Picard calls him #1

>Picard calls him #1
>he's actually second in command

Do these inconsistencies ever piss you off?

Riker is picards number one fan duh

Rikker is Piccard's #1

Being second in command makes him the first officer.

Captains are officers too though

Yes, but to the Federation.


Riker looks like a hobo.

Before there were Ranks on ships sailing the sea they were given numbers instead of Rank's

First Officer was number 1

>First Mate
>They never even had sex

Why is Star Trek a shit?

Have you really never heard of a First Mate before?

We all know who the real #1 is anyway

the real question is why isnt data referred to as number 2

Picard had lots of mates, there was the Professor (Galen), his son (Jason)...


Both Troi, and Data were Lieutenant Command ranking positions second in command.

Star Trek has had too many white males as characters. Time for a change.

Data was Second Officer though

Are there any pornstars that look like Gates McFadden? I need some good mommy porn kino.

In the 27th century they don't care about race anymore.

Honestly do not know.

Riker is Picard's #1 dad

there is only one place to shit on the whole ship

Nina Hartley?

Digested waste is automatically teleported out from their rectum.

and left in broccoli's quarters, yes