Just found out she's been cast as the Kurgan for the Highlander remake. Inspired choice

Just found out she's been cast as the Kurgan for the Highlander remake. Inspired choice

How did anyone ever find this person attractive

What the fuck is this real?

Please tell me someone tweeted that pic to her by now

Fucking ugly cunt

She was hot in Kick Ass 2, it went downhill quickly after that. I used to like her.

another remake?

well done Chloe, well done!

Yeah, she hasn't been the same since she started taking growth hormones

She was also underage.

>heifer clad in leather

this is fake.

Nuh uh

Who /justwantsnudesoutofcuriosity/ here

she's a stylish girl

I fucking hate that she always wears clothes made specifically to show off cleavage and she has absolutely zero tits. What is wrong with her fucking stylist?

i couldn't hold my arms this wide if i tried

She's a POTUS in the making

Good work posting the shopped version

you think thats bad

Someone shoop a couple bballs into those meathooks plz

She's a shill now. Then she becomes a lobbyist for the democrat party, then the Governor of California and then the President.

She's the Ronald Reagan of our generation

*hail to the chief starts playing*


Why is she wearing grandma's pajamas?







Thats not pajamas you silly. Thats her mom's old disco outfit she used in the 70's

Chloe is set to win the 2017 Mr Olympia.

So akwardness in that pic.


We need a hero to slay this devil

Chole mere presence alone has finely honed the photoshop skills of many Anons. She is just a treasure.

She looks like an 80's glam rock faggot.

Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job PARKING CARS!

The fucking face and the eyebrows make me kek every time.

What the fuck are you talking about? She is the NATIEST

look at those paws

It's starting to get difficult differentiating the real pics from the shopped ones.

>come here and give me big kiss user!

what do?

Kiss her. It's not like you have any choice.

I'm about to open a can of whoop ass on you white boi.

to be fair her lips are probably her best feature

You mean Kickass 1, let's just be fucking honest none of us are cops.


For you.


Cloney moronts literally ophelia." Le poor tough girl lost in the city, bbbb boyisss..."

You're all just jealous you'll never get a girl as hot as her. Stay mad nerd virgins

How much can she lift with her labia?

hi trevor

Roiding for this.

nice gyno.

Me on the right

you're a skinny guy

kek under rated post

When she was 14/15, best age for a girl as always, she was cute.

I dont know why people waste time with edits when you have things like this

>waste of time

>Every time you insult her body on twitter she grows another head

>waste of time

She's a big hydra

mask 3 when?

why is she eating her feed out of a training potty?

does she ever react to those shooped pics?

Eff off. She's cute. :3

She twited insisting she was a human bean with feelings, i hold my doubts

Imagine the years of JUSTfuckery she'll give to us

>not even 20 years old
>is already far past her prime
I can't even comprehend what she'll be like when she reaches Brendan's age.

A flabby sweat scented rectangle

We should unjust her when we're done unjusting brendan

Unjusting as in inducing suicide, did you see brendy last interview?

>Unjusting as in inducing suicide
what did you mean by this?


Cast her as a character in a fantasy movie

>Sup Forums on the left

how does anybody get to this?

Kek, thanks man
I'm the user who requested this and you've made my day
Continue to have a productive weekend, my friend ;)

Drinking Smartwater

>tfw you automatically search for the bear

>there will never be a magical girl anime based on highlander

and the gay blowjob

>no gay blowjob
>no Pablo

Her mouth looks shooped.

This. Also, we need to find Pablo.


I don't mind this. The skirty is ratty af though.

always loved this one

Goro from Mortal Kombat

Yeah I hear they're remaking DuckTales.

Don't care. I'd still peel those jeans off.

She'll play as that buff duck with 10/10 pecs

>pablo in the bus

>we need to find Pablo
user, I'm afraid I've got some bad news..

I thought they were just shoops but

There is no way this is shooped this is

That's a big back is what that is

She must do a ton of fucking pull ups or some shit that back is so strong

Isn't it just bad posture?



I gotta think it's a mix of both

