What's the coolest sci-fi gun?

What's the coolest sci-fi gun?

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That's no CHEMRAIL

that looks retarded

idk what it's called

District 9 had some fun toys


aliens pulse rifle, closely followed by the rail gun from eraser imo

inb4 District9

>The Dozer Toaster



i know it's just a revolver with a stupid casing but it's still cool

I've always been fond of the Morita in Starship Troopers and the M1-L1(chinese of course) Triple Pulse Rifle from Deep Rising.

That's no gun. It's a space station.

The tank gank


I love Stargate




Did you just make up my mind on what movie to throw on the TV while falling asleep tonight? I think you did.

That's one of my favorite movies of all time. Like top 3.


that's a real fucking gun though....

I don't get it. Are the bullet ricocheting, changing course midair, or penetrating the walls? I've never seen the movie.

Came here to post this

All the district 9 guns

After watching the webm several times I belive the bullets are piercing the walls and completely destroying the guy running.


> all of this heresy

they're explosive bullets with some proximity fuse shit or something. it briefly explains it in the movie.

if this isn't a misquote then you need to go back to Sup Forums

freaked me out as a kid

Literally everything from Cronenberg freaked me out as a kid.

no its not

The Atomic Bomb

From what I can tell, all of those things...

Did you just make up my mind on what post to reply to while falling asleep tonight? I think you did.

That's one of my favorite posts of all time. Like top 3.

like i said

the p90? yea it is. That picture may be fake but the p90 is a real gun.

Mah nigga.

i love these because they weren't fucking nerf guns spray painted matte grey. it's nice to see weapons that gel together with the technology of whatever uses them

they're not real guns in the show, they're props

in a sci fi show

>tfw even momentary impure thoughts about a coworker would get you purged

Tasteless Sup Forums plebs

Looks like some random pos gun that would be in the game Destiny.

Is that the lightning gun?

It's /tg/, you faggot.

This desu

Did you just make up my mind on what to do while falling asleep tonight? I think you did.

That's one of my favorite hobbies of all time. Like top 3.

my work here's been done for me

How does /k/ react to this?

This is probably a long shot, but does anyone remember an alien that would crawl onto the forearm of someone and shoot stuff out? I don't think it was a movie, I feel like it was more of an outer limits type thing. I wanna say one dude transfers his to another person, and it crawls off from one arm to another.

Obrez home defence.




Do you even zat?



I can't think of a more operator scene in a movie

The entirety of John Wick?


Man I remember this gun looking a lot cooler until I just looked it up.


Yeah, I guess a whole movie could be seen as a scene.



It looks like they're penetrating walls and exploding or just hitting the guy with so much force he's exploding

Idk if it counts as sci-fi, but this one for me, I have a boner for hueg revolvers.
Hellboy 3 when

Forgot my fucking pic


Those squibs make the scene so much better than it should be.



No, that's the AK thats been modified with a FCS and airburst rounds

>Reaper POTG.webm

That's because the color scheme of Destiny's weapons are inspired by District 9's alien guns

The rifle that shoots lightning that makes people explode in District 9.

The last 18 minutes of Proof of Life is good

you could destroy the earth in 3 shots with one of these

Any of the guns in Neill Blomkamp movies


What about Zero Dark Thirty's Ending?

would be so badass if it actually existed

What would you even use it on.

Came to post just this, my work has already been done

I like how it's just a 50 cal with a fucking scope on it.

Not a gun, but a lethal weapon nonetheless.


Not even a scope, it's a surveilance camera.

this is from blade runner right?

Pic related.

>i know it's just a revolver with a stupid casing but it's still cool

It is very compact bolt action rifle.

My cock in your mama's pussy

The predators plasma cannon


Too lazy to make a webm.


I just realized how retarded the "never reloading my automatic pistols that have super small magazines" in this movie is.


This is my fav