Its that time of the year again

>its that time of the year again

can we make a list for 2016?

Other urls found in this thread:

I nominate 'What did he mean by this' for the hall of fame.



I miss fortunate son posting.

This year has been shit desu

>no maskchusumthincuckrick


I nominate Army Dog posting


Literally the worst year in every aspect for Sup Forums and might be even worse than 2013
>shit film taste
>shit television taste
>shit meme taste
>shit posting taste
The list goes on.

definitely SnatchPosting

certainly deserves plaudits for the effort behind it


Also frozen and chill

Biggest meme of all

>the your forced Jobs meme made it to the 2015 hall of fame.

Cheers lads.

>tfw to smart for memes

>people still pretend reddit hasn't taken over



underrated desu, along with early raimi posting

im da joker baby

was hi woowee this year

>being angry about a particular website
>being angry because one or more visitors at this website are suspected of frequently visiting the aforementioned website

Here's how it is, friendo. You're not going to like it, but all I offer is the truth.

You can not stop the oncoming tide of what you perceive to be "le randum post-millennial newfag summercancer tourists" from coming to this site. Or any site. Or any nation. Ever. Our numbers are too strong.

What you CAN do, however, is this. You can take a giant step back from yourself and ask, "all this crying about the past, all this whining about the present and all this despair for the future - does it make me a genuinely happy person? Does my knowledge of the idiocracy enlighten me? Does it hold me and reassure me on a cold night?"

Chances are, everyone who desperately clings to the "good old days", the answers to these questions probably aren't what you would refer to as "positive". Chances are, you probably fucking HATE yourself. Why don't you do something that distracts you from your smug, arrogant self-righteousness, for a change?

Take up a hobby. Take a walk. Lift. Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.

Maybe then there'd be less of you insipid, whining cunts making posts like this.

We are memes. We are fun. We are the NEW Sup Forums. Midnight narwhal bacon for LIFE.

Was there ever any doubt

>I want a $5 royalty on every meme you made

Buff Chloe


Anvils and Falcons are pure Sup Forums.

I think you mean pawdits

Best meme was we wuz kangz

Thinking of comebacks for Jonah Hill.

*leans back*
top meme 2016

Citeral Lancer

Go post your pastas in the cunny threads you fucking pedo


Such a good post-meme.

What did he mean by this?


Sam hyde

>WATCH IT Sup Forums


>glibposting never made it

hold me bros

Popcorn man


Shh. No more tears. Only dreams, now. Also, I'm not a pedo lol

MWWAAHAAAA THE FRENSH chamPAGNE has alwaysbeen celebrated forits EXcellence. there is a caliFORNia chamPAGNE, by Paul Masson, INSPired by that same frensch excellence. Its fermentedinthebottleand like the best chamPAGNES, its vintage dated, so Paul Masson...

It's going to be a tradition for each of the numbered movies

the 3 weeks after the release of the neon demon were great

I find these pretty funny

Was HOWEVER this year I can't even remember

jesus, they really do keep getting away with it


JUST was late 2014

that hillary cunny thing floated here for awhile


rëddit leave

was it rape?

The only meme I even remember is PAN, NICE AND HOT

It's called Jonah retorting you fucking tourist...

late 2014 huh?

... so almost 2015, huh?

Raimiposting and Chloe

sad ben affleck deserves a mention

The original Brendan thread is from March 2015.


its way older than that he already had the doctors hair shooped in

where's the 2014 one?

No singles policy, crab legs for my falcon and cinema showers.

threads like these are all that keep me going sometimes

Nominating Skeetposting.

It was short-lived but quality.


Yes, well done 2016 memes! Well done 2016 memes!

What were they thinking?

i nominate dis

Where's Negan leaning back?


>Eric Roberts / Get me X
>Matt Leblanc hot meal
>MWAAAH the FRENCSH champagne
>Man of Spiders
>Rooney and Lego

I miss this


aw fuck, It really does need that

I thought that was a brad Pepe?

Rooney threads have been around for a few years now though.


I vote for paulie and my vote counts for more because I'm a patrician unlike you lousy plebs.

The Lego meme was started early this year

Isn't it from last year?

>Eric Roberts
I helped create that meme. The "what does he charge per role, like a grand?" part was mine

It really came to its own both commercially and artistically.

>tfw our meme renaissance will soon end like Sup Forums's did

Bask in it, lads. This is the peak of board culture.


>Tfw you look forward to celebrity deaths in 2017

place your bets


The time is ripe for Brenposting to be inducted, it's the gift that keeps on giving

you're right. just checked my OC folder, and my first lego meme was created 5th of January

me on the right

>it aint me didn't win
why are awards shows always so shit?

I hope it happens soon, I'm tired of shitposting

The pinnacle of HOWEVER



invasionposting was fun

nigga, its still fun. Also Sheev posting

This place really is garbage, isn't it?