I genuinely hate this country and every poster from it

I genuinely hate this country and every poster from it

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I hate only muzzies 2bh

U mad because your sister loves turkish cock

Only absolutely niggers fly to Turkey and I don't have a sister. I bet turks enjoying kurdish enrichment pretty thoroughly rn

Sorry José, but Mrs. Bill Clinton lost fair and square. Time to stop making Russia the scapegoat.

You seem really mature.



>I hate only muzzies 2bh


give one good reason for hating them

your leader doesn't

Aye, we have special contr terrorist muzzie squad that kill them in chechnya and now in syria

I like them.

me too but of their posters I only hate that trap and that sperg that posts with an Israeli flag

Going to laugh when Flynn has to give testimony and can't pathetically plead the fifth again

You should love Russia

Yeah, we are the worst. Please invade.

I genuinely hate this country and every poster from it.

My job here is done.


People say otherwise only when they want to shock or troll others.

You can hate Muslims all you want fgt

But the US govrenment will always see you as a threat and they will try to drstroy your country

you are here the gay ass sandnigger faggot

Keep yapping pathetic muzzie. Anything other than qatar affairs or terrorism finding is beyond you anyway. Just sit tight and watch how big guys do it

>Only absolutely niggers fly to Turkey
bullshit and you know that

Nothing wtong with being a faggot

true. he invites them even

You are the same nigger who don't believe that people hate muzzies in russia?

B-b-but user, I love you...

The US uses my country as a free base anyway


And that's right thing to do.
Russia is a totally undemocratic authoritarian police state run by a tyrant and his oligarch friends while the population lives in absolute poverty. Not to mention millions of legal and illegal muslim immigrants from Central Asia. Only a braindead Sup Forumstard degenerate can like this shithole.

They don't. Putin is an islamophile

Wow so contrarian, I bet you have 0 friends irl

I am not a nigger unlike you and you can lie all you want here on Sup Forums, OR you can just visit Turkey (if you can afford it lol) and see what kind of people from Russia go there. They are faaar from being niggers (protip: majority of them are quite beautiful and young girls).
And please don't lie that you been to Turkey. You never visited it not because you don't want to but because you don't have money for that.
You nazi wannabe western kids are ridiculous.


I know you're that Russian immigrant who is "rich and your parents own a restaurant" but you are in fact just a kremlinshill and left Russia just because it's an absolute shithole.

Russia coming in with the truth.

How we teamed against the nazis before we will team agianst the Muslims, mark my words.

He is ultra conservative. He likes anything that support traditional values.
I don't lie. There is no mosques in my city and there will never. Cucks like you destroyed moscow and it's the biggest islamic city in europe now. You can only whine and sit in your anime tread all day.
And as I said only absolutely niggers go to turkey because of duty free and shit. It's much better to go to Montenegro instead

Also an interesting quote, especially dumb Sup Forumstards should read it.
>A recent editorial in Nezavisimaya Gazeta was titled “Trump and Le Pen would be opposition in Russia.” Under President Vladimir Putin, the newspaper argues, being anti-immigration is the same as being anti-establishment. “Domestic TV blasts Europe for multiculturalism, for receiving refugees from Mideast and Africa, for tolerance to migrants,” its editors wrote. But in Russia, anti-immigrant stances are sometimes “characterized by the authorities as an unacceptable form of nationalism.”

You're just trying to gain sympathies from western posters so you keep moaning about how much you hate your own country and accuse everyone of being shill, you are a pathetic whiny attention whore

>and there will never.
Never what? Learn English first or just write in Russian. Not even gonna read the rest of your post.

>anty-gay Russian laws
>faggots from Sup Forums hate Russia
What a surprise!

I was right though about who you are. Russia is objectively a poor totalitarian shithole. And is inferior to the West (and even to many Eastern European cunts now lel) at absolutely everything.

Russia is not particularly rich but it's not as poor as you whiny self hating losers claim

People who never worked a hour in their life often say that "muh poor shithole country don't give me neetbucks! Life is suffering!" And shit like that, it's actually okay once you start earning something yourself. I genuinely thought it would be worse.

Means absolutely nothing considering we have Western Europe tier prices while an average wage is almost 5-6 times higher in Western (or Northern) Europe.

>I genuinely thought it would be worse
You can afford bread everyday! That's fantastic, right?

>they will try to drstroy your country
Good luck. Alaska must be return home!

>we have Western Europe tier prices
this is a lie

>average wage is almost 5-6 times higher in Western
Western Europe is the richest part of the world, everyone is poor compared to them. Russians live better than Mexicans, Brazilians, Chinese and basically 90% of the rest

Actually I'm able to rent a small but nice apartment not that far from city center and can buy almost everything I want. Maybe I'm just lucky and have low standards and dreams.

>we have Western Europe tier prices
It's true.
We have the same milk prices as in Germany, the same milk prices as in Denmark and the same meat prices as in Italy.

>Consumer Prices in Denmark are 112.10% higher than in Russia
>Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 114.39% higher than in Russia
>Rent Prices in Denmark are 120.50% higher than in Russia
>Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 151.38% higher than in Russia
>Groceries Prices in Denmark are 103.00% higher than in Russia

Avg wage in my city is 250$

Rent is 60$
Food is 140$
Transportation is 15$

Total: 215$ out of 250$ earned goes to basically life support.

>Avg wage in my city is 250$
Where the fuck do you live?

Well, you proved me wrong except for one part

>Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) 37,464.70 pyб (549.29 €)
May be true for Moscow or St Petersburg, but nobody I know has more than 20000 (300 €)

>hate the Federation
>hate the Soviet Union

>love the Empire and the music and literature from the Tsarist times

Кaк либepaльным cвинкaми пpипeклo :)

I know that feel, user. Those subhumans should be nuked.