Burr's feminine advice

>gf claims bf ignores her for video games
>Bill completely buys the entire story even with fucking Nia being slightly skeptical
>tells girl to engage in abusive whore antics in attempt control bf through jealousy

Marriage has bluepilled Bill.


Other urls found in this thread:


>it's a let's single out video games as a bad hobby when Bill watches dozens of hours of sports per week and literally all Nia does is shop and watch reality TV episode

Being that engrossed in any hobby is the problem. At least video games are interactive unlike the aforementioned hobbies which are entirely passive

If you are over 18 you should not be playing video games. If you are under 18 you shouldn't be on this board. If you are trolling then good job.

Sup Forums BTFO

Grow up manchildren

they fucking loser plays games all day and she's asking if she should end the relationship.

protip: she should. nia is completely correct

you understand bill bur is a comedian he makes jokes that's his job

gaymers can't handle having their balls busted. jimmy kimmel previously proved this

>Sup Forumstards still shilling anti-bill burr threads to demoralize Sup Forums users

Really makes ya think

this tbqhwymf

>he's offended by a comedian

who gives a shit about bill burr or any stand up comedian for that matter

literally the absolute lowest form of entertainment. It's just some guy (or chick(KEK)) talking.

also conan o brien

final fantasy fags were on him all week after that segment

If what she said is correct she was literally beg him to fuck her but he was too busy playing video games once he got home till the early morning. So yea fuck that nerd that won't even give his gf plow

>literally the absolute lowest form of entertainment. It's just some guy (or chick(KEK)) talking.


Only someone who watches mainstream shit or a Sup Forumsedditard would say something like this.

Go back to where you came from.

>all the losers in the comments who simultaneously blame her and are mad she wants to end the relationship

at least you can talk

just like every other person on earth wooo what brilliant entertainment

Are you a woman or below the age of 19?

Serious question, no memes

>wooo what brilliant entertainment

You sound like a fucking queer

>plays vidya
>has a 3DPD
Bill is completely right

hey imma emulate this bill burr fella too if you gonna do it

hey we can be bill burr buddies together

those broads eh, they're a piece of work ain't they

>console pleb

virgin detected

pic related it's me

Confirmed female teenager.

Thanks for playing.

I'm in 2 minds here.

If you're a gamer you should know that the games getting released lately are complete shit. Garbage like No Man's Sky and so on.

Even though I know more about games than a normie, I don't really play many games because games are shit now.

Ergo, if a guy is obsessed with video games there's a real issue here because he's spending hours playing shit.

>If you are over 18 you should not be playing video games.
Why? It's a form of entertainment. It isn't automatically delegitimized just because you control what happens on the screen

Should nobody watch movies over the age of 18?
Should nobody read books over the age of 18?
Should nobody play sports over the age of 18?

These are all entertainment mediums

The second Bill got married you should have all dropped him. That was YEARS AGO
the faggot who went on about marriage being a lose-lose scenario, not giving in? he is now married to some darkie who "omg i can't even"

>just play a video game for the rest of the day? doesn't sound like a driven man

nailed it right there.

confirmed tasteless pleb

that's no worse than what normies do (watch TV all day, spend all day on facebook, etc.)

hell even Bill isn't all the different

more like gamers get triggered by retarded old people talking down to their hobby, a hobby which is by all merits superior to the trash they watch like pro sports and reality tv. burr is a funny guy, but he's also uneducated when it comes to politics and philosophy. ironically the generations that don't understand video games are the ones who botched their generation of offspring as well as shit on the economy and the media. conan and kimmel are like any other talk show host, making scattershot jokes about things they don't understand in order to stay relevant

>haha like guys how can you find a comedian standing up making jokes funny hah n-no im not autistic hah like totally

>they don't understand how important my vidya is


>a hobby which is by all merits superior to the trash they watch like pro sports and reality tv

lmao, says who?

Its not anybody's fault there's literally no pussy on earth than go head to head with a dank Bioware game.

>30% thumbs down
kek gamers triggered

>getting this defensive over a totally not-pleb form of "entertainment"

triggered much

If you're siding with the woman, you've never had a girlfriend.

I had a girlfriend for 6 years and I know exactly how the boyfriend feels. He's just too afraid to say it. He's bored of the relationship now. Pretty much every relationship past 5 years becomes 100% monotony. Your partner is no longer interesting. Sex is boring now. I've been there, done that. It's not that he's obsessed with video games, it's just that video games are the only semi-interesting thing to do in the house.

They should just break up. He obviously doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with this whore so he shouldn't.

Normies that watch tv or do other menial shit when they get off work till 3 am everyday that won't fuck their gf aren't worth being with either so I don't know what your trying to prove here

calm down there bernie

the woman is literally asking if she should break up with him. how fucking retarded are you?

also you're a pussy

video games were and will always be for nerds. The whole normie scene is dying and thank god for it.

>Be me
>first day of a college class
>everyone goes around saying their name and something about themselves
>some sperg stands up
>"hi my name's [whatever] and I'm a gamer"

I mean in terms of the argument, not wanting to break up.

>also you're a pussy

t. whiteknight.

A pussy would be too afraid to admit his relationship is boring now.

>haha guys its just like somebody standing up talking like seriously?

>resolve it like an adult by signalling to your bf that you will cheat on him with his friends and create drama

So it's okay when women do it. Great advice, Bill.

a man says it's over when he's done. you're a pussy

ITT Sup Forums virgins pretend they're better than gamers

Good job, numales. Your only solace in life is that you're slightly less pathetic than Sup Forums.

>this whore
Why do you assume this? She literally haven't cheated on him and if she did then she is a whore. She is just being a person not happy with the relationship wanting more for her life. If that faggot is bored he should man up and break up with her. Time to grow up user people that get what they want take action

t. tryhard wannabe alpha male that thinks sticking in a shitty relationship is manly and badass

You have no experience in relationships. You don't know shit.

If there's something worse than thinking less of people who play video games it's those who think games are somehow art and they are intellectuals for playing vidya.

that's the opposite of what i said. you're a mess

>getting triggered that I called her a whore

Kek I wasn't even being serious. Fucking pussy.

i play video games whenever i can and am a complete 28 yr old virgin loser and those comments are hilarious

if your gf has to beg you to fuck her and you won't get off battlefield or whatever then why even have a gf

just jerk off to orc rape hentai like a real nigga and call it a day

what are you upset about? someone criticized your cheap, propagandized tv show or someone criticized your hobby of watching people with lives do things while you get dumber and more pathetic?
says anyone who would rather think while being entertained than stick their thumb up their ass pretending they're athletic and popular. I don't care if people like that shit but half the point of video games is being challenged by its creators, which is becoming more niche just like with films and tv

>she has to literally beg him for sex
sitting in a chair all day playing video games must have wrecked his testosterone and sex drive.

bill and nia couldn't raise a dog correctly, but are having a kid? lol

lol is all you get

the dude is clearly just tired of the relationship and is too much of a fag to be the one to break it off first

Remember when Ebert said video games aren't art? No one, and I mean NO ONE, is as easily butthurt and triggered as gamers.


I play games as much as the next fag and I dont understand the constant need to defend the hobby. Just fucking play.

>b-but I don't want to seem like a loser
you already are one if you spend all day playing video games. Might as well own up to it.

I don't keep up with his personal life but some of his specials are hilarious. He mentioned in one that finding and keeping a woman is basically the only reason he's alive. He's going to end up like

at least he succeeded


His comedy will reach new heights.

I think the people who do that do indeed believe that video games are an inferior medium, but for some reason they associate it with their identity and so they lash out as a defense.
I play vidya because I like it, there should be no ulterior motive.

i remember jimmy kimmel making a little fun of people who watch lets play videos (a thing which i agree is very strange, i mean come on). he didn't even paint them as losers or anything, just pointing out the absurdity

then he made ANOTHER VIDEO just because they were so butthurt, got more the views and they were still butthurt as fuck

they also mass disliked unrelated videos of his and commented on everything for a few weeks

Because he was never a creator, just a critic. If you're creative, and create an imaginary world in your mind, you consider them art.
If you weave characters and parables into an imaginary world, then choose to express them in film, it's considered art. The only difference is that video games require audience input.
Because you're just a consumer.

It's called an opinion.

he wrote a movie

So are you, why do you make your hobby such a large part of who you are?

You faggots are worse than metalheads.

Sex is tedious as fuck. I just try to get it over with but I can never cum and it's a complete chore. Of course I'd rather play video games.

This. Could the best writers have done so without suffering?

when a man gets rid of his dog because of his fucking whore wife, he is no longer a man. he abandoned his dog. fuck him.

Now that the dust has settled who was in the wrong here?

her dog. she bought it (and it was a shitty rescue pitbull that bit people)

Why do people like this guy? I've listened to several clips of him and he's never done anything funny or entertaining and his voice is annoying and whiny.

>he's on that stupid thing all day. anyway, what were you saying?

> because of his fucking whore wife
it was because of his kid, he didn't want the dog to attack it. like any normal man he chose his offspring over his dog.


What about me? I was in a coma as a child so my body aged several years but I did, so my body is over 18 but my mind is under 18, am I therefore allowed to browse Sup Forums AND play video games?

Keep trying to keep face with people you've never met kiddo you wrote a wall of text justifying your beta views of playing your nerd games all day you da real pussy senpai also kys

the guy on the bottom was in the wrong.

>Its an autist on Sup Forums trys to correct a happily married and successful man on how to act in a relationship episode

His relationship advice is his best part because from the sounds of it hes been a fucking cunt in previous relationships and so knows the signs.

>normal man
>can't master a dog

Pick one

pitbulls are naturally violent killers

Then he was being ignorant.
>why do you make your hobby such a large part of who you are?
This has to be one of the most retarded questions I've ever been asked, especially in this context.
>why do you defend something that interests you? why can't you just watch it get overrun by money grubbing whores and brainless faggots like me???

it's the owner's fault you fucking retard


But its a rescue pitbull so its probably seen some shit.

john for being a nu male and not controlling his bitch

it should be illegal to breed pitbulls. kill yourselves

Holy shit my sides.
How about you develop a personality outside of gamess you aspie

Doesn't Bill have hours of him talking about how bullshit the game women play are? Why is he encouraging that sort of passive aggressive behavior he complains about so much

your mother should've bred you into a fucking trash can

I cucked this nerd who always played online video games my freshman year of college. The dude's gf was in my Econ class and would always come over to my dorm to """""study""""". Never even had a problem with him but he found out and there wasn't much he could do. He was dyel af and was always preoccupied playing the online games.

>relocates a violent dog instead of having it put down


>suggests someone who plays video games every waking moment is a loser



if you have a gf and you do nothing but play video games all day you deserve to get cucked

sorry normie, you can't have both

>using Burrs' advice to expose all the libtard feminists on Sup Forums
Excellent job, op. Look at all these shitbirds insisting its the guy's fault for enjoying his vidya. Reverse the genders and these idiots are insisting that the guy is asking for too much attention and is jealous that the girl likes her vidya.


You're spending your Friday night on Sup Forums.

You're a virgin.