""""""villians"""" who did nothing wrong

""""""villians"""" who did nothing wrong

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Oh I get it. The joke is that anime cartoons can be movies. Sorry but moe shit anime isn't art and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Whats your problem, [ass4ass]?


thats a guy, not moe. he literally rapes a girl

>was disloyal

That is ultimate thing to do wrong. High treason is a capitol offense.

seriously guy?

The ONLY thing he did wrong was kill the astronaut. No one cared when he was just killing niggers and drug dealers/addicts.

>villain who is more interesting than all other characters in the manga combined (excluding The Count)

Gook cartoons that appeal to obese male weebs. Fuck off to Sup Forums

>two posts

i'm thinking of a word and it starts with the letter a


Now, it's been like 15 years since I saw Berserk, but didn't this dude summon a bunch of demons and destroy the world?


back to irc

I don't know about this, he was chaotically evil.

He did try to end Major's suffering though

he knows what i'm talking about ok
don't you worry about it


Quads confirm Griffith is a piece of shit

>rape meme

oh yeah real interesting

is the new anime still shit?


Do you think this shit is clever?

Nah it's alright. Tight story, just the cg animation is bad in the beginning but gets better overall as it goes on

I mean be honest, if you were in his position, you would have done the exact same thing. Raping Casca was a bit excessive but can you blame the sperg?


Literally more fair, patient, and reasonable than the main character of the show, Rick.

I don't want to be a king so I wouldn't have put myself in that situation.

sage hasn't worked since 2004

Cornelia didn't do anything wrong, otherwise she wouldn't have survived to the end.

I fucking hate that artstyle, its so repulsive




You're missing out.

>announcing sage
>gave Hiroshimoot money

What's the matter poorfag? Can't afford $20 a year? That's like barely two hours of work for me LOL. Or are you just a NEET who can't spend money on Sup Forums?


Sup Forums is a terrible investment. Anyone who knows anything about money should know that.

>want to live a quiet life
>some delinquent faggot, his dumbass friends and his autistic niece wants to kill you because they dont approve of your fetish


>There's no way I'm going to school on a lovely day like this, so I'm taking a Ferris Bueller's Day Off!

closed my vlc at that moment

>that deleted scene of him jerking off to CP


His fetish is killing young women then dating their hand.

He keeps the hand with him in his suit pocket, he talks to it, he buys it food and has picnic dates.

That sounds dumb.

its just a fetish,dude.dont kinkshame

He just found a way to date 3dpd and not have to deal with their bleeding holes and divorce rates.

Why is Jojo so popular?

The entire premise seems "LE EPIC RANDUMB".

A friend showed me a video of some dude saying "guess what I'm thinking" and then he thinks "NO NO NO NO NO!" and he kept looking at me hoping I'd enjoy it.

I didn't.

I quite literally have no idea what you are referencing.

Then again, I have only read it, I do not watch anime. Manga only. So may be some sort of filler.

Jojo has the worst fanbase yet. Its not as randumb as it looks. And random scenes from youtube wont be funny without the context. I'd say watch the first season(26 episodes) and see if you like it or not


The worst thing is probably the comments.

Imo Jojo is really fun campy action that grows on you in such a way as to allow some poignant moments.
It's not meant to be taken very seriously.

Oh okay, in that scene the guy could tell your intentions, but could only read yes or no questions. Its hard to explain. I certainly never considered it one of the cooler scenes when I read it.

he lives in a shit world(darker than witcher), he got emo because his friend left him (for whom he is bit homo) he did some shit so for that he was put in a dungeon, tortured and raped by a fat ugly man. When he got rescued it become clear his body would never work and his friend that left him came back for a woman, woman that used to idolize Griffith but not they were both moving on at and best Griffith was going to be team a mascot in a shit world were they would eventually die. he sacrificed all his friends to the demons and raped the girl in exchange for a new body and a spot as one of the 5 comic beings then in anther sacrifice he used peoples earnest wish to be saved by a god to incarnate as a hawk of light so he can change the world by being its gay Jesus

Did this guy actually do anything bad besides be on team Cobra?

he kills bitchy women who cheat on their husbands, are rude, etc. he also kills everyone that endangers his identity. he is a serial killer and his main urge seems to be to strangle, it mostly drops of ones he pulls a face off with some guy and his wife becomes super nice and loyal to him because she likes his alphaness

Jojo is the GoT of Sup Forums

its fun. its not "oh my god one of the iconic anime of all time" I guess it was memed into popularity since so many other works reference it so far Battle Tendency was the only one I liked

So people like it because it's ironic.

Like Death Grips or some other shitty band Sup Forums memes into popularity.

no,i like it because its good. It plays everything straight and is not ironic in anyway
