What is the No Man's Sky of film?

What is the No Man's Sky of film?


Every version

>he posts on Sup Forums


Food fight, i guess


the dark knight rises

what is this game about? i always see it everywhere

Boyhood is the Final Fantasy XV of film

Warcraft. Think about it.

>this game is announced
>looks like way too many promises
>people keep talking about it
>keep telling everyone that Space Engine exists and is free and is essentially the same thing just no stupid shit on the surface
>everyone says it'll be great
>turns out to be a paid shitty Minecraft version of Space Engine

Oh well. I tried to save people money.

wait no not final fantasy, Owlboy.

The Hobbit


>so much hype

Phantom Menace.

>essentially the same thing just no stupid shit on the surface
>the difference is what the game is all about, exploring planets
>essentially the same

Game is shit, but think trough your posts.


Ridley didn't just not deliver, he genuinely fucked the whole series up.

These are all reasonable answers

I still love Prometheus even with all its flaws.

Fuck No Mans Sky

Subnautica is superior in every way

What is the Subnautica of film?

>Heavens Gate

Inb4 all the underage plebs on Sup Forums go google it to confirm

Space Engine isn't all about exploring the surface though. It's about grinding on planets to get back into space to explore the galaxy to find the center "secret" thing which comes full circle back to you might as well explore around in Space Engine and save yourself some time and money.

The Phantom Menace

*No Man's Sky isn't about exploring etc.

Fuck. I'm tired.

The Phantom Menace


True. Space Engine is definitely the better game, too bad it's developed by one guy only.

Batman V Superman