Is Europe doomed?

Is Europe doomed?

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whites ruined Europe



No, and to say so is to believe that their culture is stronger than your own.
In a couple or few generations they will start to assimilate. Western culture is in everyway superior to their's and I think it will eventually win out.

You realize even if they (((assimilate))) they'll still be shitskins, right?

>In a couple or few generations they will start to assimilate
or to be jailed/murdered
one group will be victorious in the end. don't quite care which

noice, true racism

>replying to leafs


>In a couple or few generations they will start to assimilate.
Just like the ones that arrived in the 40s and 50s right?


You're all weak.
Complaining without doing anything and fapping to weird shit.
Make yourself a favor and get the fuck out of Sup Forums

whatever you say Varg

Europe will fall and the east asia will gain the hegemony.
But I myself don't welcome chinese hegemony

all those cucks and whores protesting for letting migrants in deserve to get raped and killed, traitors are worst enemies

Yes, just like that. At least here. The worst criminals in North America aren't the Africans, Asians, or Middle Easterners, it's the indigenous Amerindians.
A male member of the First Nations in Canada is 3 times more likely to commit a crime than an African American in the states.

Like those Turks in Germany that came after WW2 that are assimilated right? top kek, what the fuck does one even have to do to become canadian? watch hockey and drink maple syrup? lmao

hahaha leaf btfo

why do people keep forgetting the 'critical' aspects of feminism and 'social justice' it would be way less cancerous that way

millenials aren't people

That's why I said here, not Germany or the UK. And, no, I prefer baseball to hockey and some people have diabetes and don't drink maple syrup. You just have to move here and share some common ideologies, particularly regarding good governance, a sense of community, and human rights. Also helps to speak French or English.

>t. lives in an all-white suburb

I live in an all white region the size of France actually

Look at usa. Even 10th generation niggers don't assimilate properly

Sometimes they do

Refugees are quite hated here.

I think there was only about one month where people supported the refugees, but that attitude quickly turned. Of course our politicians prefer an European solution that never comes.

Wr have a saying here:"Sometimes even a wooden stick shoots"

Why are the only two options genocide of either party?

We currently have a right wing majority in parliament. But they don't want to rule with each other so we haven't had a government for months now.

But they could close the borders if they.. you know.. did their job.

What book is that?

It's another day of newfriends coming here hooray

Can't King Willem-Alexander force a government to form and go back to work? That's like the most important function of the crown in a constitutional monarchy, to make sure partisan deadlock doesn't cause the government to derail.

In the past our former Queen would pick the person who would lead the negotiations between parties. Then the parliament would pick some ministers. And our Queen would then proceed to appoint them as new ministers.

But a few years ago there were elections. And the ministers were picked by the parliament without consulting the Queen. So our Queen refused to appoint the ministers and the negotiations had to be held again.

This led to our parliament changing the constitution, to ensure they could pick the negotiator themselves in the future. So this is the first time our parliament has chosen the negotiator.

Stripping power from the monarch is never a good idea

The Holy Bible

source my ass


>It was printed on paper, it must be true
Anglos are an unparalleled mixture of stupid and naive

If the coalition talks fail the government (king and a minister) will force reelections..

Dumb shitskin