>A Russian TV network has launched a real-life version of The Hunger Games.
>Contestants will have to survive on their own for nine months in Siberia.
>Producers say that anything goes, including rape and murder, although they warn people taking part that they're still subject to the rule of law and can be arrested at any time.
>"You must understand that the police will come and take you away. We are on the territory of Russia, and obey the laws of the Russian Federation."
>The 20 male and female participants taking part in Game2: Winter can carry knives but aren't allowed guns.
>The contestants will have to survive from 1 July 2017 until 1 April 2018 in temperatures which can fall to -40C (-40F).
>The men and women on the show have been given special survival training by former GRU Spetsnaz operatives, who used to work under Russia's military intelligence service.

Other urls found in this thread:

>everybody calls the west degenerate
>russia is doing this shit


>anything goes
>except not really

is Russia the only place in the world with no SJWs?
seems like it's only drunks and militants

>18 plus
Baka desu sempai

>tfw you're witnessing the birth of Putin Kino
What an age.

Every time I see news out of Russia it seems like living there is like living in an action movie.

Fuck off shill.

their country used to be administered by a totalitarian SJW state for almost a century lad

How the fuck is that supposed to be interesting? They are not even alowed to kill each other.

They might be forced to in order to survive you fucking idiot, that's the point.

Because Russians are ridiculous

they did this like 15 years ago on an island

>Russian cutie gets eaten by Vlad in the wilderness

Russia is legit one of the most degenerate countries on earth. They are nowhere near the American definition of "conservative". Don't believe the Sup Forums memes coming from fat virgins who never leave their basement.

t. CБУ shill

oh i know, i just don't get how people see past it and call us degenerate instead

Yes, i bet there wont be any cameras.
Because there is nothing greater than watching a blank screen and imagining what might be going on in that situation, you retarded fucking mongoloid.


die in the snow of starvation


murder another person and steal his food but go to jail for 15 years

see how that works?

>be filmed
>say you want to leave
>they have to get you out of there

See how that works?

>USSR was a SJW state
>actual communists are tumblr feminazis
you are an idiot

>they have to get you out of there

But they literally don't you fucking idiot. What makes you think they have to take orders from the contestants?

The entire purpose of communism is social justice. The Soviet Union was formed to combat perceived social injustice, they were literally by definition social justice warriors.

Oh you are degenerate, just in a very different manner. Russia is degenerate because of nihilism. Americans are degenerate because they have no shame, both liberals and conservatives.

>ameritards thinking russia is bound by us law
top kek
why do you think this is happening in russia bruv?

Russia is pretty good when it comes to removing degeneracy actually.

>what is Duty to rescue

Russia doesn't follow common law you absolute fucking moron.

>russia is literally a lawless shithole, i've read that on the internet so it must be true

proof you're retarded?

I suppose you don't count rampant prostitution, corruption, and lethal drug use as degenerate, then.

They have laws, but not common law.

Duty to rescue is a common law concept.

Russia is a state with civil laws, like France.

Please kill yourself you literal clinical retard.

>dudes in the back wearing masks so they don't catch teh ghey

Are you mentally impaired or something?
Spain doesnt have common law.
France doesnt have common law.
Germany doesnt have common law.
Yes they all have the duty to rescue in some way.
Am i being memed?

So basically exactly the same as normal played-up reality television

>You can do whatever you want
>Actually no lol you can't because police

>is it the law?
>no, but it is common law
what's this common law nonsense all about?

>Hunger games guys! Yeah, rape and shit is legal go for it.....oh yeah but like the laws still work so you'll be arrested almost instantly hehe but go for it! YEAH!

This is literally a rip off of that stupid naked/afraid fad

Common law is a system where justice is largely regulated by judicial precedents.

Civil law is a system where justice is largely regulated by codified legal statutes.

Duty to rescue is a concept derived from the former system, which Russia does not have.

Dont respond to shitposters.

>implying that kind of shit isn't degeneracy
>Russian disinformation agent detected

>I have literally no understanding of geopolitical and legal concepts and consider anyone who does a shitposter

The only thing worse is that there are actually retards in this thread that buy into this.

>The entire purpose of communism is social justice. The Soviet Union was formed to combat perceived social injustice, they were literally by definition social justice warriors.

You are wrong on so many levels but especially when it comes to overlooking Soviet Union conservatism and patriotism\nationalism.

There is nothing faggy/degenerate with murder and rape silly westerner

Yes I'm sure it will be so real, so very real.

Much real

>i portray russia as a lawless shithole on a taiwanese sandcastle forum to shill for a dumb tv show
I dont see how this isnt shitposting.

why not just bring back real gladiator battles

So it's just a documentary on life in the Gulags?

It still goes, you just have to be willing to be able to outrun the police as well. There's no reason you can't win this and be a fugitive at the same time.

well, you clearly overestimate the amount of fucks they give about that type of shit
i remember that reality show in serbia where the contestant were kept prisoners, beaten, and things like and they had to pay the production to get away of the house

what a fucking retarded show, you cant really kill/rape/fight,,, it will be down to survive in the snow 9 months, fucking boring

>people who are interested in social justice can't be patriots or nationalists

Another retarded Americuck.

God I wish the US has been nuked to death with all its retarded inhabitants who can only think in black and white.

Then whats the fucking point in going out into some nothing shithole in the first place?
You can do the exact same thing anywhere and then run from the police.

>Let's show these fags by forcing them to do extremely gay shit with us!
Russians are basically "white" niggers. There's no reason to treat homos like that just because they're homos.

But my post literally says that Russia has an established system of laws. You don't have reading comprehension.

Their system of laws is simply different from the American or British system of laws, which are common law while Russia has civil law.

In what way does the Soviet Union's conservatism and Socialist patriotism invalidate the fact that the end goal of communism is a stateless, classless society thereby achieving their vision of social justice?

rev up that anecdotal evidence because i sure am ready to believe everything on the internet

To win the competition? I don't understand your point. The way this game is different from other games is that in most gameshows like this you would probably be disqualified if you broke the law.

There isnt a single non degenerate in that photo.
I wish all russians would be gassed desu senpai

I love how upset non-American cockroach vermin get at the mere existence of my beautiful nation. Whatever shithole you reside in must be beyond miserable.

>Those who get into danger or cannot face the gruelling conditions can use a 'panic button' with a satellite connection. He promises they will be quickly rescued, and leave the show.

For all the retards who actually thought the production team would let them die

the soviet union pretty much abandoned that end goal with stalin

I'd get it, if they won a trillion dollars or some shit, but why bother going out into the wild, cannibalizing some dude, only to go back home and most likely end in prison?
Just to win some arbitrary game?


I'm sure there will be shit happening, well, "shit is happening" which is probably not real.

Bring in a trained bear, get some shots of the bear sniffing around the tent. OMG SUCH GRAVE DANGER

Get some serfs to make a big bank of snow near a campsite. THIS AVALANCHE ALMOST TOOK THEM OUT.

And so on.

Thank you.
Now can we all agree that this show is going to be shit?

He literally said that wasn't the end goal. He killed Trotsky for wanting open borders. Russia was to be patriotic and WWII was to be called the Great Patriotic War.

Why the fuck would anyone ever want to actually do this

There are so many easier methods of getting 15 minutes of fame these days

If you win by murdering the other contestants and are awarded the prize, wouldn't the showrunners be accessory to murder?

>rape and murder is allowed
>you'll get arrested if you rape or murder

So in what way is it allowed? Sounds like you'll get arrested and removed from the game over it, which seems pretty "not allowed" to me.

>Why the fuck would anyone ever want to actually do this
Virgin neckbeards who can't get a gf and believe that they may be able to become a "white knight" and save a grill from danger

>mfw try to go up to grill to say hello
>get stabbed by her

Prostitution is in literally almost every country and it's the world's oldest profession. I wouldn't necessarily lump it in with your definition of degenerate.

Cant find anything in english, but the show was called "farma". Its well known in the balkans

No, in Russia, TV producers can unilaterally suspend any laws that get in the way of artistic expression. Such as the law against murder.

What do they win?

Must be a shit ton of cash for those kind of conditions

Reminder: Rome had the Colosseum for so many years and no one seemed to mind that.

I still have no fucking idea how any government can allow murder for entertainment

>What do they win?
The HONKA HONKA Jared Leto Joker cut of Suicide Squad that can only be viewed once in a very dark cinema that no one knows where it exists.

You're allowed to leave Russia and move to a better country.

>One video of Russians beating a faggot proves that Russia is morally superior to America
You're an idiot.

> surviving 9 months in Siberia
> degenerate

What the fuck are you going on about?

TVs weren't a thing back then and people just like seeing other people getting hurt and/or killed.

Yes, but there's a reason I used the word "rampant". Pretty much one in every three Russian women had taken part in some sort of prostitution in her life. Sex means nothing for them and they start doing it casually as early as 12.

i unironically think you should be allowed to have such a show. If it's volontary offcourse. You could for example use prisoners and the winner gets out of the prison as reward etc

Sounds like a premise for a fuckload of awful movies

>You could for example use prisoners and the winner gets out of the prison as reward etc
This but make it a rule that only those who are sentenced to life can participate, not those who can be out in 5 or 10 years time.

so? it's a good idea

This. Would Trump allow it?


>common law
Common law is a name for Anglo-Saxon legal system.
Civil law which is used in most of continental Europe derives from Roman law, which also influenced common law.
I have no idea what you meant with your post.
And "duty to rescue", if it means what I think you meant, exists in civil law systems too.

>more abortions than births
>a third of all women engaged in prostitution at one point of their lives
>rampant alcoholism and lethal drugs use
No Dimitry, you are the degenerates

It would be nice for you to provide some sources for your wild claims.

>Producers say that anything goes, including rape and murder,
>although they warn people taking part that they're still subject to the rule of law and can be arrested at any time.
pick one

>inb4 Russia makes the Purge legal

maybe if he go full fuhrer as the liberals say he could send illegals to such games and the winner don't get deported

>Don't believe the Sup Forums memes coming from fat virgins who never leave their basement.
Except they are the ones who are actually removing your fucking ISIS from Syria, ameritard nu-male.

>Duty to rescue is a common law concept.
American education at its finest

9 out of every 10 American and European women are coal burners which is much worse.

Will they have cameras up? What if a man and women is left alive and then the women lies that she got raped and he can't prove he didn't?

This is actually a really good point. We didn't really outgrow coliseums so much as we just learned how to make fake violence/suffering/death convincing enough to satisfy the same primal urges to see people get killed/hurt.

>Just like in The Hunger Games, viewers will be able to donate gifts to their favourites.
>If they're in trouble or want to leave the show, they can hit a panic button on a satellite phone and be rescued.
>The winner will get 100m roubles (£1.3m), or if there's more than one winner, a share of the total.

It's literally marketing and hype but it's Russia and because they watched few videos and saw few pictures Westerners think it's real.
The fact you're talking about it means producers succeeded. You naive children.

>and no one seemed to mind that
Intellectuals found it disgusting and barbaric

maybe thats why public executions where popular up until the 20th century