Harry Potter is about a great magician being put in the shadow by a some mediocre kid

Harry Potter is about a great magician being put in the shadow by a some mediocre kid.

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nice hair faggot

malfoy would be the perfect fuccboi

Exactly, it screams terrible, lazy writing, we get it. But then again what else could you expect from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Malfoy a shit

I just read this whole thing for the first time and I would like an honest answer. What is the origin of this text and why is it being posted in every single Harry Potter thread? Is it quoting someone famous or is it just some guy spamming some post he thinks is really good for whatever reason? What is the relevance of the books in the image? Please help me understand this.

While it shits all over Harry Potter, it's also mocking the 'patricians' on Sup Forums and /lit/. It's why the image is such a meme.

>atlas shrugged

>mocking the 'patricians' on Sup Forums and /lit/
This is what Harry potter drones have convinced themselves for liking such mediocrity

Malfoy was based. It's a shame that the actor lost all his hair though.

You can tell he and Harry were fucking on the side.



The entire story would be much improved if Draco Malfoy was a girl. Prove me wrong, protip you can't

Draco Malfoy and the Forbidden Forest
Draco Malfoy and the New Broomstick
Draco Malfoy and the Dumb Teacher

imagine if this aryan wizard and Luna would have a babby?

>1000+ page polemic that could have easily been edited down to just Galt's speech

I will speak for you. I speak for all mediocrities in the world.

Forgot image

>not enjoying the 400 pages of high stakes railroad development

no, it's about a pedo school headmaster molesting kids and erasing their memories after


>Enjoying 800 pages of
>Strawman side characters: I AM UNREASONABLE
>Objectivist main characters: I am reasonable

I liked certain parts of the book but GOD DAMN did it drawl on. Literally pages upon pages describing some emotion a character felt in a thousand different ways. SHE FEELS BETRAYED, WE GET IT!!!
The whole thing should have been cut down to 300-400 pages.

goddam nigga

Lord of the Rings is also about that as well. just replace wizard for hobbit.

i would prefer if he accidentally casted a spell on himself that permanently turned him into a girl. He blame this on Potter but all his revenge schemes ends up with him being sexually assaulted

Draco would have been a good kid had he been raised by non-shit parents.

How to know someone hasn't read the book
Its the "bad guys" who are trying to maintain the status quo, the main characters are the ones willing to take a chance on themselves and say nah, I'll do it this way even though no one believes it can work.

Dude it's a children's book.

>Super Tsundere Draco chan taunts Harry with her friends
>Harry puts Draco chan in a freeze spell and have his way with her along with the Weasley brothers and Ron
>Harry puts on the invisible cloak and 'visits' her during bedtime

The stories just write themselves.

FemDraco would have sparked more boner and sexual awakenings than Luna and Hermione combined.

Why are there so many Harry Potter shill threads lately, and Sup Forums still had the nerve to call themselves a patrician board

>whiny bitch who got everything handed to him through nepotism

No thanks

It's actually about Hermione getting hotter and hotter with each movie

>>whiny bitch who got everything handed to him through nepotism
you described harry

So harry?

>changing the title
it was better before

thats why its bad

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or tumblr you cancerous Sup Forums scum

You talking about Hermione who (in the movies) does all the important work only for Harry to then somehow beat Voldemort by pure luck (on several occasions) and be the one to be hailed as hero.

Lmao that image is so wrong.

Imagine if Luna sucked my dick.


Did we not talk about this enough last thread, or are you not done jerking off to your Sup Forums fantasies?

I always thought Rowling made a mistake by writing Harry as just some lucky moron. He never put any effort into his schoolwork.

utter garbage


I'll mention it in every HP thread until you like it faggot

Absolutely, the sexual tension between her and Harry would have made their rivalry a million times better.

the best thing about HP is that it is great material for YTPs:


did luna have autism?

Yes, well done OP, well done.

HOWEVER, if Malfoy was the protagonist it'd make his character pretty dull and the story as a whole less intriguing.

>implying there was no sexual tension between them

Almost all the threads are made by 1 pleb and some new shit. The former gets upset when you point it out though.

>be Harry Potter
>best friends are bumbling dweeb and bookish girl
>bookish girl becomes total babe in later years
>be there for her literally all the time when no one else is
>save her life
>even let her drag you back in time just to rescue some gay ass mystical animal she's fond of
>on top of all that be an awesome guy in general who saves the world from the most powerful dark wizard on the planet multiple times
>she falls for your chav friend who can't even go into a dark room alone without shitting himself
>have to stare at her bounding along next to you on every adventure, her perky voluminous breasts bouncing atop her lithe teenage body, knowing you'll never so much as touch them while your greasy mate gets to paw amateurishly at them every single night

>remember that you can bang your friend's little sister whenever and wherever you want
>think that life is all right after all

feels bad man

>tfw to intelligent too enjoy anything Harry Potter related aside from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by the esteemed Ai researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky

Draco's character was much better in it too

The Weasleys with the exception of Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie should have been shoved in a gas chamber while Harry and Hermione held the door shut

fuck YOU!

When did Malfoy get these?
>a ridiculously effective map of Hogwarts
>the best invisibility cloak in the entire world
>all of his parents money under his control
>the headmaster's favoritism
>a Firebolt
>a position on his House's quidditch team as a first year
Are we supposed to feel sorry for Harry again?
By the way, the top two things are really shitty for the story and the idea of exploration desu

>Harry puts on the invisible cloak and 'visits' her during bedtime

>she'd probably be thinking about her father while fucking you

Literally the fedora tipper's fanfic.
This is (ded) ffkino: fanfiction.net/s/9632356/1/The-Taste-Of-Your-Magic

Rowling literally said that it was a mistake having Her end up with Ron

>your chav friend
>A chav

Do you actually know what a chav is user?

I agree with this statement

>tfw you imagine her fathers face when he finds out a filthy low born wizard lovingly defiles his bloodline on an almost nightly basis

kinda like the relationship with my gf's family

Why would you think about anyone else when you're with this English Rose.

Ginny is a transparent Joanne Rowling insert


you just know shes going to age horribly

harry is the ultimate cuck

>going to
What an optimistic young man you are.

Was it autism?

Really though.

Dubs confirm gas extermination of shit tier Weasleys

The text was taken from an Armond White critic. And I'm guessing that the image was made by that tripfag Quentin, but I'm not sure.

Will Rowling ever make another proper HP novel? (cursed child doesn't count)

She'll cave in and make 7 sequels

If Malfoy was genderswapped, his dad would have to be genderswapped too.

He wouldn't have a dad, he would have a mum.

>implying there'll be any reluctance on her part

I think she really didn't want to write anything after HP. but changed her mind a few years down the road

Someone please link a doujin where Harry does weird shit with femdraco

I never had the idea of femdraco but I definitely thought a lot when I was younger about how easy it would have been to be sneaking around at night in hogwarts

>too intelligent to enjoy x
go back to r/atheism


HP is single handedly responsible for the state of millennial "culture". The fantasy of a magical system where the operator just points and says a word and immense powers are focused for your benefit, without any real effort or risk or expenditure of effort or energy, is the primary seed of the entitlement and hidebound autistry of this generation.

Draco has a mom and a dad, what the fuck are you talking about

I'm sorry Bonnie, but that's one of the flattest chests I've ever seen

Goddamn, and I thought Milla Jovovich was flat.

>implying thats a bad thing

The one you're fucking imagining someone else in your place is a bad thing, yes. The father complex would be fine by itself though.

even old professor trelawney has better tits than her

So you're Asian and she's white?

hello no, I'm mexican

I like it. There really should have been a slytherin student who helped the hp crew or something.

yeah but she didn't show her face till the later films

Tatty second-hand tat

"I'm Gay"
"Good lord, are you really?"

Harry fuck me