What if they're all fake

what if they're all fake

Merry Christmas little Johnny.


wow ur right totally agree

This is why I can't use social media. Because everyone is no memes not intelligent.

is this fake? or did they used magic like in that movie with batman and wolverine?

the braid is possible but tahts' about it

It clearly is fake though. I reported the video.

wouldn't this just suck up your hair and leave you bald?

If this extreme special effects can be done at home imagine what Hollywood could do


>expecting pedo comments
>it's just harmless "fake fake comments"


>expecting pedo comments
fucking pedo

When in Rome

Are the comments serious? Isn't it utterly obvious that it is a trick using editing?

That's why they are saying it's fake

i mean so obvious that it should not be worth commenting on once, let alone thousands of times

I think it is some sort of ironic joke senpai

qhat if it's a secret society? all you have to do is comment that its fake and then you can join the vacuum hairstyling illuminati

>if i pull that off willy ou die?

it would be extremely baneful


if this post ends in 4 then bane is supreme meme

8 is 2 times 4 so technically correct


it's called logic, Einstein invented it