Well Sup Forums, why?

Other urls found in this thread:


AYYYY he's got my last name

But yeah this is a problem imo

India was a big part of WW2 and it never gets discussed


Kinda fucking stupid but whatever

I mean WWII had other races fighting in it. Nolan is a pretty big history buff I don't think he'll omit that stuff completely, whatever.

My question is: As someone who doesn't have a twitter account is it just people who piss and moan about anything and everything all the time?

>that profile picture

Not at Dunkirk you retard

>why would anyone want to see a war film ever
these people are actually retarded, aren't they?

>is it just people who piss and moan about anything and everything all the time?
no, that's Sup Forums

Why doesn't anyone talk about China in WW2? Didn't they have like 6 gorillion casualties?

Yeah I know but its ridiculous how almost all of the WW2 movies are shown as only white dudes fighing (and maybe Japan) When several nations were involved and contributed






>Probably the most unusual posting of any unit of the Indian Army during World War II was in 1940, when four mule companies of the Indian Army Service Corps joined the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France, and were evacuated from Dunkirk with the rest of the BEF in May 1940


>But yeah this is a problem imo
How is it a problem you shit?

Fucking Patel and Panjeet weren't marching into Berlin alongside Ivan and Viktor.

Nolan sees completely bong when he gets loose, like in this thing the frogs should be the heroes.
I mean the faggot turned every other Batman character into a bong...i dunno why even...

why would anyone want to see a movie with shitskins?

i'm purposely watching older/non-american movies just so i don't have to see a nigger or another shit skinned undesirable in every scene.

>mule companies

>this entire post
what the fuck

the word "tumblr" gets thrown out a lot around here but geez

feel free to go back at anytime

>AYYYY he's got my last name
go back to prison Dinesh

Yes they were white boy

Fucking BTFO

White men should sit the next war out. Let women and "POC" fight it.

>four mule companies
Wouldn't be more than 1,000 men and would likely be far less.


This, white men going to war, getting drafted and dying for corporate interests is nothing more than white patriarchal privilege


Were at dunkirk so what


I wish this would happen. We would see the interracial breeding grounds exist within our life times, just like Louis CK foretold.

People generally don't want to watch films with shitskins in them. And Indians themselves cannot make movies that aren't shitty melodramatic musicals.

without white men there would be no war

Tell that to Pakistan and India

Well without white men there wouldn't be anything at all really.

>Pakistan and India
>Not white
Do you even know what Aryan means you spastic?


now you're just getting too obvious, tone it back a bitš›² 

Poo in loo.

The great congo war, Six million dead, whites not involved.

Literally who?

You're thinking of Jews.

who created the congo? belgium

nice try Leopold


Good point
Nolan has a lot to answer for
Old timers like him have their days numbered

Memes aside, Belgium seriously has a lot to answer for...

>belgium created the congo
>belgium exists
nice try nederland, I'm not falling for your shit

without white men maybe all those niggers in africa would have starved by now.


Yes there would. It'd be Chinks and Nips raping everybody. If all white people died right now, China and India would be the worlds superpowers and they'd be doing the same shit the West is doing. Trying to control the oil in the Middle East.

India wouldn't even be a country without white people.

Well, technically I guess. It was a huge set of kingdoms. So the chances are one would eventually control all of them.

>the four mule companies
>service corps

so a few hundred personnel out of 400,000? congrats pajeet, you'll be wagon wheeling your way to military relevance for the first time since the 1700s sometime soon, I'm sure

It actually does have shoehorned diversity.


Probably no more likely than all of europe being controlled by one kingdom. There are dozens of different major ethnic groups and 5 religions.

when did this get released?

wait, that atonement, fuck me

They got along just fine before Britain colonized them.


why would anyone want to poo in loo?

snort....not sure if bait, lack of historical background, or trying to be ironic


Watch Empire Of The Sun and you'll see China got rolled harder then a hooker for a gram of blow