Why isn't this bitch on the cast of characters for Rogue One?

Why isn't this bitch on the cast of characters for Rogue One?

Prequel shit isn't canon and will be officially retconned by Disney the day Lucas dies.

Good riddance.

Rogue One aludes to a female jedi that faught in the clone wars.

There's also an old republic reference.

Chunks of the EU are going to be slowly fed back to us.

>Rogue One aludes to a female jedi that faught in the clone wars.

It was obviously Obi-Wan they were talking about, you fucking nonce.

Nobody likes that piece of shit. I'm glad Vader killed her orange ass.

mfw no Ashoka movie with orange ass

No reason to.

>I'm glad Vader killed her orange ass.

You know she's still alive in Rebels right?

>Female jedi

Ahsoka is only one of those things.


>You know she's still alive in Rebels right?

Fuck. Did she show up again?



S2 finale she fights Vader in an exploding Jedi temple.

Neither of them die


Because she's not canon

who gives a fuck I want AAYLA

Fix your shit taste.
I'd rather have her than bland, boring, shit characters that Disney produce for the sake of "muh strong women".

>Neither of them die
you don't know if ahsoka ever made it out of there. Unless she's in S3, I haven't watched it yet

Maybe she was just a Force ghost. It makes no sense for Vader to leave her alive.

>I'd rather have her than bland, boring, shit characters that Disney produce for the sake of "muh strong women".

That's literally ahsoka, tho. The only people who like her are waifu faggots.

Vader only wants to Jedi gone.

He wanted his son to join him, why not his padawn?

She was killed at the end of RotS.

>Vader only wants to Jedi gone.
what did he mean by this

>you will never see slutty sith Ahsoka get pounded by vaders robo cock.

>Maybe she was just a Force ghost

Doesn't look blue and glowing to me. And Vader's suit was damaged, maybe discretion became the better part of vengeance.

Maybe in his freshly insane post lava mind he thinks her leaving him would have prevented all the things that led to his ruin, who knows

You know she's in the Disney channel show right? How is a character in a Disney show not canon on a movie in a series produced by Disney?

I know I just want more of her

Talon is better.

Because he didn't give a shit about her. Luke was his own son and he was the only one powerful enough to overthrow the Emperor. That's why Vader wanted him.


I thought this at first too but on reflection it's obvious Bail is talking about getting Leia to contact Obi Wan

shutup retard

>Rogue One aludes to a female jedi that faught in the clone wars.
they were talking about obi wan

Is the rebel ship that rammed the star destroyed supposed to be a nod to KOTOR?

it's supposed to uninspired


You could've just said that you didn't watch the show, user.