Fun action movie with great fight choreography

>Fun action movie with great fight choreography
>Good characters that are fleshed out
>Good chemistry between the two leads
Why all the hate? Is it just cause Max wrote it?

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KStew waifu simulator

>>Fun action movie with great fight choreography

You are a fucking liar, and the only good character was Goggins.

>Kristen Stewart

LOL this shit was after school special tier

I want to fuck Kristen Stewart so bad

I'm not claiming it's some epic masterpiece but it's definitely not after school special tier.
Every character had clear motivations and by the end of the movie there was a clear understanding of who they were as people.
>le kristen stewart can't act meme
She's proved multiple times that she isn't just Bella from twilight. Her and Robert Pattinson played those characters like autists because that was how the characters seemed to them. They were right, too.

Yeah, everyone has a hate boner for him. Dirk Gently was fun too.

>>le kristen stewart can't act meme

She can't it's the same soulless eyed deadpan performance in every movie, get the fuck over it.

>CGI smoke in the first minutes
And dropped.

>hebrew please

>Every character had clear motivations and by the end of the movie there was a clear understanding of who they were as people.

So does every Jack and the Beanstalk, congrats on being impressed by basic as fuck storytelling with a dude weed twist.


they kind of made it seem like a DUDE WEED LMAO in the movie advertisements

>what is sils maria

>Clouds of Sils Maria
>Camp X-ray
She was great in all of those. Get the fuck over it.

Sup Forums is all on ADD drugs so smoking the DUDE WEED LMAO doesn't do anything for them.

That's why they don't get stoner movies.

bros ;___;

i thought it was good until a key moment like 2/3s of the way through I forget what happened though but the line on the graph of quality hit the floor then

There's also the great action sequences, good performances from nearly the whole case, and good, believable chemistry between Eisenberg and Stewart.
As I said, It's not some high art masterpiece, but it's a good, fun action movie. Doesn't deserve to be treated like the plague the way it is.

go back to bed, max

>those CGI blood spurts

fuck you, you lazy pricks

fuck your shit

Yet she's the only American actress to win a Cesar award

She was quite rude when they were giving her the award

IMHO Dirk Gently was brilliant

>Clearly has wet nail polish, or something else on her fingers
>Respects the award too much to risk dirtying it
Kristen Steward did nothing wrong desu

I have no idea how Max Landis does midwestern town comfy so well

Kstew is the best reddit filter we have

>>Good characters

I started watching it without any previous knowledge whatsoever.

Stopped like 30 minutes in. Simply terrible.

>Simply terrible.

It was a very uneven film that never committed to its action or its comedy and so both come off as very half-assed. Also Jesse Eisenberg was a terrible choice for the lead. Only really good parts were John Leguizamo and the animated sequence at the end

A somewhat similar movie that is 1000 times better would be Grosse Pointe Blank

Elaborate on what?

I only saw 30 minutes.

>shitty acting
>shitty characters
>same old Kstew and Jheis autism quirky quips


Girlfriend simulator. All other scenes pointless.

Kino as fuck

>talks about bad choices for leads
>posts a movie starring john cusack

>obviously hasn't seen the film
he's great in it

Official thread theme:


When I went to see it with my gf the theatre was empty.
Still à fois movie and I could fondle her titties withoute problem


I feel really lonely now

That fucking hair makes her look like adult Macaulay Culkin to me.

This film is a fan service gift to Kstew worshippers and I'm fine with it
