I seent it

i seent it

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Quickly, do we need to? Thanks

It had better music than RO desu

>Masterchief turns around and lowers his hood

Right, because I thought i'd just collect the toys, I'm not in the mood for it.

Jesus, now I know why the movie felt so familiar. Even the final shots are similar.

(im assuming u mean see rogue one)nah u dont need to see it, i mean it's fine like if u want to go for it but its not something that i'd say u really gotta see or anything

its soulless piece of shit...

Yeah, feels a bit weird for Christmas. I'd rather play the electric grabber machine. Are there any must sees over the holidays?

I've heard good things about La La Land but i live in buttfuck nowhere so i haven't seen it yet

Yeah, I got that exact vibe, especially given that the third act is a page by page remake, don't mind it though, Reach was great, it was good to see a Star Wars movie that wasn't a trite, predictable reboot.

>Reach was great

I'm buying a star wars dolly on Monday!

'Musical about everyday life '
It would need to be bare knuckle good with a schtick like that

does that mean Halo is good?

Would this be the Halo version of the Vader massacre?

Vader gets it on in the new film?

funny how faceless video game characters are better written that the garbage in rogue one

I've not seen it

ive sawn it

Never played Gaylo

So for Christmas we've got hail ceasr, what's on at the cinema?

I disagree, saw it an hour ago, it's a proper movie which gives a nice premise to a new hope.

Black r2d2 have much of a sub plot?

Anyone seen black r2d2?

There's a toy?

Comes out everywhere Jan 6th.
I feel your pain.

Just got out of the theater a few mins ago, the last act was pure kino especially the Vader scene

>a prequel not made by the original people who made the beloved trilogy it corresponds to that fucks up the lore and creates inconsistencies and you dont care about any of the characters

Pure Hellenistic ceramics

Was there a black r2 unit?

Not that I can recall. I don't think so

wow you really got him man


Halo Reach made me cry

Rogue One made me feel nothing

Should have kept the original ending where Vader slaughtered them all in close quarters

What movie is the best "everyone dies one by one" kino?

>and the good news?
>that was the good news

You better go and see it again

In R1, the rest of the team never even know when someone dies. There's no dwelling on any deaths, not even a pause for sadness (besides jin) - the movie just moves on without them as if they don't exist

I want to feel sad when people die but it's as if R1 either didn't try or didn't even want me to

I expect the plot kept them busy

Yeah they've got quite a few on sale

>Halo Reach made me cry
Jorge was the only character worth caring about and he died first, Reach's story was garbage

reach was made by the original guys though

>have kept the original ending where Vader slaughtered them all in close quarters
What original ending? The one in the comic?

I kinda wanted it to end exactly like how Star Wars started.

I just beat reach yesterday. I think the story was fine. I only own a 360 and will probably never play 4 or 5 so I looked up their stories and 5 was pants on head retarded.

It's the best Halo game

Yeah with the siren . People don't know how to make films anymore. I think Disney have bought a bit of a white elephant

no. aside from it killing the pistol halo 3 is objectively the best.

>it's a proper movie which gives a nice premise to a new hope.
it got pretty good from the rainy planet part, before that I thought it was kinda boring.
>dat ending scene with Vader force fucking all those rebels

Alright doesn't change the fact that all of Reach's characters were garbage and the plot was literally nothing until Cortana showed up

Halo is actually not very good. People don't rate it the same way they do Tomb Raider

Stop being so fucking edgy

Cortana is worst girl

I agree the characters were garbage but the whole plot was just the beginning of the covenant invasion. Theres really not much to do with that. Group of spartans find out a secret covenant force is massing on reach so the kill shit and save civilians.

Loss is imminent so the Dr tells them to get cortana off the planet. 6 takes her to the pillar of autumn where MC is and the autumn bails and ends at a halo ring.

What else would you have done? Its just setting up for halo ce

>I never had any friends to play Halo with
It's okay to be autistic

That bitch. Isn't that a car?

I think MC in a room of grunts would be enough.

>Reddit: The Reaction Image
Back to /r/blackpeopletwitter you go, kiddo. Gotta be 18+ to post here.

Why hasn't Star Wars hired on Marty O'Donnell?

final destination

Well that's not how real life works (yeah I know its a movie). It would be overdone if they had a 30 sec scene of everyone grieving each time a character died. But the Jyn and Rebel Intel dude didn't even have knowledge of some of the deaths.

Rogue One was supposed to feel like a war movie, not everyone gets dramatic deaths. instead its kinda like the end of Saving Private Ryan. Characters get taken out with a grenade, end of story.

I mean if you place the characters into a real life situation, yeah they figured they lost some people, but they also had bigger issues to deal with.

First half was very dull, last half was awesome

last ten minutes was maybe the best 10 minutes of the entire saga

A Halo sequel represented the disabled better than Rogue One. At least Bungie didn't brag about it.

That'd be the great escape

Does the movie at least look good? I'd be entertained just by that.

3>1>2>Reach>odst >power gap>shit>watery shit> 4&5

Unfortunately no. All the CGI looks incredibly shitty aside from the actors.

I don't think you know what those greater than signs mean.

>>Reddit: The Reaction Image

yours is not any better than his

is not as good as
Halo V - Direct to Video

newfag cuck, came here from /r/the_cheeto huh kiddy? go back

Can you tell me what the rocket racoon's role is and the white wookie's? the more scenes with actual aliens the better.

Holy fuck nobody here even knows what that is

Never post on Sup Forums again you fucking clown

It was made by a B-team of bungie led by a couple people who did work on the trilogy.

Did they all die in the end?

No, The Empire made it out ok.

>s (yeah I know its a movie). It would be overdone if they had a 30 sec scene of everyone grieving each time a character died. But the J
They could have aknowledged it, said a little prayer or something.

Someone said there was a black r2d2?


>tfw Reach is my favorite Halo

Maybe I should watch this, people keep making comparisons to the two.

>it's edgy to like a popular movie

Reach was the last decent Halo before the series went to complete shit.

Likewise, this will be the last Star Wars that is even remotely good.

>Wars that is even remotely g
Is there release dates for post star-wars force films?


Is this the hottest new may may?

Is it wrong that Reach is my favorite Halo?

The storytelling in it was amazing

I'm walking as we type to buy the model, better check with /toy

Name three inconsistencies right now.

Reach and ODST are my top two Halo games (followed by Combat Evolved). Only plebs rank Halo 2 or 3 highly

My nigga, ODST was great

>Only plebs rank Halo 2 or 3 highly
Wrong. Halo 2 and 3 had the best multiplayer. It's a videogame faggot.

>playing multiplayer
nigga you just went full plebeian

I had a big dumb grin on during that part and I don't give a shit. It was great, something I've wanted to see since I was a little kid.

>said a little prayer
Did we see the same movie? The chink prayed for his blind friend when he died and he definitely lost it when he knew the pilot was dead.


Good man.

You fucking idiot. I'm glad you missed out

Who did DARF VADER kill?

Reach was the worst, they should have followed the book instead of making it "who can have the noblest death competition". Characters were shit, story was non-existant (aliens came to our planet and we died, the end) and the whole armor mod swap out feature was useless.

Your favorite game is shit buddy, 2 wasn't much better but at least it went somewhere, 3 was much better and wasn't so fucking stupid.

Though the space combat was fun, I had a blast with that, too bad it was for -ONE- -GODDAMN- -MISSION-!

>I don't play multiplayer on my game that was popular because of its multiplayer

>I don't play multiplayer because I'm a manchild and social interaction scares me.

I miss Bungie Halo