"Hey... is that user? Whoa man where have you been it's been so long...

>"Hey... is that user? Whoa man where have you been it's been so long? Brad and I are now managing directors at the top performing Hedge Fund in Toronto. I trust you're still working on your business ideas? -- Oh right, that'll be two big mac meals. Oh don't worry about the change, you seem to need it more than we do."

At least you live in the first world, leaf.

The thing I don't understand is why you post these on Sup Forums



hmmm..... this wojak isn't pink

Qué ganas de matar una hoja a cadenazos........


Should've STEM'd my dude

please stop posting

At least you are wh*te.

He actually thinks we're some kind of friends to him, like we will feel compassion and tell him everything is going to be alright.

Fucking lmao.

>your 4.1 gpa bachelor's in Computer Science is impressive
>you qualify to be a lead cashier

Ah yes the STEM meme. Sitting a cubicle like a cuckold doing math no one gives a fuck about so that CHAD (who never passed highschool math) can buy his new yacht.

I feel some kind of sympathy. If we're not his friends, then who does the leaf even have?

>top performing Hedge Fund in Toronto
it's not easy to find a less respectable job than a burger flipper but somehow you managed

There, there, no need to be angry, brainlets.
Go flip some more burgers for us patricians, the people that contribute to humanity.

He reminds me of Jorge except this leaf knows English. I think Jorge eventually commited sudoku

Oh, ok

Lol go crunch some more numbers for Mr. Chad Greenburgstein.

Jorge's still around just not on this board

>Get paid $120k/yr as an engineer
>The project you're working on brings in $10million per year


>oh boy, you're such a loser user.webm.tar.bz2

You're not investing money in the project, your employer is. Also salary is defined by the market, not by financial return.

>software engineer
>sit in front of computer all day, achieve about 2-3 hours worth of actual work per day
>still earn more than just about every type of blue collar worker

brainlet cucks

idk what crack you guys are smoking

t. been working for 2 years for a tech company after my computer engineering degree, making mad cash

They're failed STEM majors, let them vent.

Is this leaf the new Riley?

no kidding, I knew tons of retards that finished engineering or compsci degrees and weren't able to code well at the end of it, they're the same retards unable to find jobs

>went to a small school in a small town
>6 guys in my year including me
>one became a successful carpenter with his own business
>one runs a popular club
>one became a talented musician who plays at concerts around the country
>one is an electrical engineer
>last one is freelance programmer who makes bank on projects he gets hired for

>meanwhile, I'm a worthless suicidal poorfag NEET who dropped out of high school and have literally no skills at all

It's quite impossible to be super efficient programer 2bh.

Have a (You)

>Study like a cuckold during highschool - miss out on social life, something that you will never make up for
>Spend 4 years attending one of the best undergrad schools for engineering doing nerdy fucking math no one gives a shit about
>Miss out on everything fun about University
>Do internships to be the little cuck of the office at an engineering firm paid jack fucking shit, if that
>Get masters of engineering

>After countless multi stage interviews only to be rejected you finally get hired by an engineering firm
>Starting salary: $70k while sitting in a cubicle 60 hours a week doing math your boss has never even come close to hearing off while he's raking MILLIONS IN BASE PAY WITH BONUSES IN THE 10's of MILLION$ FOR OVERLOOKING THE GROUP OF AUTISTS



well, I do so little I feel embarassed when leaving work

I could print it out on an A4 with double spacing between lines and hand it to someone

I am waiting for my seasonal blueberry harvesting job to start next week. If all goes well and we have a good year I might make as much as $16 an hour.


Literally think someone working at a shitty fast food place is less useless than someone working in finance.

That's because you are a retard as well as poor.

OP, I only went to two years of community college and now make $400k a year.

What does moving money around contribute to society? Nothing. It lines the pockets of the one who does it, but otherwise has literally no meaningful effect. At least making burgers or whatever creates something people enjoy.

>The simpleminded poorfag simply thinks that the entire field of Finance is "moving money"

Ask me how I know you're poor. Ask me.

Who else hates /finance fags/ ? Why do they have to act like chads when they spend all their time jerking off excel spreadsheets for Mr.Shekelberg and Kim "Chinese government corruption" Yong

Keep coping. Maybe a FinanceChad will allow you to lick the excess cum off of his cock after he finishes creampieing your crush.


this guy gets it. he's why Germany is thriving while canada is a shithole that doesn't produce anything

>muh service industry
>shipping factory jobs over seas creates wealth
>what create a product that helps people nah

Ah yes Germany is thriving due to the export of migrant semen

That must surely be why.



Serving burgers is literally service industry you mong

Day trading is, high-frequency trading is for sure. Then on the next tier there are financial """"products"""" that amount to basically screwing people over. Less pointless than moving money around but still not useful to anyone other than whoever is doing it. Pretty clear that a large part of the finance industry is totally useless.

Go write a book about it, Engles. I won't be reading you nor your poorfag opinions.

finance is literally for autistics who learned how to use excel. anyone can pick it up in like a few weeks

>best auto manufacturers
>only part of europe that still creates high value exports
>not thriving

I think you mean Chads who arent afraid to network like you and your aspergers, anxiety written ass

you mean 'ridden' you retarded bankerfag

1.) Not a Newfie
2.) It's not abuse, very often seasonal enployment is the only option
3.) It has no impact on your EI eligibility
4.) I have never been on the pogey. I just jump from one job to the next. Bluberries, brush, wreaths, scallops, urchins, rockweed, tourism, periwinkles, mowing, plowing, etc.

Go produce some condoms in a factory for me and your crush to use and then pay xpresspost postage to send them to me.

Lmao I wont use them anyway.

>2.) It's not abuse, very often seasonal enployment is the only option

other than getting a non-seasonal job or moving to a non-shit provinces.

>3.) It has no impact on your EI eligibility

the eligibility requirements would be lower if EI didn't have to bailout the Atlantic provinces

>4.) I have never been on the pogey. I just jump from one job to the next. Bluberries, brush, wreaths, scallops, urchins, rockweed, tourism, periwinkles, mowing, plowing, etc.

congrats and good luck man. sorry that the job situation is so bad.

>first year business student who is going to pass by on Cs and become a teller for $16 an hour detected

>have lung collapse last year
>have to stay a whole month in an hospital
>go to x-ray room as every friday
>see old classmate from elementary and 1st years of secondary
>i cannot believe me eyes
>shes even more gorgeous than she used to be
>smiling as usual
>"Wow, user, how are you?"
>i look like trash, feel like trash

>He's probably born in Canada
>He has fluent English with no accent

>He STILL works jobs that illegal immigrants do

*begins violently coughing*


>tfw small business owner making 100,000 a year in cash with a high school diploma.

And then you woke up and realized you're paying $70k/yr for health insurance out of pocket

>100,000 a year in cash
>gets caught by the IRS
>has to get raped by niggers in jail

In your dreams leaf.

>other than getting a non-seasonal job or moving to a non-shit provinces.
Often seasonal jobs are the only ones for men, certainly the best paying ones.

>the eligibility requirements would be lower if EI didn't have to bailout the Atlantic provinces
That's just not true

>congrats and good luck man. sorry that the job situation is so bad.
Thanks, and I don't consider it bad at all. I love it this way. Much better than going out west or to a large city. It's the way Europeans have been doing it here for 400 years.

I was born in Canada, my French is also pretty good, and we have no immigrants here. I much prefer the seasonal work to an office career or a factory job. After uni (I graduated from the University of Maine at Machias magna cum laude with a 3.8 GPA majoring in interdisciplinary studies and a minor in biology focused on aquaculture) I worked as a stringer journalist for a couple years, but I didn't enjoy it. I prefer a job that is different almost everyday and that keeps me outdoors during Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

I report income and pay taxes. I have plenty of deductions, and ultimately I'm the only one who knows how much comes in per year, so taxes aren't too bad. It's all worth it to not have to give all the income I generate to Mr. Rosenberg at the end of the pay period.

Enjoy your skincancer retard.

Don't worry I'll spare some of my generous salary to pay for your healthcare and I'll even donate to get your gofundme campaign started.

>Gets Atleast 10 $ an hour for flipping burgers
>my life is so sht
Fucking leaf you make my monthly salary in 35 hours

You snooze you lose Muhammed.

Problem solved


T. Engineer in an artillery factory

im a neet

That is beyond pathetic

>what is relative cost of living
I make about 85k a year, I still save a lot of money but if I lived in a shithole with that money I'd be a kang, here you can't even afford to buy a house with that

you're rude

stfu leaf

Are you a girl?

Don't mind him

>Leafs having a good thread about jobs
>non-leafs comes in to fuck it up

why are non-leafs always such shitposters

They refuse to accept their inferiority

>literally the Canadian flag but without a leaf

is that why you feel so empty on the inside ? is jealousy the reason you are shitposting ?

>peruvian animefag
Don't bully him too hard, that's a wretched existence.

he is a well know troll who always larps a loser in everything. he creates tons of threads like this in hopes of triggering you guys.


>leafless canada flag

> tfw spend 16 hours a week drawing furry hyperscat and make 30 grand a month after taxes
I didn't even have to surrender my dignity because I had none to begin with

Yeah and I make $100k a week drawing CP

because you pay first to abdullah than to mohammad to the tune of 50% of your gross income?

I make 1500 bucks a month doing nothing

The only gross thing here is your fat ass

Normal people make that in a day.

i made 400 million in 2 weeks on some coins i learned about on /biz/. i recommend that board to everyone.


>t. triggered fantasizing neet

Ah yes tell me about your exquisite salary

Give me more (you)s burger

>just study what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life :)

Right, because there are no fucking jobs.

Could have studied practical stuff in High School and become and electrician by the time I was 18, today I would probably have my own firm earning 100ks of dollars a year. Instead I'm 27, unemployed and completely useless and unwanted in the job market with my fucking humanities degree.


This is funny considering I am a cook at a burger place

why not just use the comfy nordic wealthfare state bruh

Doesn't apply when you've just finished your degree. I know, makes sense, right? I'm not eligible for anything right now. I don't want to be a NEET anyway, I want a decent job with a decent wage.

Here's a nice board for you: