Do you ever feel bad about being ugly?

Do you ever feel bad about being ugly?

No, because I'm not.

I'm not ugly nerd

I'm a solid 8

yes im so ugly and so horny lifes not fair

>have a friend with a hot mom who looks really young
>he never has gfs even though he's hot too
>be on a holiday abroad
>by chance see my friend with his mom
>they're pretending to be dating and make out passionately
>never told him I saw them

Ugly people should kill themselves so beautiful people don't have to look at them.

I'm quite handsome. I'm here because I lack personality and creativity

Kill yourself or buy a prostitute. No one cares about ugly people's problems.

daaamn, poor mickey rourke holy shit

he probably was groomed from childhood by his pervert pedo mom

I'm very likely more aesthetic than everyone who posts here, so no.

Post yourself.

i am ugly but not that ugly. sometimes i look quite handsome in certain lighting

i have been called handsome by guys and girls(usually older women). women my age would probably be too shy to say such a thing.
i have been told i have beautiful eyes by girls by age

i am a 30 year old virgin but that's probably due to the lack of social skills and not my looks

I'm about average, the problem is I'm a manlet.

post feet


handsome chads should kill themselves, so we ugly men could have a chance with girls

>tfw good looking with lots of potential (just a touch overweight) but I'm a creep

Ask if she wants to go questing.

Having a skeleton in your party is metal as fuck.

I'm a 5/10. Go to a brothel dude. Having a gf costs more in the long run anyway.

My two girlfriends say I am handsome. Is exaggerated, but I am not ugly. Is more the personality. When I was young, I was better (but I did not lift) but I was less mature.
Still I was kind of a dick so I was attractive for other kind of women.

How are you a creep?

They probably actually have a really nice relationship.

I'm too fast I guess with girls and scare them off.

do I have to use a holy weapon to kill that thing

Yes because I used to be handsome and got a lot of attention from girls before I got fat. It's all my own fault and I don't care enough to fix it :(

Such beautiful eyes wasted on such a disgusting creature.