Love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space

>Love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space

What did she mean by that?

"Focus groups responded poorly to all the hard sci fi shit, better increase the schmulz factor by 200% or so."

Is it actually tho, , I have been thinking about it. Are "thoughts" in the same category

she just wanted that doctor to be alive so she can fuck him later

>'muh feelings' are more important you and 'muh logic'

Why did they give her that shit haircut, that's the real question. Hire an older cutie then make her look like a little boy, good job Nolan

Christopher Nolan sucks

see coop and his daughter and matt damon's character.
the movie is how important family is to us humans.

Little boys and women look nothing alike, regardless of haircut.

Do you want to tell us something?

It means even Anne Hathaway can be your waifu if you're a forward young man.


Anyone from CT/Mass area interested in making a movie?

Post your skype.

look at OP's picture, she looks like a 12 year old boy

Wrong. She looks like a cutie.

what kind of movie

you're wrong, she looks like a boy wearing makeup

awful fucking retarded movie

>Be humans
>Evolve to be altruistic to survive as a species
>Evolve to have memories and habits so we remember our survival mechanisms
>When people die you still love them out of habit and there would be no selective pressure to weed this out, hell, loving a dead person who died from a predator could actually have an evolutionary advantage if anything
>A fucking scientist thinks love is magical because there's supposedly no biological reason for us to love the dead
Fuck this movie.


>removing the trip to samefag
lol faggot

>lets check out this planet with a ridiculous time dilation, would totally be feasible to move humanity there even if it is habitable

If I wanted to reply to myself I wouldn't wait a whole minute for a one word reply.

>damage control

>Accusation without proof needs to be damage controlled

>more damage control

Honestly I think the only thing that transcends dimensions is grief.

Every other factors can be explained away by natural needs to propagate the species but what is grief good for?

>shit haircut
Consider suicide

It annoyed me, I must admit.

I'm not trying to be edgy but there is no reason to believe that what we perceive as love is anything more than some evolutionary trait.

this fixation ruined this movies potential. Love has had different behavioral signifiers throughout history, molded by time, culture, and circumstance. In fact, as Arrival kind of hinted at, I would have much rather seen the movie where a VASTLY increased sense of approachable distance and time changed our value system entirely. Love as a concept is "universal" only in that it's a concept shared by people bound to earth.

no u

Emotional pain exists for the same reason you are able to feel physical pain, it's to avoid behavior that damages the organism. If you didn't perceive death of yourself and others as painful you would engage in more high-risk behavior.

by that retarded logic, my nipples transcend time and space

male nipples are so we don't look weird in bathing suits, didn't you watch Dennis the Menace?

Was she drunk in the between two ferns sketch ?

Her eyes look like they're about to droop off her face in a viscous fashion.

She's got big ol' anime eyes. Or, if you prefer, Anne-ime eyes.

The smell of my farts is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space

He did say cutie.

she was a babe in her late teens

just imagine how saggy those tits are nowadays

Also 12 year old boys don't have wholesome, adorable pregnancy pics.

>Not realising...
>that it was proffered as a contrarian view
>that Coop was as critical of it as anyone
>that his final step was to chase pussy across time and space
>that "love" is women talk for sex

I guess I could see that, but it seems counter-intuitive knowing everyone dies. Guess that's the consciousness coming in recently.

Maybe so, but the pain that the death of a loved one brings motivates humans to protect their friends and family, which is beneficial for the species overall

No she doesn't.

thats close to when I closed the movie, christ that was fucking retarded.

What about hate?