How do you liquify garlic?


Other urls found in this thread:

you don't

slicing it that thin you probably burn it

I never understood if that was intentional or not, was he trying to portray Henry as a bullshitter?

ayyy it's a secret that only momma knows

oil and heat. Fucking plebs I swear


I just mash it up in the pan because I hate getting the smell on my hands.



I usually sit on it

cook it in warm, not hot oil for a couple of hours

Low heat, dawg.


what a wonderful meme you've discovered

wash your hands with soap then rub on stainless steel

>What is this liquid rubbish on my pasta?

>That's liquefied garlic, Chef!

>Jesus Fucking Christ

when you heat things, they melt. Its not rocket science



Finn here

We have liquid garlic

not everything liquefies when heated, genius.

what wonderful numbers you've discovered

well garlic clearly does

Goodfellas: comfy movie or comfiest movie?

We have it too

We use it for our nasty pizzas

I'd make a comment about the time that'd take, then I realised they're in prison so wasting time isn't necessarily something to worry about.

So yeah...

indeed it does

>rolling stones music plays


But it was a very good system.

>in this thread people who don't believe "liquefy" is a figure of speech

How do you activate almonds?

Call the number on the back of the container.


it was a very good system.

Do you get an activation key for every individual almond?


>slicing garling
You're supposed to crush it.

stick it in a blender and press the liquify button

Vinnie, don't put too many onions in the sauce.

teh papaz teh papaz

cheese cake?


What'sa matta with you i'm only breaking your garlic a lil bit
And you're getting fucking fresh


Break up my party!

Not so much as a bullshitter but he's obviously an unreliable narrator. Which is somewhat ironic since the real Hill was, by all accounts, a pretty good cook.

Is onion hate a meme? Onions are like flavor enhancers.

>Give us a drink!

Who was us?

whoa wait a minute

in that scene the goodfathers are supposed to be in prison, yet they have access to a kitchen and they have fucking razor blades? I realize this was filmed pre-9/11 but there should have been someone in the pre-production phase to point this out.

its because of their white privelage

>it was filmed pre 9/11

By like two months


how do you smuggle a kitchen into a jail? I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things, but not this

>implying it would be difficult for a maffioso to gain access to razor blades in prison
>implying kitchen work is one of the most common jobs prisoners have while they're locked up

Everytime im cutting garlic I think of these threads

I hate you people

>has never shoved an entire chicken up his ass before.

Henry Hill did notin'. He was a shinebox getter, nothing else

yes and you register it on GoG

You don't retard, you can't liquify garlic. You cook the flavor out of it, all he's doing by pic related is ensuring a bunch of big thin slices of flavorless garlic in your food.

I usually shit on it

call me a retard to my face bitch


Why slice them thin when you can just chop them into little pieces?

but fingers add to the flavor

he wanted the scent of garlic to mask the scent left on his fingers by gay prison buttholes

shit tier bait, but heres your (you) anyways


Just think about how retarded that phrase is for a second.
>a solid piece of garlic
>by slicing it thin
That's not how it works at all.

>Cooking like that for a group of men.

Scorsese just wanted the shot.

Goodfellas is rife with alchemical and hermetic symbology. It's argued to be a direct modernization of "Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz". The alchemical act of reshaping matter, transitioning from a solid to a liquid, is the most obvious example.


There's this thing called money. Do you know what is, and what it does?

>I fucked kids like him in the ass

why are you speaking to me in riddles? do you need to inflate your ego to that degree?

did they never hear of a garlic press?

>do you need to inflate your ego?

Do you know where we are?

I love garlic. I could eat it raw. Same with onions.


but if people love garlic and onion smell then that guy becomes Mr Popular

Why did they wait so long to have Tommy whacked? Why have this elaborate setup about him getting made instead of just putting a bullet in his skull?

they didnt want robert deniro to find out until he was already dead

So was Bobby D like Bruce Willis in the sixth sense that he sees dead people?

have you ever heard of tradition?
of course not. go be a niggerfaggot somewhere else.

I mean until Tommy was already dead

I don't love the smell out of your mouth nigger

I'm still pissed that they're giving this an all-female cast remake/reboot

>caring what people think about you
I remember when I was 15


Chopping less fine produces a stronger taste

So what's it like being able to get your permit now?

Non-Pisan detected.

You put effort into cooking because it brings back memories of family and childhood. Eating is a communal thing that you share with people to strengthen relationships.

I would not expect a Sup Forums autist to understand this.

I used to date a pure Italian woman and her family would literally eat garlic gloves like they were grapes. I got into it as well and now I can't imagine going a day without eating garlic.

My family and my childhood were shit, I take people to restaurant.

doesn't liquefy if you do that

you dont cook the soffritto, you put it on very low heat until the vegetables are soft then it gets put in the sauce.

no chance of burning the garlic.

>I used to date a pure Italian woman
was she hot?

>would literally eat garlic gloves like they were grapes.

garlic and onion odorants get in your blood and therefore also in your sweat. the smell around them must be unbearable.

>implying papa johns isn't pizza kino

Nice. Do you eat it raw?

What did he mean by this?