Other urls found in this thread:

If you people hate her so much then why do these threads always get so many replies?

people on the internet think that talking about people hurts their career

if you haven't noticed most of the people on the internet are fucking retarded

fuck off nigger

For the inevitable nudes

Anyone else hate these non-apologies?
>I apologies you felt that way and that you didn't get my joke.
It's not even a well put together sentence, most Sup Forums posts have better syntax

Sup Forums is borderline almost as retarded as /x/.

>Act like a smug cunt.
>Get called out.
>Oh its just a joke lighten up get over it women can be funny MUH VAGINA!

Shes a cunt, many people have stated this, she acts like a spoiled brat, the only saving grace will be when she hits a certain age, curdles like milk, and goes the way of a turd in a toilet.

>if you were offended, I'm sorry
worst apology ever

Just fucking apologise if you're going to do it you fucking jew

Friendly reminder that I've busted more loads to her than any other celebrity

Wait, what'd she do?

Who fuckin cares

I fucking hate her but quite often my gf offers to blow me while i watch porn i end up on the leaked photos of her from the fappening

Take it easy, man. She's been raped millions and billions of times.

the same reason I shit on niggers. it's fun. you know that, surely.

>my gf offers to blow me while i watch porn

Your gf a 2/10 or something?

What if I told you I have no idea just what in the fuck this thread is about and I feel like it is up to the OP to provide context to his shitty fucking threads?

>fapping to JLaw when there's so many better options
Man that guy really IS a loser.

What happened?

Yeah, he's dating your mom, remember?

Because people like to vent about things they hate, just look at KKK rallies and their speeches on niggers, spics, jews, ect.

Think next time nig nog.



Really it's the reason most of Sup Forums exists.

can anybody who lives on the net every day explain what happened?

> you will never be competing with Katniss in the hunger games, catching her alone in the forest and swiping her bow and arrow from her hands with a swing of your axe, knocking them to the ground, slashing her on the arms as she draws her knife to defend herself, pinning her against a tree and kneeing her in the stomach until she coughs up blood, then forcing her onto the forest floor and tearing away her skintight suit that the Cinnamon guy made for her, pushing your blunt chode between her thick luscious buttocks, building the rhythm as she begins to moan despite herself,, before tying her up and stabbing holes in her belly and thighs so that you can fuck the holes, using her dripping blood as lube, her agonized moans driving you forward as if they were moans of pleasure, orgasming inside her torn veins and arterys, your dried semen clogging her blood flow and shortening her already-shortened life, before finally fucking her in the vagina as she begins to die of the infection, after dozens of hours, you finally bring her to orgasm despite the absolute agony she is feeling, and you feel her tight body writhe against you as she climaxes, then you chop into her chest with your axe, over and over, so that you slaughter her as she is coming, her warm blood flowing over your chest and penis as she looks helplessly into your eyes, begging for mercy, as you batter the life out of her, raping her as she died, falling onto the ground, her buttocks jiggling as you slash her over and over, before you finally finish and leave her corpse to be eaten by the other contestants as they grow more and more despate for food.


She told a stupid story about knocking over sacred stones with her butt and making a bad joke when the Hawaiians on set said it was a curse that she was the curse.

Then offering up a non apology to the people who got offended on behalf of the pineapple eating mother fuckers.

Literally nothing.



Sounds like Sup Forums will make her /ourgal/ for a week for being a typical white not caring about anything but themselves and having zero empathy.


Didn't (Worst) Emma Stone piss of the pineapple niggers as well? Something about her depicting a real life buck tooth slant eye chink?

good post


/d/ plz go.

this isn't a cringe thread

I wasn't around when the Fappening hit (I know, call me a newfag)... people that were, what was it like?

Why shouldn't white people just become the monsters you claim they are every day every year? You know you'll just take the opportunity to bash them to kingdom come and laugh and point and ask for them to be fired.

White people SHOULD be pitiless bastards. Lord knows we won't get credit for when we are good but we are damn good at being really really bad.




Not even close newfriend, she is just crazy about sucking cock

She looks pretty fat to be honest


I don't know user, I mean that's basically how you fucks behaved for centuries now. Hell it wasn't until the 60s that you had to be legally forced to treat all citizens equally and whites didn't fully desegregate schools until the 80s.

So no, don't expect a parade because you all were forced to hide that massive racial ego of yours.


>the whining of incels

I love watching you faggots suffer.

I too, can rent an escort for 1 easy payment of $109.99

There is nothing cringier than reading posts like these

It brought down a lot of heat. That and Gamergate were probably the two biggest events that brought in fun-ruining normies and attention.

Threads were deleted all the time, it was a mad rush to get in and save all the pics you could

Talk about Sup Forums being closed down etc

Now its all just out there easy to find

alot of people sperging over jlaw when kate upton leaks were way better

Yeah much easier to just stick your head in the sand, I mean it's not like you didn't literally just state that you wished whites would just go back to their racist discriminatory ways.

49kgs with those titties and cute as well... not bad at all senpai

I'm not him

She must go for at least $300 per hour


I think Renner's apology for "Black Widow is a slut" was better at being worse. Especially since I think Chris Evans gave like an actual sincere apology and Renner was basically just "I'm sorry for insulting a fictional character"


The lack of fucks Renner gave was even better than the original bit with him and Evans

>posting your girlfriend online to prove a bunch of anonymous users on an anime imageboard that she is "attractive"

You seem pretty fucking insecure. No wonder you made the dick sucking comment in the first place.

I love the white ppl are the only racist meme

27 minutes in

That and porn is bannable on Sup Forums

I think he is gone

I hope someone saved the image just so we have the offchance of spreading it

I saved em but he claimed to post them in the GF threads on Sup Forums often so you would only being doing his work for him....



Saying that Renner jokingly refering to a cartoon character is a slut and Lawrence desecrating a religious artifact are the same level of shitty is why even normies hate sjws now

Ah well.

>you people

To be fair, who gives a fuck about the artefact? Religious people are idiots, and should be treated with the derisive, scornful laughter that us intelligent people often give them.

>astro zombie walking on water and turning it into wine and shit

Hey, watch people post fedoras in reply, that'll teach me!

They are a cam couple and they shill on the other boards quite often

>Or its someone pretending to be them

The same reason Marvel V DC,console wars and E-celebrities threads are popular.

The chans are full of hateful autist who obsess over things they hate because their lives are mediocre and pointless.

>normies turn on JLaw because she's problematic
so wait do we like her now

Hawaiians (so-called "pineapple niggers") aren't edgy enough to hate or actively disrespect. So by proxy, we still don't give a shit about Ms. Lawrence.


It's just JLaw showing off her feet. Take my word for it.

I think Jlaw got the most focus because of the sheer amount of content from her. Most of those celebrities had like, four or five nudes, but Lawrence had dozens and dozens and dozens, it was absurd.

W-were they any good?

pretty fly looking jacket.

Honestly her non-nude ones looked better to me but I never really liked her much in the first place. I mean, you can literally find most of it through Google man.
But yeah most of the content went out all at once and then there were more drops periodically, and almost every time there were heaps more of the Lawrence shit. Girl takes a lot of nudes.

God, just fucking imagine how many more DIDN'T make it out

Really? Are you that fucking dumb?

>if the kkk hated black people, why did they have so many meetings about them herp derp duuuuhhh

When the fuck did hating someone mean avoiding talking about them? Are you really that dense tripfaggot-kun?