT JUST DIE ALREADY YOU FAT JEW FUCK.

>Bet Amy wrote all the joke's herself

Bet you etc

Kill me please

>whale cum
wow, how do they write this stuff?

0/10 bait

same way as you, user. time to live up to your own requirement

sure showed me

aaah, fuck, I actually think she's cute and not that fat
There's just something in her piggy face that makes me wanna cum all over her thighs

>South America

Why do Americans keep doing this? You know how fucking big the place is? Just a pick a goddamn country.

Don't project your limp wristed bullshit on me..

>this is a 10/10 on Sup Forums

After a while people get so dependent they become practically unshittable. There are types on Sup Forums with so little to live for otherwise you could kick 'em in the teeth or turn 'em over to be fucked in the ass like that kid in the Scum video and they'd take it just so long as it meant not being cut off from Sup Forums. It's hard to know *what* to do with them.

>your limp wristed bullshit


Oh wow, you really got to the bottom of this

>like that kid in the Scum video

>You're like melted candles

A gem of a truth in a sea of shit.

>amy shmumer in "snatched, or how to trigger Sup Forums"
you guys are a bunch of fucking whiny bitches, theres shit movies made all the time, this is just one more to throw on the pile

does ANYONE find her even remotely attractive?

i mean sure, tons of desperate lonely virgin losers on here who would settle for her

but i mean as a standalone attraction???

>piggyback tittle on greatest film ever made



i dont get why the stig would be with rei.

lock stock is better

In don't know princess Caroline, care for some tea and scones by the swans?

>Amy Schumer

Does literally ANYONE think she's funny?

hahaha get it guys

get it

snatched, like kidnapped, and also snatch like a vagina


oh whow, the trailer was great. i laughed my ass off so hard! But i was hoping for more feminist stuff, the men in this movie are all awful. I hate the rape culture

Same reason they refer to all of Africa as one place
Same reason that the only Asian countries are China, Japan and Bangkok
Americans are bad at Geography

WTF happened to Goldie Hawn?

what a knockout body

>people are this mad
Why? It's just like the female equivalent of the Hangover or Pineapple Express.

It's not even feminist, it's pretty self-deprecating.

why would anyone hire someone who willingly does that to their face?

>It's just like the female equivalent of the Hangover or Pineapple Express.
wew lad

The Hangover was funny at times
I don't think anyone's mad at the film, just the media's constant attempts to make Amy Schumer a thing
But no one finds her funny. And she lacks self-awareness

Hey, she was in Death Becomes Her and Overboard, Amy doesn't even fucking compare

Oh look it's another day of Sup Forums virgin manchildren raiding us


>just the media's constant attempts to make Amy Schumer a thing
It's not like she's the first person this has happened to. It seems like Sup Forums is overreacting because she's a land whale and a feminist.

Not gonna lie I laughed a couple times.

>being this upset
we all know you stormweenies love cuck porn

>because she's a land whale and a feminist.
land whale sure, but more because she's a fair weather feminist

>Ashley Graham
Leon would never

only time I laughed was when the mexican guy was telling her she's lucky no one wants to fuck her.

t. contrarian hipster

She's barely a feminist
She just complains about how much men suck. She doesn't posit any of the other shit feminists tend to say. Like I don't recall her ever complaining about the wage gap
But she is besties with JLaw so it probably happened to be fair


Of course the most handsome guy on the planet would be her love interest. Just like in real life :^)

looks like one of those bad sandler vacation movies crossbred with the hangover shit, will be better than both tho.
i would watch if the movie is at least 80% laughing AT the melted candles but i think it'll be more like 15% of all the "jokes"

the delivery of "oh I would be very unlucky to fuck you" is great, i usually never laugh during comedy trailers

>she uses it as a butt of a joke in an ad she was paid for

>women have to pay more
The fuck?
At least with the pay gap, it's based on terrible statistical analysis
But this is just flat out untrue
>With bud light, it costs the same whether you're a dude or a gal
As opposed to what? Abortions? Ovarian surgery? Fucking what the actual shit?
Show me a car dealership that charges women more than men for the same car and then we can have this conersation

wtf i hate seth rogen now

goldie hawn needs to cool it with the botox and plastic surgery. jesus christ.

i feel bad for kurt russell.


Why do we hate her agin? Just because she's fat? This whole board is a conglomerate of fat usless fucks memeing all day erry day.

Why the actual fuck did Schumer think a tramp stamp would look good on her hippopotamus back?

a little too late for that. At this point she might as well just go full tilt.

you're simplifying it a bit too much

because she's a literal retard.

I'm not even a Sup Forums-tard but this logic enrages me

Women have to pay more? Boo fucking hoo. Men are expected to pay in every god damn date. Men are expected to provide while women do bugger all

Such a red herring

She's a product of nepotism and her comedy is 99% shit.


>Those dislikes


>I'm not even a Sup Forums-tard
obviously, you're clearly a /R9k/tard

no, there's just a lot of virgin manchildren in the world

Weekly reminder that this woman's uncle is about to become the highest elected and de facto leader of the democratic party

I just love Amy Schumer, not only tough as hell but she looks like a "shieldmaiden" a very strong woman both in mind and body.

I think she is a ok and then some.

there's that ghostbusters defense again...

As far as americans are concerned, there are only 6 countries on earth:

South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and of course, 'Murica.

Jesus, why women are so fucking gross?

Do you think uncle chuckie molested her as a babby and that's why she's such an attention seeking whore that can't stop talking about her gaping smelly vagina?

Wew lad.

Trainwreck was bad enough, now they make it more female-centric without Bill Hader and make it even less original. Fucking RIP.

he's right though. ghostbusters was a solid film anyway. it just got a lot of hate bcuz it had female leads.

checked and /thread

>the best defence women have for their subpar film is "it has women"
Anthony would weep.

Women are funny, get over it, neckbeard.

Great. Another "let's use a exotic place to both make fun of the people there and the ignorant Americans that vacay it" movie.

Gouge my fucking eyes out. FUCK THIS FUCKIGN WORLD.


Fuckign look at insurance. Men pay more because they drive more aggressively and staticians know this so they adjust the rate accordingly. Arguing this shit is equivalently retarded as saying "hey, why do young people pay more than old people for insurance! It should all be EQUAL guys! This is youth discrimination"

>ghostbusters was a solid film anyway
wow, you have shit taste in movies

virgin detected

nice projection buddy.

>subpar film
just because your an R9K dwelling virgin

Its a meme guys relax.

>It looks like you were washing your vagina in the sink.

She's not funny
All her jokes revolve around her vagina or her being a slut
She steals jokes
She accuses her haters of being misogynists
She has no self-awareness and genuinely thinks she looks like the average woman
She only became famous due to nepotism
Her break-through appearance was making a joke about Ryan Dunn, to his best friend within a month of his death, on Charlie Sheen's roast
She's best friends with JLaw
She keeps being shoved in our faces by the media
She raped a guy in college and then made jokes about it

is this the new far cry

it's not a meme though. Sup Forumstards have been actively raiding Sup Forums for the past year

why do you give her attention? she's a female comic that's highly successful from making jokes that females connect with. none of this is directed at the obese NEETs that populate this board; they aren't looking for your money and they don't care about your opinion

i think what triggers you the most about her, way more than any "muh vagina" joke, is that although she's a highly self-deprecating fat chick, she still occasionally implies that she can get a guy to fuck her. that's it. the fact that she's fucking a guy way out of her league in this movie probably sent you over the roof huh? how dare she imply that this would be possible in a completely absurd and unrealistic comedy movie. the nerve. then you go back to your MGTOW/redpill/MRA/whatever board to go complain some more about the plight of the straight white man in modern society.

>pol boogeyman