How long did it take you to realize how shit TFW was after you ejaculated when you saw the movie?

how long did it take you to realize how shit TFW was after you ejaculated when you saw the movie?

how long will it take you to figure out Rogue One was shit after you did the same and ejaculated when you see it this week?

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>implying I ejaculated
>...implying my ejaculation had something to do with Episode VII

I knew Force Awakens was going to be, at best, slightly shit as soon as I saw Kylo Ren and the nu Death Star on the poster

>I knew Force Awakens was going to be

It's good. Real good. Don't let the 4chin haters skew your interest

TFA was just ok at best
R1 was good

TFA was shit even on release

I knew there were major problems from just the previews:

1) Why are they still rebels when they won in episode 6?

2) What kind of idiot would idolize Darth Vader?

Given the very good reviews at first I'd hoped that there were solutions to this, but there weren't. And then Mary Sue Rey was an unexpected negative.

I'm not sure what I'll do about EP 8

>I'm not sure what I'll do about EP 8

Rewatch Empire Strikes Back. It'll be the same movie

I had a feeling it was going to be shit based on the plot leaks that started coming out that summer

more like make a checklist of anything cool or important that happened in Empire Strikes Back, Ep 8 will be that checklist.

>after you ejaculated when you saw the movie
I'm an adult who remembers watching ANH when it came out. How any of you chose to watch past RotJ is beyond me, much less your faggoty insinuation that I'd lap up anything post-prequels.

No, I did not watch TFA, I did not watch Rogue One, and I'll be skipping the rest of this MUH FORCE MUH DARK SIDE crap.

Christ, I had the excuse of being 8, what's yours?

When I left the theatre

> you will never sink your lightsaber into Rey's tight young body, scalding her stomach and searing her intestines together as she screams in agony, writhing around, making the black charcoal mound of a wound even larger on her soft, soft belly flesh, as you cut into her hips she scerams even more, as you hold the lightsaber mere milimeters from her soft breasts, burning them slowly, a slow cook, a marination almost. She writhes on the ground but she is helpless as you hold the lightsaber to her throat, pulling away her tan woolen clothing and forcing your thick wriggling chode into her sweaty, unwashed cunt. It is still tight seeing as she has barely fucked anyone in her lonely little hideout, and you push her face down into the dust and sand, letting her choke on it as you rape her violently, your thighs smooshing her buttocks, you fingers clawing at her naked breasts, drawing lines of blood along them. As she orgasms, you sink the lightsaber into her back, right out her chest, forming fulmites all through the sand as it crystalizes it into glass and sticks her body to it, her scream of pain echoing across the desert, deadened by the sand, as she experiences ultimate ecstasy and ultimate agony at the same time, before going limp, as you finish in her corpse, your seed dripping from her sandy pussy as you leave her to be mummified by the searing desert heat.

when fin and rey were talking over each other after they shot the tie fighters in the falcon

no one is that excited about killing other people ever, esp when they were about to be killed

>TFA's whole gimmick was to appeal to old people who saw the originals in theaters and hipsters who idolize the old films by bringing back the original cast members
>Pic related is nowhere to be found and doesn't even get a passing mention

This was the worst crime of TFA in my opinion. Lando was just as important as Luke, Han, and Leia, and it really shows how little Disney cares about Star Wars when he doesn't even get a name drop. If he doesn't show up in Episode 8 then I'm seriously done with Star Wars.

I knew I would hate the Force Awakens before a single line of dialogue was spoken. And I was even excited after the opening crawl.

leia was prolly fucking lando on the side and that's why han separated

>If he doesn't show up in Episode 8 then I'm seriously done with Star Wars.
He's 100% going to show up and I truly hope you don't let that improve your opinion on star wars. They left him out so that he could be in the trailer for 8.

Oh, I expect them to put him in Episode 8. Since Episode 7 was essentially a ripoff of ANH, I fully expect the final act of Episode 8 to take place on Cloud City, where Lando will betray our heroes yet again.

>Cloud City*, where Lando** will betray our heroes
*Casino Planet
**Benicio Del Toro

no one cares about lando.

everyone unconsciously resents him for feeling like a han solo wannabe.

No, because TFA was a mystery box movie, where so much of the first watch is structured around the mystery that you don't have time to focus as much on the plot or the character arcs. That's why as soon as people saw it a second time, it started to fall apart.

Rogue One however is pretty straight forward and doesn't rely nearly as much on mystery boxes or nostalgia bait, which is why the criticism is a lot more mixed than TFA: people's first impressions of it are unlikely to change.

are you retarded?


Chapter 1-6 - perfectly normal story written beginning to end.

Chapter 7 - just exaggerate everything in Chapter 4

How is this acceptable?
Literally where the fuck do they go now they've done this

All subsequent stories will be shit.

Since they fixed that plot hole with Rogue One all thats left to do is remake 1-6 from start to finish and then burn it all to the ground after everyone's seen it and never speak of it again so we can all move on something with depth because there's very little to tell after 6 except endless light vs dark battles

in fact TFA has set the bar so low that because rogue one is a little less shitty, all the drones here interpret that as "great"... pretty scary when you think about it (or it's just shilling)

>how long did it take you to realize how shit TFW was after you ejaculated when you saw the movie?
You presume too much.

>how long will it take you to figure out Rogue One was shit after you did the same and ejaculated when you see it this week?
baka baka baka