She is so adorable! But is the show good?

She is so adorable! But is the show good?

I enjoyed Rick and Morty's storytelling and art, so is it like that? or is it more like Uncle Grandpa, Teen Titans Go rofmao BRRO twerking selfie s0 ranDom XD shit?

She got turned into a cuckquean

Tumblr shit is that way

It's a show for kids, not teenage boys, so it's nothing like Rick & Morty. It's more like Gravity Falls.


But I heard Gravity Falls is alot like R&M. In quality at least. I don't have Television so I havnt seen that either.

Well you know Sup Forums motto
>I hope its shit so I can like it

That was actully useful. I got the stupid app so I can't see the list of boards thanks.

It's for manchildren

It's much higher quality than R&M. Since they had that sweet Disney dosh instead of bland drawings with scribble eyes. R&M doesn't really do anything interesting with artstyles or animation methods.

Movements are great in R&M, and I think that makes it great. Especially Rick. That is why I hate Anime. FLCL or P&S would be great if they where not so loud and obnoxious.
Also I like the emotion and attention to detail between episodes.

girls can't be cucked

Iv been here for years and still don't know what that means, so it either means nothing and you are saying it because you have nothing intellegent to say, or I am retarded for not knowing, and if that is the case than explain.

Yes user, you are a retard for not knowing.

Star is a qt

It's not hard to look up the actual defenition of the word, but that isn't how things work here. What does it actully mean..... here.

Lurk more newfag

Any other decent cartoons?



somewhere in the middle. it's a watchable cartoon.

Alright cool.
I watched a few clips and she is at least not cringy or loud. The bird summon grabbing a random guy and flying off, and the stoner dude laughing at them and then just stoping and stareing before leaving made me laugh. Maybe it's just me but I feel a small dash of Invader Zim in there. I will watch it... not on Netflix... not on Hulu... what the fuck. The Bay better not be shut down again.

>instead of bland drawings with scribble eyes
I don't mind R&M but the scribble pupils always bugged the FUCK outta me.


also Star is fucking great