Only a sith deals in absolutes

only a sith deals in absolutes

Isnt that an absolute though


>Isnt that an absolute though

Really activates my brain cells


Genius line, really shows how blind and hypocritical the Jedi were. Sheev did nothing wrong.


We Shit. SHIT. Somebody screenshot this before they nuke the thread!

delete this




Lore-wise that cant be true. The Sith always floated around the light and dark side of the force. It was the Jedi Order that had strict rules about staying light.

Fucking this


have some reddit gold, my friend.



Forces you to contemplate thoroughly

engages my thinking tubes

It had to be intentional right? No way Lucas can be that retarded.

"Do or do not, there is no try" is also an absolute. Huh.

"it's over, Anakin. I have the high ground." is also pretty absolute.

obi won was a sith


>"Anakin, we need someone to win the podrace, can you do it?"
>"Absolutely. "

How did we miss this foreshadowing?



Really got my noggin joggin

really tickles my thoughtcicles.

>yfw obi-wan was a sith lord


Obi Wan was the sith lord all along. It all makes sense now.

Underrated before its time tbqh

really mobilized my thinking troops

He thought Jar Jar was a good idea, what do you think

Motivates me to seriously ruminate


"Jar Jar is the key to all this."
- an actual quote from George Lucas

Delete this right now

t. George W. Lucas Jr.

Wow, really got my noggin goin'

really stimulated my synapses

>"Sith Lords are our speciality"
>fought like 2 of them, one of which defeated them without even trying the first time and the other survived even though he got cut in half.
Was Obi-wan just a compulsive liar?

>tfw smart enough to know how Jar Jar is the key to it all.

I pity you all

>finds out Padme is having Anakins kid
>make her feel like it's the worst possible thing in the world
>uses her to find Anakin
>instead of talking down Anakin he just unsheathes his lightsaber
>watches as a man is being melted alive in front of him offering him no help at all
>kidnaps two children and gives them to random people

Fucking hell man and this nigga is suppose to be 'Good?!"

Jar Jar is kino and you know it.

>offering an absolute truly worthy of a Sith
I'm honestly scared.

what did he ACTUALLY mean by this?

>sure, let's give the children of anakin skywalker to the emperor.

Are you a nig-nog?

>Anakin I fight for democracy, I VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICANS

who was in the wrong here?


the (((jedi))) order for pitting them against each other when they should be united to fight corruption

Where's the line between bad writing and unexpected characterization?

Like, does this quote falling unexpected characterization because it exposes the Jedi as hypocritical and unethical? Memes aside, that is
Same thing with Leia hugging Rey in TFA. People defend it as characterization of Leia but it reeks of just shit writing

He was a good friend.

Jar Jar is the key to it all, take the Binks pill.

Yeap Sith lods are like niggers. If they are more than 2 they they try to kill each other. Hence rule of the 2.

really illuminated my idea bulb

if you thought George put that much thought into it you're sorely mistaken. He has great gifts, but writing basic human interaction isn't one of them.


ITT: Retards who don't understand the difference between saying an absolute and dealing in absolutes.

Isnt that an absolute though

Depressing isn't it?

calling me a retard instead of suggesting I am a retard is an absolute you fucking sith

calm down, Darth Autism.



What is the difference?

makes me consider the theory you've just presented


Really causes the release of neurotransmitters on a massive scale.

Brain = blown