Rouge One

Why the fuck didn't she kiss the guy?

What the hell is wrong with these films? No one shows any love or genuine emotion that is real except anger fear and sadness

I would have perfectly happy with TFA if Finn kissed Rey, but nope, plutonic relationship that is forced and stupid

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This is the first I've ever heard of a platonic relationship being forced.

Its war, faggot.

They've got better shit to do.

they don't want to alienate non-heteronormative fans you bigot


yeah I'm so gonna take you seriously

It`s just like my chinese cartoons

they didn't want to force romance where it was completely unnecessary. if they had kissed all of you autists would be whining about the shoehorned romance

Better question is why didn't he suck her toes? Would've fit in perfectly with the whole feminist angle plus they cast an actress with impeccable feet.

disney is all about PC and not offending anybody.
girl kissing the boy? OMG SEXIST!
see marvel movies: no real emotions, no romance whatsoever. which is ridiculous if you think about it, because comicbooks are nothing more than fucking soap operas.

Why the fuck is she so ugly? She dresses herself up like she's cute and I always get sucked in by the thumbnail

They've only known each other for about two days, and she's still salty about Cassian trying to kill her dad.

Because any kind of romance between Jyn and whatever his name was would have been unnecessary and stupid.

She hugged him. They never loved each other. They were completely different people.

btw I loved how they showed Cassian to be no different to the rebels (he murders 2 innocent Rebels).

But then all the Sup Forumsaks keep whinging

Actually watch the movie idiots

Does she have hairy forearms in the movie like in that pic?

Also, any better pics of the hair? Looked her up the other day because someone said she had hairy arms, but it seems like she waxes now. This is the best I could find.

>swn nibble your earlobe

>No romance whatsoever

I mean the romantic subplots in every marvel movie are so forced that I feel literally no romance whenever the hero gets the girl at the end so you're not wrong


Bitch looks 43.

there were no colored empire generals or commanders, they were all white, while the rebel base was filled with minorities and shit

>ywn nibble her clitoral hood

Good. Romance subplot is an awful cliche

Because she's too pure. And it wasn't my lips she would be softly grazing.

Are you kidding me? I was thinking that they were, and I was really hoping that they weren't going to. It would have been unnecessary, they hadn't developed that kind of relationship yet. Not everyone falls in love with someone they've known for two days like you and me

Yeah, really strange when they made the Empire dudes white guys in this one

The milks gone sour.


Apparently one of the seats in that room belonged to Krennic hence why it was empty

its not strange the writers tweeted that the empire is now a white supremacist orangzation, that its part of the canon

maybe its because they both happen to be jewish? idk!

When was the last time a girl smiled at you, user?

Looks like an overbotoxed 50 year old.

It's because of this:

"A kiss is just a kiss— except in China! No social kissing whatsoever. Nor do they shake hands socially to say hello or goodbye, but rather nod their heads and smile."

Kissing is rape

Gooks are degenerate and should be exterminated like the untermenscher they are.

>not enough extras to fill the table when they were shooting that scene
>40 years later
>uh it was because one of the characters died earlier that week, that's why it's empty

The deepest lore

Just because the Empire prefer whites in command roles doesn't mean they don't use blacks at all.

>Finn in Sanitation
>The black female in Empire uniform in Force Awakens (well someone told me there is one or maybe they made it up idk I need to rewatch it)
>Riz Ahmed's character
Come on how can you have a world with no racism anyway? HELL Leia is racist against Chewie (not giving him a medal) and you never see any Aliens in control of the Rebels (they are always put on spaceships).


Really activated my almonds

It's almost as if Star Wars is a British-American creation and was created by and for White people

It's easier to make political commentary when you don't factor race into the discussion. You could have a 100% White Empire and 100% White Rebellion and no one would care (no one did care) and It was easy to make political commentary. But when you start making the Empire 100% White but the Rebellion "diverse" it, unsurprisingly, muddies the water and makes political commentary harder because now you're cutting politics down racial lines and making White people evil.


I forgot the black kid in Star Wars Rebels


>every man and woman in media needs to become a couple or I get triggered

Fuck off, literally as bad as webcomics needing every pair of women to be lesbians.

It was fine when Pacific Rim did it and it works in Star Wars VII.

>Encouraging race-mixing

Eww she looks terrible at a normal angle

Only looks attractive from staring at her up

But they're both white in Rogue One

How did they make her such a qt in the movie when she is so disgusting in real life

spanish people are not white. The Moors raped their ancestors a few hundred years ago.

Because movies aren't real life? You retarded or something?


He looked very Jewish

so does felicity jones

How so

She looks like a white person with bunny rabbit teeth

rabbit? more like rat

she never gives a whole smile with her teeth throughout the entire film, not once, shes looks insecure and not comfortable in her skin, but thats just my opinion

t. divide and conquer kike

All Europeans are white

>Jews living in Europe are white

Fuck off idiot

I was so fucking afraid they were going to kiss.

You have no idea how happy I was when they didn't

I'm tired of seeing people fall in love easily. That shits hard

Why is that a bad thing? SHe's just like us.

>I'm tired of seeing people fall in love easily. That shits hard
It feels worse seeing it in real life.

She would be repulsive if she smiled, but as long as she keeps a neutral expression she is v cute desu

Because the girl kissing the guy is a stupid dumb movie cliche and I'm glad they stopped it. The platonic relationship isnt forced, it's romantic relationships shoehorned into movies with nothing to do with movies to attract the 'female audience' for years has finally stopped and you're noticing. Fuck off.

Isnt everything in the star war universe "forced"? ;)

Hey bucktooth.

Reyfags eternally BTFO

Jyn best girl

confirmed for never having been to spain

He's an American who browses Sup Forums. Do you really think he would know what Spain looks like?

Stop hating on americans asshole

My brother Daniel tells me it's pretty.

First Order is progressive.

I remember there also being a ebony cute working the weapon.

>Spanish people are not white

There go americans confusing nationality and race.

Americans = white, right?

spanish people aren't white, neither are italians and slavs

t. swede

also, america isn't white

This is why you shouldn't self insert into characters.

There was no sexual chemistry between them at all. Them kissing at the end would've been what was forced.

By the end of it they were comrades, but they weren't romantically involved.

>ahmed moved to europe and now thinks hes white episode
oh great

Ashkenazi are white people you fucking moron. Israeli jews are brown because they are from Europe and went and bred with middle easterners.


You fucking idiot. Slavic is a language group, not a race.

I like things that are for white people. And if you don't like that then you're probably a racist and should broaden your standards.

I'm sitting here wondering the same thing. She looked attractive in the trailer more than Rey for sure but not anymore.

keep telling yourself that

Not every blockbuster needs a shitty, tacked on romance

>if they had kissed all of you autists would be whining about the shoehorned romance
>tfw you love romance but most romances in movies are really bad